  • chū hòu dào de róng róng zhì de róng
    The solution of solvent and dissolved matter resulting from elution.
  • zhēn guài bié réndōu chū liǎo zěn me néng jiù xián zài 'ér zhàn zhe
    `Aw woonder hagh yah can faishion tuh stand thear i' idleness un war, when all on 'em's goan aght!
  • "9·11" zhī hòu jiǔ 9 wèi jié fàn chēng wéi " qún huǒ ", hái shì yào běn · dēng " cóng shān dòng miàn xūn chū lái
    In the days after September 11, Mr Bush referred to the 19 hijackers as "those folks". When talking of al-Qaeda, he promised to "smoke 'em out".
  • zhèn zhèn xiāng wèi cóng chú fáng piāo chū lái
    Delicious smells were emanating from the kitchen.
  • zhè zhù zuì chū shì chū de .
    The idea originally emanated from his brother.
  • yáo yán shì cóng men chuán chū lái de
    The rumor emanated from your department.
  • zhè zhù shì zài men qián tiān de tǎo lùn zhōng xiǎng chū lái de
    The idea emanated from a discussion we had the other day.
  • shuō zhè xiē shì hēng · xīn chū de zhù
    These are said to emanate from Henry Kissinger.
  • wéi xīn lùn shuō zài cuī mián guò chéng zhōng cóng líng méi zhōng chū de zhì
    (in spiritualism) the substance supposed to emanate from the body of the medium during a trance.
  • tōng líng shuō zài tōng líng guò chéng zhōng cóng líng méi zhōng chū de jiàn zhì
    The visible substance believed to emanate from the body of a spiritualistic medium during communication with the dead.
  • zhè tái xīn jiāng shǐ men cóng fán zhòng de láo zuò zhōng jiě tuō chū lái .
    This new machine will emancipate us from all the hard work.
  • men de xiǎng méi yòu jiě fàng chū lái
    You people in charge of educational work have yet to emancipate your minds.
  • zhè zhǒng xīn jiāng shǐ gōng rén cóng guò suǒ cóng shì de qiē fán zhòng de láo dòng zhōng jiě tuō chū lái
    This new machine will emancipate workers from all the hard work they once had to do.
  • men dǎng de shí jiè sān zhōng quán huì de běn jīng shén shì jiě fàng xiǎng kǎocóng de shí chū lái zhì dìng zhèng
    The basic principle set forth at the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of our Party was that we must emancipate our minds and think independently, formulating policies in light of our own realities.
  • zhēn biāo zhǔn wèn de tǎo lùn shì běn jiàn shè jiě jué xiǎng xiàn wèn jiě fàng xiǎngzhèng què de zhèng zhì xiàn jiù zhì dìng chū láizhì dìng liǎo guàn chè xià
    The discussion on the criterion of truth is a fundamental one, for it is impossible to establish a correct political line -- let alone carry it out -- unless we clarify our ideological line and emancipate people's minds.
  • zhǐ yòu jiě fàng xiǎngjiān chí shí shì qiú shì qiē cóng shí chū lùn lián shí men de shè huì zhù xiàn dài huà jiàn shè cái néng shùn jìn xíng men dǎng de liè zhù máo dōng xiǎng de lùn cái néng shùn zhǎn
    Only if we emancipate our minds, seek truth from facts, proceed from reality in everything and integrate theory with practice, can we carry out our socialist modernization programme smoothly, and only then can our Party further develop Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought.
  • xiàn zài men chàng jiě fàng xiǎngchóngshēn máo dōng zhù chū debǎi huā fàngbǎi jiā zhēng míng de fāng zhēnmùdì jiù shì chuàng zào tiáo jiàn diào dòng quán mín de xìngshǐ zhōng guó rén de cōng míng zhì huì chōng fēn huī chū lái
    But now we are encouraging people to emancipate their minds and reiterating the policy of "letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend", as was proposed by Chairman Mao Zedong, so as to create the necessary conditions for arousing the Chinese people's initiative and bringing their intelligence and wisdom into full play.
