  • 在中国,外访问者也许会被同事叫去一块聊天,同事会提一些尖锐的问题,引诱他说一些有用的情报。(《形形色色的间谍活动》保尔d-摩尔《华盛顿邮报》1999.5.31)
    The usual collection mechanism is simple elicitation. The visitor may be asked to give a talk to his colleagues in China, who then pepper him with questions that might induce at least a small security breach on his part.
  • 迄一九九八年底为止,当局共批了9036份合格证明书予成功申请的人士。
    Up to end 1998, 9036 certificates of eligibility had been granted to successful applicants.
  • 声称拥有永久性居民身分的人士,须提申请核实为具有符合永久性居民身分的资格。当申请人的永久性居民身分资格获得核实后,便可获安排登记申领永久性居民身分证。
    Persons who lay claim to the permanent resident status have to apply for verification of their eligibility for a permanent identity card (PIC) and successful applicants are arranged to register for PICs.
  • 他依次读合格候选人的名字。
    He called off the names of the eligible candidates.
  • 通常在(人)死亡之前一切废物都从体内排
    All wastes are usually eliminated from the body before death.
  • 在淘汰赛中决的优胜者之间进行的决定最后胜负的比赛。
    the final match between the winners of all previous matches in an elimination tournament.
  • 6月12日南非对西班牙的球赛吸引了数百名南非球迷,尽管结果不尽人意,南非队最终被淘汰居,但是这些在约翰内斯堡市中心观看比赛的球迷还是为自己国家的球员感到无比骄傲。
    Hundreds of South African football fans in downtown Johannesburg showed their pride in Bafana Bafana (The Boys) Wednesday despite their elimination from the World Cup.
  • 腺一个或一群细胞或一器官,它们能生产供身体或体腔使用的分泌液或为了从体内排除
    A cell, a group of cells, or an organ that produces a secretion for use elsewhere in the body or in a body cavity or for elimination from the body.
  • 责令停业、关闭,由作限期治理决定的人民政府决定;
    An order for the suspension of operations or shut-down of an enterprise or institution shall be issued by the people's government that set the deadline for the elimination or control of pollution.
  • 信奉杰的一群人物统治的人。
    someone who believes in rule by an elite group.
  • 近日政府领导人多次提本国须栽培华文精英,主要目的有二:配合当前经济需求与在我们这个社会培养华族文化和传统的继承者和发展者。
    The idea of nurturing the Chinese elite has been hotly debated in the press. It is understood that the Government leaders raised this issue with two main objectives:The elite are to meet the practical needs of our economy ;The elite are required in order to carry on and develop Chinese culture and traditions in our society.
  • 近日政府领导人多次提本国须栽培华文精英,主要目的有二:配合当前经济需求与培养华族文化传承人。
    The idea of nurturing the Chinese elite has been hotly debated in the press. It is understood that the Government leaders raised this issue with two main objectives: a) The elite are to meet the practical needs of our economy as our trade and industry have expanded to the Chinese speaking areas in East Asia and; b) The elite are required in order to carry on and develop Chinese culture and traditions in our society.
  • 精英一词按《现代汉语词典》的解释为类拔萃的人。
    According to the "Modern Chinese Dictionary", the word elite (jingying) is defined as people who stand out from their peers.
  • 奖学金得主(包括总统奖学金、武装部队奖学金和海外奖学金),都在‘a’水准考试中取得骄人的成绩。他们受到细心的栽培,以便在民事服务,尤其是拥有最杰人才的行政服务,担任要职。
    Scholars (including recipients of the President, SAF and Overseas Merit awards) are groomed for key positions throughout the public services, in particular the elitist Administrative Service.
  • 年轻人口使用英语的比率高,社会走向精英化,加上华文的实用价值还无法完全被肯定,造成语文现代沟的危机。
    With a high proportion of young people using English, a trend towards an elitist society, and lingering doubts over the practical value of the Chinese language, a crisis of a generation gap in terms of language has emerged.
  • 伊丽莎白,什么事了?你今天早晨看上去很忧伤。
    What's the matter, Elizabeth? You look blue this morning.
