  • 她受伤後获得保险司的赔偿.
    She was compensated by the insurance company for her injuries.
  • 几家司正为争取一项合同而互相竞争.
    to gain the contract.
  • 我们与另几家司角逐争取这项合同.
    several other companies for the contract.
  • 我们司在世界市场上已不占优势.
    Our firm is no longer competitive in world markets.
  • 司的产品比其对手的好(比与其竞争的其他司). Cf 参看 contestant (contest).
    The firm has better products than its competitors, ie than rival firms.
  • 司把工作重点集中在欧洲市场.
    This firm concentrates on the European market.
  • 这故事随主人死亡而告终.
    The story concludes with the hero's death.
  • 他在司中受到很高的评价.
    within the company.
  • 已决定将高速路延长(至海滨).
    , ie build more of it until it reaches the coast.
  • 谁是这条新高速路的承包人?
    Who were the contractors on the new motorway? ie Who built it?
  • 他私下的行为跟开的言论完全是两码事.
    his publicly expressed opinions.
  • 在街道的拐角处有共厕所.
    There is a public convenience on the corner of the street.
  • 司里的管理人员一般享有高薪.
    Corporate executives usually have high salaries.
  • 第一家司的还盘很有吸引力, 从而赢得了订单.
    The first company made a very attractive counter-offer and won the order.
  • 销售部的女经理给另一家司的销售部经理打了电话.
    The sales director phoned her counterpart in the other firm, ie the other firm's sales director.
  • 园里有几对谈情说爱的男女.
    There were several courting couples in the park.
  • 本节目由本地的一家司提供(赞助或出资).
    a local company.
  • 司几乎入不敷出, 已经多年没有盈利了.
    costs; it hasn't made a profit for years.
  • 那家司因负债2百万英镑而告破产.
    The company crashed with debts of £2 million.
  • 两大企业争斗之下, 小司遭受池鱼之殃.
    When two industrial giants clash, small companies can get caught in the cross-fire, ie harmed incidentally.
  • 他们让许多人挤进共汽车里.
    They crowd people into the buses.
  • 我的办室是在地下室的一个小房间.
    My office is a cubby-hole in the basement.
  • 共汽车被火车撞成两截.
    in two by the train.
  • 部长为一段新高速路的竣工剪彩.
    The Minister cut the tape to open a new section of the motorway.
  • 新的共汽车交通服务使运行时间减少了一半.
    The new bus service cuts the travelling time by half.
  • 我在回家途中通常抄近路穿过园.
    through the park on my way home.
  • 室人员正在竭尽全力争取把这工作干完.
    The office is working on all cylinders to get the job finished.
  • 要修好新高速路, 那得等到猴年马月了. talk the hind legs off a donkey => talk2.
    The new motorway won't be ready for donkey's years.
  • 这家公司成立於1860年.
    This business was established in 1860.
  • 这剧於19236月首次演.
    The play was given its first performance in June 1923.
  • 立小学入学人数下降了10%.
    Intake in state primary schools is down by 10%.
  • 一辆重型铰接货车在高速路上撞成V字形, 耽搁了很长时间.
    A heavy lorry has jack-knifed on the motorway, causing long delays.