  • 大型电子工业公司研制了电视, 但这有赖於贝尔德的实验为此指了方向.
    Large electronics companies developed television, but Baird pointed the way with his experiments.
  • 酶谱电泳媒质的谱带,电泳分裂后显酶或同酶素的图案
    A strip or band of electrophoretic medium showing the pattern of enzymes or isoenzymes after their separation by electrophoresis.
  • 她一席(给仪式)增添了高雅的气氛.
    Her presence imparted an air of elegance (to the ceremony).
  • 优美而又整洁;表现练达的优雅。
    polished and well-groomed; showing sophisticated elegance.
  • 她的席给会议带来了庄严的气氛。
    Her presence imparts an air of elegance to the meeting.
  • 装模作样装斯文、有钱或有文化的样子
    To make an ostentatious display of elegance, wealth, or culture.
  • 我喜欢新闻,喜欢真相以一种自信而优雅的诚实方式表现来。
    I love words and I love the way truth stands with confident and elegant integrity.
  • 这些团体的成员没有如他们的评论家们说的那样准确地或者温文尔雅地表达自己的想法。
    the members of these groups do not express themselves as accurately or as elegantly as their critics do.
  • 一个从动词派生来的单词或构成部分
    A deverbative word or element.
  • 他伸出手来摸象。
    He reached his hand to feel the elephant.
  • 品格高尚的具有或表现高尚的道德原则
    Characterized by elevated ideals or conduct; noble.
  • 具有、表现或预示高尚而严肃特征的。
    having or showing or indicative of high or elevated character.
  • 水平的,平坦的看不有凹凸的部位的;平的;水平的
    Having no visible elevation or depression; flat; level.
  • 隆起物,凸物(器官,组织或结构上的)小隆起或凸
    A small protuberance or elevation, as from an organ, a tissue, or a structure.
  • 山自然形成的高于地面的一块高地,占地广大,通常外侧陡峻且比丘陵要高
    A natural elevation of the earth's surface having considerable mass, generally steep sides, and a height greater than that of a hill.
  • 布雷克一跨电梯就看见了她。
    When Blake stepped out of the elevator,he saw her.
  • 了电梯,办公室就在你右边。
    The office will be on your right as you come out of the elevator.
  • 胡德先生说由于他11点钟要席一个会议,得先走一步了。
    Mr Hood said that he would have to go on, as he was due at a meeting at eleven o'clock.
  • 演出在11点钟结束。
    The performance finished [ended] at eleven o'clock.
  • 晚上十一点下议院因席人数不足而休会。
    The House was counted out at eleven p. m.
  • 改革的问题,十一届三中全会也已经提来了。
    The issue of reform was already raised at the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee.
  • 在总结经验的基础上,党的十一届三中全会提一系列新的政策。
    At the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee our Party, having reviewed our experience, laid down a series of new policies.
  • 在是次会议前举行的第十一届亚太经合组织部长级会议,香港特区由工商局局长代表席。
    The meeting was preceded by the Eleventh APEC Ministerial Meeting, at which the HKSAR was represented by the Secretary for Trade and Industry.
  • 党政分开,从十一届三中全会以后就提了这个问题。
    Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, we have been calling for separating the functions of the Party and the government.
  • 使证人讲出真情
    elicit the truth from a witness
  • "经在有关人员中反复询问,校长终于问了那件事的真相。"
    "After much questioning among the people concerned, the headmaster at last elicited the truth about the incident."
  • 试图得出真相
    Trying to elicit the truth.
  • 引出或带出;启迪
    To draw or bring out; elicit.
  • 使某事物现或显;引某事物
    Cause sth to appear or be shown; elicit sth
  • 为引他人反应的实验性建议。
    a tentative suggestion designed to elicit the reactions of others.
  • 试探器为引别人的态度或意图而设计的一个暗示或问题
    Something, such as a hint or question, designed to elicit the attitudes or intentions of others.
  • “萨达姆有时想同时使所有招数,”一位极具权威的研究伊拉克的学者菲比·马尔说。“他现在可能发动笑脸攻势,提一套表面让步,用以换取美国新政府的回应,并在盟国间制造分裂。”
    "Saddam sometimes likes to try everything at the same time," said Phebe Marr, a leading scholar on Iraq. "He could now come in with a charm offensive that would present a package of cosmetic concessions designed to elicit a response from the new Administration and to drive a wedge in the alliance."