  • 以薄片排列的;割成薄片的
    Arranged in laminae; laminate.
  • 分成薄层或薄板
    To separate into thin layers or laminae.
  • 他们把大田成小块土地。
    They divided the land into the blockette land.
  • 飞机在十钟前着陆了。
    The plane landed ten minutes ago.
  • 飞机晚了10钟着陆。
    The plane landed ten minutes late.
  • 他乘的班机在5点15在希思罗机场着陆。
    His plane landed at heathrow at 5: 15.
  • 有机废物自然解时不断释出沼气及产生渗滤污水,对环境造成严重影响。
    Landfill gas and liquid leach ate, which are the products of natural decay of organic wastes, are continuously released and cause considerable impact on the environment.
  • 不能在喷气式飞机等候着陆指令时让它们在着陆点上空层盘旋。
    Jet planes cannot he stacked up at the landing site while awaiting landing instructions.
  • 在某些小机场降落,使我紧张万
    Landing at some small airports makes me very nervous.
  • 民主改革废除了生产资料的农奴主所有制,参加叛乱的农奴主占有的耕地无偿给了无地的农奴和奴隶。
    The Democratic Reform abolished the ownership of the means of production by serf-owners. The farmland originally occupied by those serf-owners involved in the armed rebellion was distributed free to landless serfs and slaves.
  • 亚洲西南部的一个内陆共和国;以前是苏联的一部
    a landlocked republic in southwestern Asia; formerly an Asian Soviet.
  • 亚洲中西部的一个内陆共和国;以前是苏联的一部
    a landlocked republic in west central Asia; formerly an Asian Soviet.
  • 海湾大部被陆地包围的大面积的海或大洋,尤指有海峡与之相通的被陆地环绕的海洋的一部
    A large area of a sea or ocean partially enclosed by land, especially a long landlocked portion of sea opening through a strait.
  • 位于俄罗斯南部里海东北的一个内陆共和国;最原始的土耳其语系者的后裔,世纪被蒙古人征服;从年到年是苏联的一部
    a landlocked republic south of Russia and northeast of the Caspian Sea; the original Turkic-speaking inhabitants were overrun by Mongols in the 13th century; an Asian Soviet from 1936 to 1991.
  • 习惯上说,地球上最大的一块陆地是沿着乌拉尔山脉为两大“洲”的。
    The largest landmass is usually divided into two"continents" along the Ural Mountains.
  • 亚洲世界最大的洲、占欧亚大陆块的东部及其邻近诸岛,与欧洲以乌拉山为界相隔
    The world's largest continent. It occupies the eastern part of the Eurasian landmass and its adjacent islands and is separated from Europe by the Ural Mountains.
  • 江西方面,遂川的土地最集中,约百之八十是地主的。
    In the Kiangsi sector, landownership was most concentrated in Suichuan County, where about 80 per cent of the land belonged to the landlords.
  • 中间隔带街道中间的一条狭窄的经过绿化的地带
    A narrow strip of landscaped earth in the middle of a street.
  • 冲过罚球区得分
    Drove the lane and scored.
  • name:这是一个可选的字符串值的聚集,用于表示了一个或多个部的或完整的名称,如果是出现多个名称的话,每一个都应当使用xml:lang修饰。
    name: This optional collection of string values represents one or more partial names qualified with xml:lang attributes.
  • xml:lang属性的值由一个或多个部组成:一个主语言标签,以及一系列(可能是空的)的国家或方言的子标签。
    The value of the xml:lang attribute can consist of 1 or more parts: a primary language tag and a (possibly empty) series of sub-tags for country or dialect identification.
  • 观察packages.html文档最开头的部(我已将其设为自己的默认起始页),请选择java.lang,再选system。这时可看到system类有几个字段。若选择out,就可知道它是一个staticprintstream对象。
    If you go back to the beginning, select java.lang and then System, you’ll see that the System class has several fields, and if you select out you’ll discover that it’s a static PrintStream object.
  • (这是邓小平同志会见新西兰总理朗伊时谈话的一部。)
    (Excerpt from a talk with Prime Minister David Lange of New Zealand.)
  • 布于威尔士的一种凯尔特语。
    a Celtic language of Wales.
  • 杰夫:我是特意赶回来告诉你一个好消息,今晚7:30在综合馆有一场电影《大红灯笼高高挂》。这部影片不是你最想看的吗?
    Jeff: I came with special news for you. A film will be on show tonight. It is the "Raise The Red Lantern", which is what you like to see the most.
  • 1999年,中国政府又派代表团别出席在日本和老挝召开的次区域部长级会议,继续积极推动次区域禁毒合作。
    In 1999, the Chinese government sent delegations to attend the sub-region minister-level meetings in Japan and Laos to continue to promote enthusiastic cooperation in drug control in the sub-region.
  • 中国别与蒙古、俄罗斯、缅甸、越南、老挝、印度等国签订了有关边界管理和处理边境事务,以及在边境地区建立信任措施、预防危险军事活动等方面的条约、协定和协议。
    China has signed treaties, agreements and understandings with Mongolia, Russia, Myanmar, VietNam, Laos and India on border control and handling border affairs, setting up confidence-building measures, and preventing dangerous military activities.
  • 中国与朝鲜、蒙古、俄罗斯、缅甸、越南、老挝等国家别签订了边境管理制度、建立相互信任措施、预防危险军事活动、开展边防合作等一系列条约、协定和协议,在双边或多边的法律框架内共同维护边界秩序,保持了边境地区的和平与稳定。
    China has signed treaties, agreements and understandings respectively with the DPRK, Mongolia, Russia, Myanmar, Viet Nam and Laos on border control measures, setting up confidence-building measures, preventing dangerous military activities and promoting border cooperation, jointly maintaining frontier order within a bilateral or multilateral legal framework and preserving peace and stability on the borders.
  • 这个班上有几名女孩子能在一钟内跑完一圈。
    There are a few girls in the class who can lap in under one minute.
  • 按照规范瓦楞板需相互迭盖十公
    According the regulations the corrugated iron sheets lap 10 centimetres over each other.
  • 下摆外套下部压住膝盖的部
    The portion of a garment that covers the lap.
  • 天青石一种比较珍贵的透明矿物质,多呈蓝色、蓝紫色或蓝绿色,na4-5al3si3o12s,是杂青金石的主要成
    A relatively rare blue, violet-blue, or greenish-blue translucent mineral, Na4-5Al3Si3O12S, the chief component of lapis lazuli.