  • 新达尔文主义由现代遗传学正的达尔文主义
    Darwinism as modified by the findings of modern genetics.
  • 数据库explorer用于数据库开发和表格正中的拖放。
    Database explorer for drag and drop database development and table modification.
  • 为此,他白天上班,晚间自英语,走过了一段极其艰难的自学之路。
    As a result, he worked in the daytime and studied English at night. This form of self-study was extremely hard work and developed his mental toughness.
  • 这孩子喜欢摆弄汽车,黛比·格莱特心中想道。看见窗外儿子詹姆斯正在理一辆奥尔兹汽车,她不觉微微一笑。
    That boy loves working on cars,Debbie Gullett smiled,glancing out the window of her home to see her son James tinkering with an Oldsmobile.
  • 日版中改为12月8号,这是日本发动进攻那一刻的东京时间。
    in Japan the shot will reveal Dec.8. which is when the attack occurred Tokyo time.
  • (2)在《外商投资产业指导目录》(1997年12月订版)中,对于投资中西部的外商投资项目条件放得更宽,如日产4000吨及以上水泥熟料新型干法生产线,仅在中西部地区可列为鼓励类,单机容量30万千瓦以下常规煤电列为限制(乙)类,但边远山区除外,实际上也是针对中西部地区。
    2. In the "Catalogue of Foreign Investment Industry Guidance"(Dec. 1997 Revised Version), conditions for foreign investment projects in western regions were much more relaxed. For instance, those cement projects that have a capacity of 4,000 tons daily can be classified into the category of encouragement; those coal burning power plants with a capacity of 300 MW per unit are classified into the limitation B category, except for remote areas. This policy is actually pointing at the mid and western regions.
  • 拓展署现正就多项大型发展工程计划进行可行性研究,以提供发展用地和迁置现时的人口,并提供或改善各种设施,以便旧区和失的地区进行重建工作。
    The Territory Development Department is conducting feasibility studies of several major development projects to provide new land for growth and to decant existing population and to provide or upgrade facilities to enable the re-development of old and run-down areas.
  • 对损坏的树木的剪。
    treatment of damaged or decaying trees.
  • 整支电车车队共有164辆电车,包括两辆开篷古典电车,供游客和私人租用,以及一辆特别维电车。这支车队是世界上唯一全由双层电车组成的车队。
    The company's 164 trams, including two open-balcony trams for tourists and private hire and one special maintenance tram, make up the world's only fully double-decker tram fleet.
  • 装饰性的用作装璜或饰的;装饰的
    Serving to decorate or embellish; ornamental.
  • 雇一名专业装饰工来装房子
    Hired a professional to decorate the house.
  • 有必要装这间教室。
    It is necessary to decorate the classroom.
  • 装饰饰如通过装使美化;装饰
    To make beautiful, as by ornamentation; decorate.
  • 有条纹或以条纹为饰。
    marked or decorated with stripes.
  • 房屋已装修完毕。
    The building has been decorated.
  • 他装房屋的里面和外面。
    He decorated his house within and without.
  • 我们现在正在装修。
    We're having it decorated at the moment.
  • 为……做装,如窗户。
    provide with decoration, as of windows.
  • 打扮深化…作装饰性的饰;把…打扮得漂亮
    To make decorative additions to; spruce up.
  • 一条装饰的带用于装饰或者整。
    a decorative strip used for ornamentation or finishing.
  • 通过剪灌木或树木做成装饰的外形。
    making decorative shapes by trimming shrubs or trees.
  • 具有华丽的辞特点,用饰性的细节详细描述。
    marked by elaborate rhetoric and elaborated with decorative details.
  • 古建筑油饰彩画维技术
    Repair Techniques of Traditional Decorative Paintings of Ancient Buildings
  • 这位装工用极其现代化的陈设装饰这家旅馆。
    The decorator appointed the hotel with ultramodern furnishings.
  • 他们给装师全权来翻他们的房子。
    They gave the decorator a free hand in doing their apartment over.
  • 老板放手让装潢设计家装他的办公室。
    The boss gave the interior decorator a free hand in furnishing his office.
  • 可以独立地改三层密钥的每一部分,但要想对钱包中存储的信息进行解密就需要用到每一部分。
    Each portion of the 3-layer key can be changed independently, but each of them is required in order to decrypt wallet-stored information.
  • 机器故障是否有三年保期?
    Have it a three-year guarantee against mechanical defect?
  • 如果确实出了问题,我到何处配零件呢?
    When can I go for service and parts if some thing does become defective?
  • 机器故障是否有三年保期?
    Has it a three - year guarantee against mechanical defects?
  • 植皮使用塑性外科中的皮肤移植来补缺陷或代替因受伤或疾病而受到损坏的皮肤
    The use of skin grafts in plastic surgery to correct defects or replace skin destroyed by injury or disease.
  • 建这堵高墙作为屏障以防外人闯入.
    The high wall was built as a defence against intruders.