  • 配指派到工段养路班的劳工。
    a laborer assigned to a section gang.
  • 这既调动了广大劳动者的积极性,又防止了两极化。
    This brings into play the enthusiasm of the laboring masses and at the same time prevents polarization.
  • 这就是说,社会固定资产投资的大部(77.5%)为国家和劳动群众集体共同占有。
    That is to say, the bigger share (77.5 percent) of the social investment in fixed assets is owned by the state and the collectives of the laboring masses.
  • 共产党——这是工人阶级和劳动人民中先进子的集合体,它对于人民群众的伟大的领导作用,是不容怀疑的。
    The Communist Party is the collective body of the advanced elements among the working class and the laboring people, and there can be no doubt as to its great role in leading the masses.
  • 不断提高工人、农民、知识子和其他劳动群众以及全体人民的思想道德素质和科学文化素质,不断提高他们的劳动技能和创造才能,充发挥他们的积极性主动性创造性,始终是我们党代表中国先进生产力发展要求必须履行的第一要务。
    To raise the ideological and ethical standards and scientific and cultural levels of the workers , peasants , intellectuals and other laboring people and the entire population and improve their labor skills and creativity and give full scope to their enthusiasm , initiative and creative power - these should remain the tasks of primary importance that our Party should perform in representing China's advanced productive forces.
  • 人们普遍认为计算机和其他机器已经成为我们社会必不可少的一部。它们使我们的生活更舒适,减少了大量劳动。
    It is widely acknowledged that computer and other machines have become an indispensable part of our society, which make our life and work more comfortable and less laborious.
  • 体力劳动与脑力劳动
    separation between manual labour and mental labour
  • 当厂主对工人的剥削告一段落,工人领到了用现钱支付的工资的时候,马上就有资产阶级中的另一部人----房东、小店主、当铺老板等等向他们扑来。
    No sooner is the exploitation of the labourer by the manufacturer, so far, at an end, that he receives his wages in cash, than he is set upon by the other portions of the bourgeoisie, the landlord, the shopkeeper, the pawnbroker, etc.
  • 在地主本人不耕种土地的地方,有时候在地主和劳动者之间,有一个中间媒介,即农业经营者,他付给劳动者口粮,提供生产工具,付给土地所有者地租以后获得全部产品;在另一些情况下,则由地主、受雇的代理人和劳动者共同享土地产品。制造业的情形如何呢?
    Where the proprietor himself does not cultivate, there is sometimes,between him and the labourer, an intermediate agency, that of the farmer, who advances the subsistence of the labourers, supplies the instruments of production, and receives, after paying a rent to the landowner, all the produce: in other cases, the landlord,his paid agents, and the labourers, are the only sharers.
  • 但是亡国论思想不但是在国民党内存在着,在某些中层社会中甚至在一部落后的劳动人民中也曾经发生影响。
    However, the idea of national subjugation not only existed in the Kuomintang, but also affected certain sections of the middle strata of society and even certain backward elements among the labouring people.
  • 纽芬兰省的一部,位于加拿大东北部的拉布拉多半岛的东部。
    part of the province of Newfoundland in the eastern part of the large Labrador-Ungava peninsula in northeastern Canada.
  • 的确,由于考克斯报告的发表在国会和政府中引起的大叫大嚷——大部由非核问题引起——实际上几乎全部指向我们的武器试验室“松驰的安全措施。”
    Indeed, the hue and cry in Congress and in the Administration resulting from the release of the Redacted Report--which was mostly devoted to non-nuclear issues--has been focused almost entirely on the "culture of lax security" at our weapons Labs.
  • 衬边花边图案的实心部
    The solid part of a lace design.
  • 缺少一个或多个部
    lacking a part or parts.
  • 运动场,比如足球或曲棍球的场地的中心部
    the middle part of a playing field (as in football or lacrosse).
  • 奶,乳一种白色液体,含有蛋白质、脂肪、乳糖和多种维生素和矿物质,所有成年雌性哺乳动物在生产后其乳腺会泌出该液体,用来哺育其幼儿
    A whitish liquid containing proteins, fats, lactose, and various vitamins and minerals that is produced by the mammary glands of all mature female mammals after they have given birth and serves as nourishment for their young.
