  • 其次,這個目標是錯誤的:股東付給管理者報酬不是為了司變得更大,而是要使它增值。
    And second, it was wrongheaded: Shareholders pay managers to make their company not bigger but more valuable.
  • 大衆認的補品,是在熱水中擰死的小雞。
    The popular concept of a strengthen diet is chicken wrung out in hot water.
  • 大衆認的補品,是在熱水中擰死的小雞。
    The popular concept of a strengthening diet is a chicken wrung out in hot water.
  • 大衆認的補品,是在熱水中擰死的小雞。
    The popular concept of a strengthen diet is the chicken wrung out in hot water.
  • 王平:我國甘肅臨漳縣舉辦過堪稱世界第一的萬人拔河賽。繩子是用鋼絲擰成,重達數千斤,規定一方要拉過中綫100米纔算勝。
    Wang Ping: A tug of war by ten thousand people, which can be called the number one in the world, used to be held in Lintan County in Gansu Province, China The rope is wrung by steel wires. It is prescribed that the party who can pull the other party over the middle line 100 meters can be judged the winner.
  • 我建議您應該去紅梅園、南京動物園及南京長江大橋等地方去玩玩。
    I'm very pleased to suggest that you go to visit the Hongmei Garden, Nanjing zoo, the Yangtze River Bridge and so on.
  • 馬拉鬆賽跑一種越野跑步比賽,總長為26英裏,385英尺(41。3裏)
    A cross-country footrace of26 miles,385 yards(41.3 kilometers).
  • 對這一新觀點有一個最新的說法——“平衡雇傭”,將來“平衡雇傭”會成為未來的雇員評判司的標準。希瑟·基恩認為:“精明的司現在正在創造一個能吸引其所需人才的環境。”希瑟·基恩是一傢新的管理人員招募司的一個合夥人,這個司正幫助其客戶認識到這一新的現實。
    The latest catch phrase for this new approach is “ Balanced employment” , which in the future will become the yardstick by which prospective employees judge companies “ Smart companies are right now creating an environment that will attract the skills they need,” argues Heather Kean, joint owner of a new executive recruitment company which helps its client companies recognise the new realities.
  • 當鄭夢九在1999年3月成為現代汽車司總裁時,業內人士對他缺乏興趣。
    When Chung Mong Koo became CEO of Hyundai Motor Co. in March, 1999, the industry yawned.
  • 可以,這話聽起來還算道。
    Yeah, that sounds fair to me.
  • 司到明年就有125年的歷史了。
    The company be 125 years old next year.
  • 司到明年就有125年的歷史了。
    The company is 125 years old next year.
  • 司去年損失了2百萬英鎊,今年為四百萬英鎊,兩年合計達到6百萬英鎊。
    The company lost 2m pound last year, 4m this year, make 6m pound altogether for the two years.
  • 中國人民和各國人民都渴望世界持久和平,渴望過上穩定安寧的生活,渴望建立正合理的國際新秩序,渴望實現國際關係的民主化,渴望促進共同發展和共同繁榮,共創人類美好的未來。
    The people of China and the rest of the world all long for a lasting world peace and for a stable and peaceful life. They aspire for a fair and rational new international order and for democracy in international relations. They yearn for common development and prosperity for all and are willing to work together for a better future.
  • 我們打算先去遊覽黃石國傢園。
    We are going to do YellowStone National Park first.
  • 我們打算先去遊覽黃石國傢園。
    We're going to do Yellowstone National Park first.
  • 美國的黃石國傢園是該國最大的灰熊棲息地。
    The largest United States population is in Yellowstone National Park.
  • 許多人都說在黃石國傢園看見野生的狼是一種終生難忘的體驗。
    Many people said it was a lifetime experience seeing a wolf in the wild in Yellowstone.
  • 1995年,黃石園已經幾乎沒有狼了。於是,道格拉斯·史密斯(黃石國傢園狼群保護計劃負責人)從加拿大捕來14衹狼,希望能夠恢復黃石國傢園狼的數量。
    In 1995,Yellowstone' s wolf population was almost gone,so Douglas Smith (Yellowstone' s Wolf Preservation Project Leader) went to Canada to capture fourteen of the animals in an effort to revive Yellowstone' s wolf population.
  • 今天,黃石國傢園的特色是與其許多天然間歇泉緊密聯繫在一起的,諸如迄今尚存的"老忠實噴泉"。
    Today,Yellowstone' s identity is closely associated with its powerful,natural geysers such as the ever present: Old Faithful.
  • 他們在園裏種了許多紫杉。
    They planted many yews in the park.
  • 騰飛實業司總裁殷蘇沛先生建議我應聘貴司空缺的係統設計師職位。
    Mr. Yin Supei, President of Tengfei Industries, suggested I write to you about an opening you have for a systems designer.
  • 他們給束縛在同一個辦室裏。
    They were yoked together in the same office.
  • 有關你方訂貨10噸蛋黃粉的第20998號信用證收到,謝謝。
    We thank you for your L/C No.20998 covering your order of 10 metric tons of Hen Egg Yolk.
  • 雙胞胎中的老大繼承了父親的司,老二則得到尚未投資到司中去的全部現款,而父親的房屋和地産就算是留給小兒子的那一份。
    The elder twin had inherited his father's business, the younger was to receive all the money that was not invested in the business, while the youngest boy was left his father's house and estate as his share of the property.
  • 有一群青年在共汽車站附近胡闹。
    Near the bus stop there was a gang of youths larking about.
  • 那男孩手指夾在辦室門縫裏,大聲號叫。
    The boy caught his finger in an office door and yowled.
  • 波墨河非洲中部的一條河,發源於中非共和國的東南部,沿着紮伊爾的邊界嚮西流徑805裏(500英裏)與約勒河匯合形成烏班吉河
    A river of central Africa rising in southeast Central African Republic and flowing about805 km(500 mi) generally west along the boundary with Zaire to merge with the Uele and form the Ubangi River.
  • 大樓為了配合可用的地皮建造得略呈之字形。
    The office buildings were slightly zigzagged to fit available ground space.
  • 這塊地是官方劃出來建園的嗎?
    Has this area been zoned for a park?
  • 政府所製定土地及工務政策的主要目標,是確保有足夠土地滿足營部門和私營機構的短期及長遠需求;按照土地用途分區及發展策略,發揮土地的最佳效用;以及確保基建設施與屋宇建設的發展可以互相配合。
    The government's primary lands and works policy objectives are to ensure an adequate supply of land to meet the short-term and long-term needs of the public and private sectors, to optimise the use of land within the framework of land use zoning and development strategies, and to ensure co-ordinated development in infrastructure and buildings.
  • 政府的土地及工務政策有以下主要目標∶確保有足夠土地應付營和私營機構的短期和長期發展需要;在土地用途地帶區劃和發展策略的準則下充分利用土地;以及統籌基建和建築工程的發展。
    The primary objectives of the Government's lands and works policies are to ensure that there is an adequate supply of land to meet both the short-term and long-term needs of the public and private sectors, to optimise the use of land within the framework of land use zoning and development strategies, and to co-ordinate development in infrastructure and buildings.