  • 当他跑回来时,手里挥动一张纸我知道他通过了。
    When he ran back, waving a piece of paper about-I know he passed.
  • 孩子们一进入农田,那农场主就挥舞大棒追了过来。
    As soon as the boys entered the field the farmer come after them waving a big stick.
  • 当我们开始穿越那片田地时,农场主就挥动粗棍子跟踪而来。
    As soon as we started across the field the farmer came after us waving a big stick.
  • 他听到有人叫他的名字,就回头去,看到一个妇人正沿街道跑过来,手里挥钱。
    He heard his name being called, looked over his shoulder and saw a woman running down the street, waving money.
  • 山羊坐下来,开始发出傻里傻气的声音,两只前脚在空中滑稽可笑地舞动
    The goat sat down and began to make a silly noise, waving its front feet in the air in a funny way.
  • 蜡制的或覆盖蜡的。
    made of or covered with wax.
  • 他们观察到她随病情变化身体也渐渐衰弱下去。
    They watched her gradually weaken as the disease progressed.
  • 无论在军队或在地方,党内民主都应是为巩固纪律和增强战斗力,而不是削弱这种纪律和战斗力。
    Both in the army and in the local organizations, inner-Party democracy is meant to strengthen discipline and increase combat effectiveness, not to weaken them.
  • 结果,随岁月的流逝,文凭将逐渐失去权威性,而更加成为装饰品。
    As a consequence, diplomas will become weaker and more ornamental as the years go by.
  • 这就意味我们还得等一个星期左右。
    This weans we have to wait another week or so.
  • 谈论衣着
    Talking about things to wear
  • 保护穿者身体的装甲。
    armor that protects the wearer's body.
  • 意在保护穿者免受伤害的衣服。
    clothing that is intended to protect the wearer from injury.
  • 老头拖疲惫而又沉重的步子沿公路走
    The old man plods wearily along the road.
  • 她佩带着钻石首饰。
    She's wearing her diamonds.
  • 系着这种东西的人
    A person wearing such a figure.
  • 她戴着金戒指。
    She was wearing a gold ring.
  • 那一天她穿一件黄色的衣服。
    She was wearing yellow that day.
  • 他穿着一件新外衣。
    He's wearing a new coat.
  • 我叫道,装高兴的样子,“我担心要给这天气困住半个钟头呢,您能不能让我在这会儿避一下。”
    I exclaimed, assuming the cheerful; `and I fear I shall be weatherbound for half an hour, if you can afford me shelter during that space.'
  • 蠕动岩石碎片和土壤沿受风雨侵蚀的滑坡向下缓慢移动
    The slow movement of rock debris and soil down a weathered slope.
  • 你坐在这儿像蜘蛛一样织你可爱的网,你认为整个世界都围你和你的钱转。
    You sit around here and you spin your little webs and you think the whole world revolves around you and your money.
  • 这个公司失败了,因为他们还抱老一套做法不放。
    The company failed because they were still wedded to old-fashioned methods.
  • 新婚夫妇由数十位宾客陪同,坐汽车到新房去。
    The newly wedded couple, accompanied by dozens of guests, go to the bride's chamber by car.
  • 请把我的挖杆递给我。我要试把球敲进洞去。
    Could you hand me my wedge?
  • 羊毛或棉线的楔状帽子;戴作为制服的一部分。
    a wedge-shaped wool or cotton cap; worn as part of a uniform.
  • 在门底下塞一块楔子,让门保持开
    Put a wedge under the door so that it will stay open.
  • 跑到我面前之后,她张开双臂,紧紧地环抱我。
    She threw her arms around me and I began to weep.
  • 她哭从我身边走开了。
    She walked away from me, weeping.
  • 那男孩哭要辆新自行车。
    The boy was weeping for a new bike.
  • “您一定不明白,”他唉声叹气地接说,“一个素不相识的人,在这种时间,穿这样的衣服,哭成这般模样地来拜访您,会向您提出什么样的请求。
    'You must be wondering, ' he resumed with a melancholy sigh, 'what a stranger can want with you at such an hour, dressed in such clothes and weeping like this.
  • 他在脑中权衡这些想法。
    He weighed the ideas in his mind.