  • 拉德洛马萨诸州西南部的一城镇,是斯普林菲尔德的工业郊区。它于1774年从斯普林菲尔德划分出去。人口18,820
    A town of southwest Massachusetts, an industrial suburb of Springfield. It was set off from Springfield in1774. Population,18, 820.
  • 对宿客母亲般的慈爱-多萝西·耶斯。
    warm maternal affection for her guest- Dorothy Sayers.
  • 床垫里满了羽毛、棉花或草。
    Mattress are filled with feathers, cotton, or straw.
  • 自从五月花号船到了马萨诸他一家一直住在那儿。
    his family had lived in Masachusetts since the Mayflower.
  • 处女膜一种膜性的褶皱组织,部分或全部闭阴道
    A membranous fold of tissue that partly or completely occludes the external vaginal orifice.
  • 认为拉斯特法里(埃俄比亚的海尔拉西)是救世主而非洲(尤其是埃俄比亚)是应许之地。
    belief in Ras Tafari (Haile Selassie of Ethiopia) as the Messiah and that Africa (especially Ethiopia) is the Promised Land.
  • 西把奥德赛的几个同伴都变成了猪。
    Crice metamorphosed the companions of Odysseus into swine.
  • 有些新的中间商,如(加州)圣何市的ebay公司经营着拍卖站点,它们使用动态定价,这是一个利用web的实时功能,让价格随供求关系自由波动的模型。
    Some of the new middlemen, like eBay Inc. in San Jose, are operating auction sites that use dynamic pricing, a model that exploits the real-time capabilities of the Web to let pricing fluctuate freely based on supply and demand.
  • 海军有3艘中途类航空母舰……和24艘埃克斯类航空母舰,其中9艘为现役,15艘储存备用。
    The Navy has 3 carriers of the Midway class, …and 24 of the Essex class, of which 9 are in active service and 15 in mothballs.
  • 迈尔斯的腿骨折了,巴斯蒂安代替他当了船长。
    Sebastian became captain in place of Miles who had broken his leg.
  • 俄比亚使用的货币单位。
    monetary unit in Ethiopia.
  • 安德洛墨达弗斯和卡西欧匹亚的女儿,其丈夫珀修斯曾把她从海妖手里救出
    The daughter of Cepheus and Cassiopeia and wife of Perseus, who had rescued her from a sea monster.
  • 宫殿,要原指由摩尔人兴建的西班牙宫殿或要
    A Spanish palace or fortress, originally one built by the Moors.
  • 在殖民地时代的马萨诸州,32名无辜人民被法庭下令处死,因为按当时的风俗,他们被认为是魔鬼附身的女巫。一个明显的教训就是:群众的恐惧和偏见往往影响司法的公允。
    In colonial Massachusetts, by judicial order, 32 innocent persons were executed because, by the mores of the day, they were thought to be witches possessed of the devil. An obvious teaching is that common fears and biases make for poor justice.
  • 缪尔·莫尔斯致力于电报一样,贝尔取得成功的关键也在于决心做似乎不可能做到的事。
    Like Sammuel Morse's work on the telegraph, Bell's determination also to do what seemed impossible was the key to his success.
  • 用黏土或灰浆填充
    To fill in with clay or mortar.
  • 这种装置的可移动的控制部分
    The movable control element of such a device.
  • 驱动活或被活驱动的连杆。
    rod that moves or is moved by a piston.
  • 空气经过黏液阻的细支气管时会发生水泡音。
    The rale produced when air passes through mucus-clogged bronchioles.
  • 四十年来斯顿走遍世界各地,他惊人的魔术绝技,风靡了无数的观众,约有六千万以上的观众看过他的表演,而使他有二百万元的收入。
    For forty years he had traveled all over the world, time and again,creating illusions, mystifying audiences, and making people gasp with astonishment. More than 60 million people had paid admission to his show, and he had made almost $2 million in profit.
  • 堵塞…的狭窄裂口
    To fill narrow openings in.
  • 音阻塞音或鼻阻音
    An oral or a nasal stop.
  • 三叉戟海神尼普顿或波冬手持的有三尖头的矛杖
    The three-pronged spear carried by Neptune or Poseidon.
  • 第二天早晨,他发现门都被椅子堵起来了,而且家具都搬动过了。
    The next morning, he found that the doors had been blocked by chairs and the furniture had been moved.
  • 阿特巴拉河非洲东北部一条河流,发源于埃俄比亚西北部,流程约805公里(500英里),在苏丹东部注入尼罗河
    A river of northeast Africa rising in northwest Ethiopia and flowing about805 km(500 mi) to the Nile River in eastern Sudan.
  • 丁肇中,缪尔·赵钟生于1936美国物理学家。他因发现了一种亚原子粒子而与人分享1976年诺贝尔奖
    American physicist. He shared a1976 Nobel Prize for discovering a subatomic particle.
  • ,赫伯特·斯宾1888-1963美国生理学家,1944年因其对神经纤维的研究获诺贝尔奖
    American physiologist. He shared a1944 Nobel Prize for research on nerve fibers.
  • 卡尤族居住在俄勒冈州东北部和华盛顿东南部的北美土著民族
    A Native American people inhabiting northeast Oregon and southeast Washington.
  • 巴郎拉德(挪威)和瓦牛斯二人你争我赶地滑了四千米,然后巴郎拉德才开始渐渐领先,抛开了瓦牛斯。
    Ballangrud (Norway) and Vasenius, paired together, raced neck and neck for 4000 meters before the Norwegian began to pull away.
  • 我的鼻子得很难受。
    My nose is uncomfortably stuffed up.
  • 塞鲁船长没说话。
    Captain Seru said nothing.
  • 那个美国小说家为了给自己的语言增添色彩,在每一页中都进了许多俚语。
    To goose up his language, the American novelist sprinkled each page with slang words.