Chinese English Sentence:
  • 舔阴用刺激阴蒂或外阴的行为
    Oral stimulation of the clitoris or vulva.
  • 刺激阴蒂或外阴的行为。
    oral stimulation of the vulva or clitoris.
  • 粘膜白斑病一种异常情况,其特征是粘膜,尤其是腔和阴唇的粘膜上出现白点或白斑
    An abnormal condition characterized by white spots or patches on mucous membranes, especially of the mouth and vulva.
  • 赌博时使用的桌子;可以装赌台或筹码投币
    a table used for gambling; may be equipped with a gameboard and slots for chips.
  • 她手插在袋里懒洋洋地从我身边走了过去。
    She slouch past me with her hand in her pocket.
  • 搬弄舌者必是小人。
    Who chatters to you, will chatter of you.
  • 捷克斯洛伐克中欧一国家。尽管第二次世界大战前种族分裂因素导致了内战,1918年还是脱离讲捷克语和斯拉夫语的奥匈帝国而形成独立国家。布拉格是其首都和最大城市。人15,479,642。
    A country of central Europe. It was formed in1918 from Czech-speaking and Slovak-speaking territories of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, although disparate ethnic elements led to internal conflicts before World War II. Prague is the capital and the largest city. Population,15, 479, 642.
  • 懒散的她堵在门;凌乱的白发;不修边幅的外表。
    filled the door with her frowzy bulk; frowzy white hair; slovenly appearance.
  • 印度的it公司还要面对美国经济衰退带来的冲击,他们将要受到的主要影响是对美国的半导体晶片、汽车、电子产品及电脑外设产品的出增长将减少。
    Indian IT companties are also expected to feel the impact of the slowdown in the US in t he form of a downturn in growth in exports of semi?conductor chips, cars, elect ronic goods and computer peripherals to America.
  • 列车已在减速,我们往门走吧。
    The train is slowing down, so let's walk down the corridor.
  • 学家和地理学家把缓慢的情形都归咎于不景气,加州情形尤为严重,以致加州一度蓬勃的经济竟然在全国复苏中落在各州之后。
    Demographers and geographers attribute the slowing largely to the recession, which has hit California particularly hard, leaving its once-robust economy to bring up the rear of the national recovery.
  • 发展缓慢并不是拒绝改革的借,相反,它可以刺激扩大就业,放开市场,改革经营方式。
    Slowing growth is not an excuse for avoiding reform it is an incentive to get on with the job, liberalise the markets, and reform the way we do business.
  • 解决人问题不仅应关注数量,还应强调提高素质和生殖健康水平、提高人类生活质量和福利,实现人的全面发展;
    while slowing-down population growth, efforts should be made to improve the population quality, reproductive health, quality of life and well being in general so as to realize an all-round human development;
  • 伤口好得很慢。
    The wound healed slowly.
  • 可她看上去是那么怒气冲冲,我怕一开,她可能就会给我一拳。
    But the look on her face is so mad that I think she might slug me if I open my mouth.
  • 在对外贸易方面,受亚洲金融危机的冲击,出增长明显放慢;受国内需求等因素的制约,进下降。
    In the area of foreign trade, the growth of export slowed down significantly as a result of Asian financial crises, and the sluggish domestic demand led to a decline of import.
  • 贫民窟里可怕的情形;极坏的错误;经受着可怕的渴。
    fearful slum conditions; a frightful mistake; suffered terrible thirst.
  • 那年夏天,在城市大贫民区巡逻的警察如同置身于火山上。
    The policemen who patrolled the big city slum area that summer were sitting on a volcano.
  • 众口难调。
    It is hard to please all.
  • 这很容易想象斯毛格(smaug)这个卢亚帕禾山中沉睡的"巨龙",一个非常活跃的火山,其斜坡已变成冬季的滑雪胜地。滑雪缆车可以带你越过布满岩浆的荒原到达1000英尺处蒸汽滚滚的火山
    It's easy to imagine Smaug the dragon slumbering in Mount Ruapehu, a very active volcano whose slopes become a popular ski resort in winter, the ski lifts heading over a lava-strewn wasteland to within 1,000ft of the streaming crater.
  • 自然力的征服,机器的采用,化学在工业和农业中的应用,轮船的行驶,铁路的通行,电报的使用,整个整个大陆的开垦,河川的通航,仿佛用法术从地下呼唤出来的大量人,----过去哪一个世纪料想到在社会劳动里蕴藏有这样的生产力呢?
    Subjection of Nature's forces to man, machinery, application of chemistry to industry and agriculture, steam-navigation, railways, electric telegraphs, clearing of whole continents for cultivation, canalisation of rivers, whole populations conjured out of the ground -- what earlier century had even a presentiment that such productive forces slumbered in the lap of social labour?
  • 当前影响经济持续快速健康发展的主要问题是,外贸出形势严峻,外国资本流量减少,集体、个体企业投资低,国内市场不旺,价格水平持续下降。
    The major problems that affect the sustained, rapid and sound economic growth are tough export situation, less flowing - in foreign capital, low investment by the collective and individual enterprises, slump domestic market, and continuously decreasing commodity price.
  • 良药苦口利于病。
    Good medicine for health tastes bitter to the mouth.
  • 铄金,积毁销骨。
    Give a dog a bad name and hang him.
  • “有时我为表现男子汉的气概而操之过度,我们很多人的都这样,”警员波特说,同时向窗外喷了一烟。“我认为我是一个比较积极的警员;总得积极一点吧!我喜欢找真正歹徒的麻烦。不久以前,不成文的规定是,如果有人[在你执行任各时]逃跑而你逮住,你就可以揍他一顿。”
    "Sometimes I get carried away with the macho image; a lost of us do," Officer Pott said, blowing a cloud of cigarette smoke out the window. "I consider myself an aggressive officer; you have to be. I like messing with the real bad guys. Not too long ago, the unwritten rule was if somebody ran on you and you caught'em, you'd smack'em one."
  • 这个单词本是卡通人物荷马-辛普森拍脑门表达悔恨之情的头禅,如今已经成为词典最新补充收录的250个新单词之一。要知道《牛津英文词典》可是英语世界最具权威的词典。
    The cartoon character Homer Simpson's forehead-smacking lament is one of some 250 entries being added today to the dictionary, which is widely considered the leading authority on the English language.
  • 良药苦口。
    A good medicine tastes bitter.
  • 病从口入。
    A close mouth catches no flies.
  • 更有甚者,还会将“小”作为借,说什么“小国无心胸”等等,并感觉心安理得。
    Worse still, some may even rest complacent with such a mindset, finding an excuse in the smallness of the territory.
  • 对新加坡30多来享誉国际碑的辉煌成就,听而不闻。而且,误信道听途说的谎言,歪曲事实,贬低狮城国誉。
    They choose to ignore Singapore’s many achievements over more than 30 years which have earned international recognition, preferring to believe in hearsay and distorted views that smear the island state.
  • 这食品闻起来香味可
    The food smell delicious.
  • 有臭味的脚、臭、难闻的烟
    Smelly feet, breath, fumes