  • 循环信贷(一俟偿还部债款即自动恢复到原定数额)
    Credit that is automatically renewed up to a fixed amount, as part of the debt is paid
  • 析股票行情的专业人士说,稳定在那个水平对市场是个好征兆。自那个水平跌落将会再度引起[股票]抛售。
    Stability at that level augurs well for the market, analysts say, while a plunge through it could spark renewed selling [of stocks].
  • 如果雷诺阿的真品就在我面前,我也不能辨其是真品还是得复制品。
    I wouldn't know an original Renoir from a copy if it looked me in the face.
  • 中央政府对达赖喇嘛的政策是一贯的,希望他放弃裂,回到爱国统一的立场上来。
    The central government has adopted a consistent policy towards the Dalai Lama. It urges him to renounce separatism and return to the stand of patriotism and unity.
  • 义和团子中国秘密组织成员,该组织曾于1900年试图用暴力将外国人驱逐出去并迫使中国基督徒放弃他们的宗教信仰,但以失败告终
    A member of a secret society in China that unsuccessfully attempted in1900 to drive foreigners from the country by violence and force Chinese Christians to renounce their religion.
  • 我们决不承诺放弃使用武力,不是针对台湾同胞的,而是针对外国势力干涉中国统一和台湾裂势力搞"台湾独立"图谋的。
    Our position of never undertaking to renounce the use of force is not directed at our Taiwan compatriots. It is aimed at the foreign forces' attempts to interfere in China's reunification and the Taiwan separatist forces' schemes for "Taiwan independence".
  • 我们有最大的诚意努力实现和平统一,但不能承诺放弃使用武力,我们完全有能力制止任何“台独”裂图谋。
    While we do have the greatest sincerity to work for a peaceful reunification, we cannot and will not undertake to renounce the use of force. We are fully capable of checking any attempt to split China by seeking Taiwan's "independence".
  • 该政府已放弃用武力对付国际恐怖子。
    The government has renounced the use of force in dealing with international terrorists.
  • 的显示,使优点突出。
    bring out fully or to advantage.
  • 他老是先得到一分。
    He always takes the advantage.
  • 盘末平局占先网球中的优势
    An advantage in tennis.
  • 这优势是谁得到的?
    Whose advantage is it?
  • 把全部或部的租赁物再租给另一个人。
    lease or rent all or part of (a leased or rented property) to another person.
  • 哥伦布大道上的其他商户责备房东把房租订得离谱。根据房地产零租一般规矩来说,房租不应超过营业额的百之十。
    Other merchants on Columbus Avenue blame landlord for charging what the merchants call impossible rents. A rule-of-thumb in retail real estate is that rent should not exceed 10 percent of sales.
  • 大部的租车公司甚至还有周末特价呢。
    Most of the rental companies even have weekend specials.
  • 大部人在当地电影出租或影像商店里所看到的dvd被称为dvd-5。
    What most people find at the local movie rental or video store is called a DVD-5.
  • 被占用的租赁单位或在给定时间占有租赁物的百比。
    the percentage of all rental units (as in hotels) are occupied or rented at a given time.
  • 此外,又负责管理辖下的公共租住屋、中转房屋、临时安置所、层工厂大厦,以及附属商业及社区设施。
    It manages public rental housing estates, interim housing, transit centres, flatted factories and ancillary commercial and community facilities.
  • 在给定时间内未被占用的或未租用单位所占百比。
    the percentage of all rental units (as in hotels) that are unoccupied or not rented at a given time.
  • 股份有限公司的所有权属于股东,他们享的所有权通过股票的形式体现出来。
    The owners of a corporation are its stockholders whose shares of ownership are rep-resented by stock certificates.
  • 佛罗里达[选情]:共和党众议员康尼·麦克,为了赢得即将退休的民主党奇尼斯的参院席位,曾试图给民主党温和派众议员麦凯扣上一顶自派的帽子。根据意测验,两人难轩轾。
    Florida- To win retiring Democrat Lawton Chiles' Senate seat, GOP Rep. Connie Mack has tired to pin the liberal label on Rep. Buddy MacKay, a moderate Democrat. Polls show the race too close to call.
  • 外科手术的进步使捐赠者能够提供肾脏、肝脏以及部肺片。
    Surgical advances allow donors to give kidneys and liver and lung fragments.
  • 其中柯特-万顿(cuntwddon)(rpa),自1995年起任众议院武装队委员会r&d会的主席,对于由doe制定由hazeldleany实验室实行的“开放政策”的有害影响进行一番评价后,说:?
    One of them,Rep. Curt Weldon [R PA], chairman since 1995 of the R & D Subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee, after commenting at length about the deleterious effect of the "Openness" policy instituted at DOE by Secretary Hazel O'Leary on the Labs, said:
  • 凭藉按揭证券背对背结构,银行可以有效地把按揭组合“重新包装”,变成流动性更高的组合;银行如保留按揭证券为投资组合的一部,也可以保留大部现金流量。
    The back-to-back structure allows banks to effectively 'repackage' their mortgage portfolios into more liquid portfolios and to maintain the majority of the cash flow if they hold the MBS in their own investment portfolio.
  • 借款人须由获得贷款之日起计的第四年开始,按年息两厘及以等额期付款方式,120期摊还贷款。
    The loan is repaid in 120 equal instalments starting from the fourth year after the loan is made. Interest is charged at two per cent a year.
  • 下一步所需要的是一个铁一般的承诺:在各共和国实行一贯的市场改革以后,给予实际的援助。援助须充,但不必过多以免以为[受援国的]重负。大部可用长期贷款方式,一旦各共和国能自力更生时便偿还。
    What's needed next is an ironclad commitment of substantial aid to be delivered after the republics coherent market reforms. The aid, while large, won't be onerous. And much of it can be in the form of long-term loans to be repaid by the republics once they're on their feet.
  • 每年还贷款时,他必须付一定百比的利息,大约8%。
    Every year until he repays the loan, he must pay acertain percentage of it as interest--perhaps 8%.
  • 那部跟整体比起来有多大?
    how big is that part compared to the whole?; the repairman simply replaced the unit.
  • 大部家用电子设备将通过远程诊断得到维修,但也有一些修理工作仍需要通过可视电话寻求上门服务。
    Remote diagnostics will take care of most of your home electronics, but a few repairmen will still make house calls via video phone.
  • 欣赏一场精彩的辩论会,不单是一种听觉上的享受,而且也有助于提高本身的知识水平和析能力。
    A good debating contest is more than a feast for the ear. The contestants' brilliant delivery and repartee can be a tonic for one's intellect as well.
  • 当局的政策是把他们视为非法入境者,并把他们遣返内地。当局别从陆路及以飞机把这些非法入境者批遣返。
    The government's policy has been to treat them as illegal immigrants and to repatriate them to the Mainland, in batches, by land and air.
  •  其他合格投资者汇入本金满一年后,可以委托托管人持规定的文件向国家外汇局申请期、批购汇汇出本金。
    Other types of QFII can mandate their custodians, with the submission of required documents, to apply to SAFE to repatriate the principals by stages and by batches one years after their remittance of the principals.