  • 上万的技术人员被派出国,学习现代技术。
    Thousands of technician have been sent out of the country to learn up-to-date technology.
  • 上万的技术人员被派出国,学习现代技术。
    Thousands of technician have is send out of the country to learn up to date technology.
  • 四条腿中每个都装有一个简单的螺旋斤顶,斤顶中又有一个在两根管道中做伸缩操作的推力轴承。
    each of the four legs contains a simple screw jack with a thrust bearing that is operated telescopically inside of two tubes.
  • 肯贝是田纳西州y2k2000年用户组织的主席,他已了解了他的很多it同事还须学习的东西:2000年错误(也称年纪元错误)将深入到企业网络中。
    Kilbane, who chairs the Tennessee Y2K User Group, knows something many of his IT colleagues have yet to learn: The year 2000 bug (also know as the millennium bug) will sink its tentacles deep into enterprise networks.
  • 今天小型水库已有成上万。
    Today small reservoirs number tens of thousands.
  • 在他感召下得到转变和发展的干部,何止万。
    Tens of thousands of cadres have benefited from his help.
  • 但是,成上万接受过训练的恐怖分子仍然逍遥法外。
    yet tens of thousands of trained terrorists are still at large.
  • 城市改革每走一步,都会影响家万户。
    Every step we take in urban reform will affect tens of thousands of families.
  • 可惜,这些专用通信交换机可能很容易地每日吃掉成上万美元的连接费用。
    Unfortunately these private communications exchanges can easily eat up connection charges of tens of thousands of dollars per month.
  • 是个形容词,上万是实质,实际上是一万、两万、几万。
    And what he really meant was "tens of thousands" -- the "thousands" was just thrown in for rhetorical effect.
  • 它是由成上万个元器件、成百上个单元和几十个分系统构成的,涉及到多种学科的知识。
    It is composed of tens of thousands of components, thousands of parts and dozens of branch systems, covering knowledge of many subjects.
  • 日本对中国的损害无法估量,单是死人,中国就死了几万。
    Japan had inflicted untold damage upon China. Tens of millions of Chinese had died in the war, not to mention other losses.
  • 一个爸爸身后为教堂、慈善机构和家人留下数万美元的巨额遗产,而另一个爸爸却只留下一些待付的账单。
    One died leaving tens of millions of dollars to his family, charities and his church. The other left bills to be paid.
  • 9月11日劫持飞机的19个人中,大多数都在阿富汗恐怖训练营接受过训练,那里还训练了成上万的人。
    Most of the 19 men who hijacked planes on September 11th were trained in Afghanistan's camps - and so were tens of thousands of others.
  • 在这些罪名之下,农民议决,某土豪罚款若干,某劣绅罚款若干,自数十元至数元不等。
    This local tyrant must pay so much, that member of the evil gentry so much, the sums ranging from tens to thousands of yuan.
  • 今天成上万的伊拉克人走上街头,表示他们决心追随领袖赴汤蹈火……。
    Today tens of thousands of Iraqis took to the streets to show that they are prepared to march off the cliff with their leader….
  • 社会主义的经济基础很大,吸收几百亿、上亿外资,冲击不了这个基矗
    Our socialist economic base is so huge that it can absorb tens and hundreds of billions of dollars' worth of foreign funds without being shaken.
  • 如果说,一九二七年反动之后,还有许多真三民主义者继续为中国革命而奋斗,那末,在一个民族敌人深入国土的今天,这种人无疑将是成成万的。
    Many followers of the genuine Three People's Principles continued the struggle for the Chinese revolution even after the reaction of 1927, and their numbers will undoubtedly swell to tens upon tens of thousands now that the national enemy has penetrated deep into our territory.
  • 其结果是帝国主义命令它的走狗豪绅买办阶级,伸出百只手来,首先把蒋介石拉去,然后又把汪精卫拉去,使革命陷于失败。
    The result was that when imperialism ordered its lackeys, the landlord and comprador classes, to spread their numerous tentacles and draw over first Chiang Kai-shek and then Wang Ching-wei, the revolution suffered defeat.
  • 但是姐妹俩当时都只有19岁,而德克萨斯的法定饮酒年龄为21岁,因此这对美国"第一金"都还没有达到法定的酗酒年龄。
    Both were 19 at the time. The legal drinking age in Texas is 21.
  • 人观看感恩节游行队伍。
    Thousands viewed the Thanksgiving Day parade.
  • 假如你有浓重的怪腔调——不论是潮州腔,或是前英国首相撒切尔夫人般的超强英国腔——万要改掉。
    If you have a strong or strange accent, be it Teochew or Thatcher, drop it by all means.
  • 有成上万未向警察报告的偷窃案。
    There are thousands of unreported cases of theft.
  • 近几年,中国出版了上百种人权学术专著,在各种报刊杂志上发表的有关人权的论文数以计。
    In recent years nearly a hundred academic books on human rights have been published. Over a thousand theses on human rights have been published in various newspapers and magazines.
  • 一次痛苦的经验抵得上百次告戒.
    One thorn of experience is worth a whole wilderness of warming
  • 人就业被削减了。
    Several thou- sand job be to be axed.
  • 可是那是真万确的呢。
    It was quite true, though.
  • 他脑中思绪万千。
    Many thoughts passed through his mind.
  • 这个小男孩能够数到一
    The little boy can count up to a thousand.
  • 听众至少也有五人。
    The audience was not less than five thousand.
  • 她每月从投资中得到一英镑收入.
    She has a thousand pounds a month coming in from her investments.
  • 有一千个刎。
    There are a thousand.