  • qīng fēng jiàn zhù cán yǐng xiǎngduì guǎng dàgàn qún zhòng shuō láishì zhǒng jiào gǎi zàoshì wéi liǎo cóng fēng jiàn zhù zhōng bǎi tuō chū láijiě fàng xiǎng gāo jué shì yìng xiàn dài huà jiàn shè de yào wèirénmín zuò gòng xiànwéi shè huì zuò gòng xiànwéi rén lèi zuò gòng xiàn
    For most of the cadres and the masses, the process of eliminating surviving feudal influences is a kind of self-education and self-remoulding, which will enable them to free themselves from such influences, emancipate their minds, raise their political awareness, adapt themselves to the needs of our modernization programme and thus make contributions to the people, society and mankind.
  • wēi ruǎn de windows2000 jiāng dài zhe zài zēng jiā guǎn xìng kuò zhǎn xìng windows wǎng luò cóng lài netbios( wǎng luò běn shū shū chū tǒngzhōng jiě tuō chū lái děng fāng miàn de fēng xìng lái dào zhè shì jiè
    Microsoft's Windows 2000 will arrive with a feature sheet rich in added manageability, scalability and the means for Windows networks to be emancipated from reliance on NetBIOS.
  • zhè xiē huò liǎo jiě fàng de nóng chéng liǎo gōng jiàngyòng de chǎn pǐn huàn fēng jiàn zhù shàng shēng chǎn chū de shèng liáng shí yuán liào wéi shēng
    These emancipated serfs mostly became artificers; and lived by exchanging the produce of their industry for the surplus food and material which the soil yielded to its feudal proprietors.
  • de lǐng dǎo wèishì zhōng guó rén mín zài zhēng jiě fàng de cháng jiān dǒu zhēng zhōng suǒ zuò chū de shǐ xìng xuǎn
    Its leadership position has been the result of the historical choice made by the Chinese people during their protracted and arduous struggle for independence and emancipation.
  • zhǎng shuǐhóng shuǐ cóng de dào jué kǒu chōng liǎo chū lái
    Flood waters poured through a gap in the embankment of the swollen Jumna River.
  • jìn yùn fēng chū wéi zǒng shōu yòu hěn de yǐng xiǎng
    The embargo impacted on export revenues.
  • cháng jīng jiě chú duì huǒ chū kǒu de mào jìn lìng
    The minister has lifted the embargo on the export of firearms.
  • zuò wéi jìhuà de huán jié quán gōng yuán wéi duì xiàng de chí jìn xiū yán tǎo huì zhǎn lǎn tóng yuè xíng wài zhù gōng yuán xué jìhuà tuī chū zhù gōng yuán xíng bào jiù yòu guān de wài jiān chéng
    Under the programme, a service-wide Learning Symposium and Exhibition was organised that month and a Training Incentive Scheme launched to offer financial incentives to civil servants to embark on self-initiated and employment-related external studies.
  • jiǔ qiánhuáng hǎi shì chū men yīnggāi kuà yuèjiǎng huá yùn dòng”, men yīnggāi shǐ gèng duō huá rén zhǐ néng jiǎng huá hái yào néng néng xiě huá wéncái néng gèng chōng fēn táo zuì zài de wén huà zhōngxún zhǎo de gēn yuán
    Not long ago, Dr Hong Hai proposed that we should surpass the ''Speak Mandarin Campaign''. We should enable even more Chinese not only speak, but also to read and write Mandarin, so that they can more fully enjoy their own culture and embark on the search of their own roots.
  • qǐng chū shì zhào dēng pái
    Passport and Embarkation Card, please.
  • qǐng zài gěi zhāng chū jìng dēng biǎo hǎo
    May I have another embarkation card?
  • qǐng zài de chū jìng shēn bào biǎo shàng xiě shàng de zhǐ
    Please write your address on your embarkation card.
  • guò hǎi guān zǒng shì hěn fán héng héng tián biǎo chū shì zhào chū shì dēng pái
    It's always troublesome to go through customs - filling in forms, showing your passport to the emigration officer and showing your embarkation card.
  • lán zuì liǎo , chū jìn yáng xiāng , shǐ cān jiā huì de rén hěn nán wéi qíng
    People at the party is embarrass when frank get drink and make an exhibition of himself.
  • lán zuì liǎo chū jìn yáng xiāngshǐ cān jiā huì de rén hěn nán wéi qíng
    People at the party were embarrassed when Frank got drunk and made an exhibition of himself.