  • 贝基:等我从理发馆走来,我就像伊丽莎白·泰勒了。
    I'll be looking like Elizabeth Taylor when I walk out of it.
  • 解说员在伊丽莎白戏剧中朗诵序言和尾声以及有时关于演评论的演员
    An actor in Elizabethan drama who recites the prologue and epilogue to a play and sometimes comments on the action.
  • 生产和生产性,当然是省略的表达方式,包含有生产某种东西的意思。
    Production, and productive, are of course elliptical expressions, involving the idea of a something produced;
  • 久而久之,目光深深陷入这迷宫里,把您也看得神了,在迷宫里,从那门面雕梁画栋、外部屋架木头结构、大门扁圆、楼层悬垂的最末等的房舍,直至当时塔楼如列柱林立的富丽堂皇的卢浮宫,无一不是匠心独运,合情合理,才华横溢,美不胜收,无一不是艺术的结晶。
    The eye was, for a long time, wholly lost in this labyrinth, where there was nothing which did not possess its originality, its reason, its genius, its beauty,--nothing which did not proceed from art; beginning with the smallest house,with its painted and carved front, with external beams, elliptical door, with projecting stories, to the royal Louvre, which then had a colonnade of towers.
  • 小埃尔默是得克萨斯州一位石油百万富翁的儿了,他当然是生于富贵之家。
    The son of at Texas oil millionaire, young Elmer was certainly born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
  • 表情在一位演说家所有的才能中不过是表面的一种,并且是属于优伶的一种长处,然而竟会被抬得这样高,超那些其他的长技,如独创,口齿清晰等等;不特此也,简直好象这一种表面的才能是唯一无二的,是一切底一切似的,这真是怪事了。
    A strange thing, that that part of an orator, which is but superficial, and rather the virtue of a player, should be placed so high, above those other noble parts, of invention, elocution, and the rest: nay almost alone,as if it were all in all.
  • 蠼螋任一种革翅目的细长昆虫,长有一对从腹部后方伸钳状附肢
    Any of various elongate insects of the order Dermaptera, having a pair of pincerlike appendages protruding from the rear of the abdomen.
  • 细长拉伸而突的一片地带。
    a narrow elongated projecting strip of land.
  • 她的脸充分表现喜悦。
    Her face was eloquent of pleasure.
  • 你可能听说过程序员那精辟的术语:“gigo”,意思是“进去的是垃圾,来的也是垃圾。
    You have probably heard the computer operators' eloquent term "gigo" -- which means: "garbage in, garbage out.
  • 他们知道,如果科莫来,他们将会面临一个强大的候选人。他不但有令人信服的政策,也了解所有美国人所看到的问题:国家现正遭遇困难。
    In Cuomo, they know they would face a strong candidate with an eloquent message and a grasp of the problem that they and all other Americans see: The country is in a jam.
  • 他清楚明白地说了自己的想法。
    he expressed his ideas eloquently.
  • 这些产品已向其他地区的客户报
    These products are under offering elsewhere.
  • 他们看来,今晚他心不在焉。
    They saw that tonight his mind was elsewhere.
  • 他不断的指英国的气候是温和的。
    He goes on to elucidate by pointing out that the British climate is a temperate one.
  • 严格说来,它算不上是一封情书,实际是只是几页内容详尽的行动指南。信里称"我最亲爱的菲娜"该怎么摆脱她父亲的监视,夜里逃家门,詹杰会在浅滩上牵马等着她,然后将她驮到史密斯多普,到了那里再去找理查德的"知心朋友亨利·威尔逊",他会给她钱为她作好安排,使她能跟随她的情人到开普敦,随后转道英国。"亲爱的,这样我们就可以在英国结婚了。
    It was not a love letter in the true sense of the word, but pages of the minutest directions of how"my sweetest Phina"was to elude her father's vigilance, creep down to the drift at night and there meet Jantje with a horse which would take her to Smitsdorp. There she was to go to "my true friend, Henry Wilson",who would give her money and make arrangements for her to follow her lover to Cape Town and from there to England ," where, my love, we can he be married at once.