  • 其实华文的重要性更关系到能巩固华夏文化这块文化基石的问题,事关建立一个优雅社会的文化意义。
    In fact, the importance of the Chinese language arises mainly from the need to absorb our Chinese heritage and to turn it into a strong cultural foundation. This is important in our efforts to build a gracious society.
  • 格雷厄姆有点喜欢同女人寻允作乐,我怀疑他妻子是知道。
    Graham is a bit of a gay dog with the women; I wounder it his wife knows?
  • 1963年格雷厄姆开枪自杀后,他的遗孀对是有能力管好她自家的公司或继续她丈夫的角色做华盛顿的权力经纪人,事实上缺乏信心。
    When Graham shot himself in 1963,his widow had virtually no confidence in her ability to guide her family company or continue her husband's role as Washington power broker.
  • 制定是合乎语法的语言规则。
    a linguistic rule for the syntax of grammatical utterances.
  • 她20岁的曾孙女丽塔问她是还记得自己的婚礼。
    "Do you remember your wedding? " asks her 20-year-old great granddaughter Rita.
  • 那么,善意的祖母是能使米娅顺利成为君主呢?
    Can her well-meaning grandma put her on the road to monarchy?
  • 这里我仅仅指出,只要某种自然要素的数量实际上是无限的,则除非能被人垄断,则它在市场上就不会有任何价值,因为没有人会用东西换取可以无偿得到的东西。
    For the present I shall only remark that so long as the quantity of a natural agent is practically unlimited, it cannot, unless susceptible of artificial monopoly, bear any value in the market, since no one will give anything for what can be obtained gratis.
  • 定牛顿的万有引力,说“如果真是那样的话,地球早被吸到太阳上去了”。
    He has negated Newton's universal gravitation, and said that if Newton's theory were right, the earth would have long been drawn to the sun.
  • 天鹅座x则必须有7个太阳大小的质量,则它将不会有足够的引力来引起hde226868谱线的来回波动。
    Cygnus X-1 must have a mass of about 7 solar masses or else it would not exert enough gravitational pull to cause the wobble in the spectral lines of HDE 226868.
  • 我想问一下这车是沿15大道直至格林威治村。
    I want to ask you if this bus goes down Fifth Avenue as far as Greenwich Village.
  • 弱点:近来的有关传闻怀疑艾斯纳是愿意培植他的接班人。
    Weak spot:Recent spate of defections and well-known feuds leave doubts as to whether Eisner is willing to groom a successor.
  • 弱点:近来的有关传闻怀疑依斯勒是愿意培植他的接班人。
    Weak spot: Recent spate of defections and well-known feuds leave doubts as to whether Eisner is willing to groom a successor.
  • 保证满意否则退钱。
    Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.
  • 在我们不曾亲眼见过断头台前,我们对死刑多少还能漠然视之,不表示自己的意见,不置可;但是,如果我们见到了一座,那种惊骇真是强烈,我们非作出决定,非表示赞同或反对不可。
    One may feel a certain indifference to the death penalty, one may refrain from pronouncing upon it, from saying yes or no, so long as one has not seen a guillotine with one's own eyes: but if one encounters one of them, the shock is violent; one is forced to decide, and to take part for or against.
  • 不可认的罪过;目击者的无可争议的证言。
    undeniable guilt; indisputable evidence of a witness.
  • 他非得中饭前回去,则他妻子会对他不客气。
    He had to return before lunchtime or else his wife would have his guts for garters.
  • 有些人认为,基辛格的父亲被解职,以及他自己从中学被开除出来,随后又被迫进了清一色犹太人的学校,这些经历对他的世界观有深刻的影响,虽然基辛格认这点,但这些经历必然给他留下了一些不可磨灭的烙印。
    Kissinger denies that his father's dismissal from his job and his own expulsion from the Gymnasium where he was a student,followed by forced entry into an all-Jewish school,have had the profound effect upon his outlook on the world that some people attribute to them,but inevitably they must have left some indelible marks.
  • "你油漆墙壁时不能半途而废,则会把事情弄糟的。"
    "You can't go halfway when you're painting the walls. Otherwise, you'll probably make a mess of it."
  • 约翰用玛丽不可认的实例把观点讲得透彻明白。
    John hammered his point home with examples that Mary could not deny.
  • 演讲者用听众不可认的实例把观点讲透。
    The speaker hammered his point home with examples that the listener could not deny.
  • 或许有人会问,这个青年的心态,是正反映了新加坡大多数年轻人的想法?或者只是少数人?
    The mentality of the young man begs the questions: Does the attitude reflect the thinking of the majority of young Singaporeans or just a handful?
  • 他握手是否有力?
    Does he have a strong handshake?
  • 你是否把笔拿好了?
    Have you got your pen handy?
  • 国内的物质发展、农工商业这些因素是受到一视同仁的、相称的培养;
    whether in the nation all the factors of material prosperity, agriculture, manufactures, and trade, have been equally and harmoniously cultivated;
  • 哈罗德现在并不很忙,而你的工作却多得忙不过来,看他是会替你分担一些。
    Harold isn't very busy now, and you've got more work than you can manage, see if he won't take some of it off your hands.
  • 至于哈里特,奈特利先生之所以对她关注,是因为他确实想调查清楚姑娘对他的年轻佃户罗伯特·马丁是仍有爱心。
    As for Harriet, when Mr. Knightley was paying attention to her, he was really trying to determine the real state of her affections for his young farm tenant.
  • 问题在于一旦你开始对克隆问题持有偏见——认为一种假设是符合伦理道德的,而定另一种假设——你所犯的就是最高法院在试图界定什么是色情时犯下的同样的错误。
    The problem is that once you start shading the cloning question -- giving an ethical 0. K. to one hypothetical and a thumbs-down to another -- you begin making the sort of ad hoc hash of things the Supreme Court does when it tries to define pornography.
  • 但除非你已要跟神一道走,则还是不要把你的一切都卖掉。
    But, sell not all thou hast, except thou come and follow me; that is, except thou have a vocation, wherein thou mayest do as much good, with little means as with great; for otherwise, infeeding the streams, thou driest the fountain.
  • 你们能否加快装运?
    Could you manage to hasten the delivery?
  • 你胸部不舒服是很久了?
    Have you have it very long?
  • 杰克逊竞选好像蒙代尔一样,在一个自信富有(不论这种自信正确与)的国家里,以穷人为目标。
    Jackson's campaign, like Mondale's, is targeted on the Have-Nots in a nation that, rightly or wrongly, believes itself to be Haves.
  • 你是还记得几年前袭击科罗拉多州立大学的那场洪水,这场自然灾害使整个校园遭殃。
    If you recall the flood epidemic that hit Colorado State University just a couple summers ago,that natural disaster wreaked havoc all over campus.