  • 青少年们还会开玩笑说:"他就像本·拉登那样难找(he'sashardtofindasbinladen)";或者形容那些对9·11事件过敏感的人为"emo(英文单词emotional的缩写)"。
    Teenagers breeze through such expressions as "He's as hard to find as bin Laden," or "emo" to describe people who are very emotional about Sept.11.
  • 舍勒老师现在已经退休,居住在英格兰的西南部。他认为现在拉登变得极端暴力是和当年西式教育在幼年拉登的心中播下了暴力的种子不开。
    Fyfield-Shayler, now retired and living in southwest England, said he believed the Western-style education at the school may have sewn the seeds of violence in bin Laden.
  • 关于葡萄酒,我们同函寄上提单以及发票,请查收为荷。发票部由于贵公司并未给予我公司限价,故改为估价。
    Enclosed you will find a bill of lading for this wine, and an invoice, pro forma, as you are not limited as to the price.
  • 10钟后,有些参赛的人开始落后了。
    Ten minutes later , some of the runners in the race began to lag.
  • 低的或在比赛中出于落后位置。
    having the lower score or lagging position in a contest.
  • 清理环境专责组有一个十年计划,区处理环境黑点。这些环境黑点包括八乡试验行动区、北区东部行动区、扫管笏及大榄涌货柜行动区、厦村货柜行动区,以及厦村/流浮山行动区。
    The Task Force has a 10-year rolling programme which divides black spots into various areas for action in stages, such as the Pat Heung Pilot Action Area, the North District East Action Area, the So Kwun Wat and Tai Lam Chung Container Action Area, the Ha Tsuen Container Action Area and the Ha Tsuen/Lau Fau Shan Action Area.
  • 中央政府对达赖喇嘛的政策也是十明确的。
    The central government's policy towards the Dalai Lama is also clear.
  • 此后,达赖周游世界,到处鼓吹裂。
    Since then, the Dalai Lama has travelled the world, advocating Tibet's separation from China.
  • 达赖喇嘛在拉萨统治西藏的大部地区,班禅额尔德尼在日喀则统治西藏的另一部地区。
    The Dalai Lama ruled the bulk of areas from Lhasa while the Bainqen Erdeni ruled the remaining area of Tibet from Xigaze.
  • 1989年,在新的国际反华风浪中,挪威诺贝尔和平奖委员会怀着明显的政治目的,把1989年诺贝尔和平奖授予达赖喇嘛。达赖和西藏裂主义子得到了极大的支持。
    As 1989 witnessed a new international anti-China wave, the Nobel Peace Prize Committee in Norway, with clearly political motives, awarded the 1989 Nobel Peace Prize to the Dalai Lama, giving its strong support to the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan separatists.
  • 虽然罗布林卡受到叛乱子控制,同达赖喇嘛的联系十困难,中央代理代表谭冠三仍设法通过爱国人士先后于3月10日、11日和15日给达赖喇嘛三封信。
    Although Norbu Lingka was controlled by the rebels and it was hard to make contact with the Dalai Lama, acting representative of the central government Tan Guansan managed to send three letters to the Dalai Lama on March 10, 11 and 15 through patriots.
  • 正是由于达赖喇嘛一直不肯放弃“西藏独立”的主张,继续在国内外进行裂祖国的活动,使中央政府和达赖喇嘛代表的接触没有取得成果。
    It is because the Dalai Lama sticks to his position of "Tibetan independence" and continues his efforts to split the motherland in and outside China that contacts between the central government and the representatives of the Dalai Lama have yielded no results.
  • 达赖喇嘛离开拉萨后,叛乱子调集约7000人,于3月20日凌晨向党政军机关发动全面进攻。
    After the Dalai Lama left Lhasa, about 7,000 rebels gathered to wage a full-scale attack on the Party, government and army institutions before dawn on March 20.
  • 毫朗伯亮度单位,等于千之一(10-3)朗伯
    A unit of luminance equal to one thousandth(10-3) of a lambert.
  • 人们对社会裂感到悲哀已有较长一段时间了。
    The fragmentation of society has been lamented for some time now.
  • 他说他的工会——运输工会504会——历年来在合约上做了“极大的让步”以协助泛美[航空公司]纾解财务困难。“结果全然没用,”他哀伤地说。
    He said his union, Local 504 of the Transport Workers Union, made "massive contract givebacks" over the years to help Pan Am with its financial troubles. "It was all to no avail," he lamented.