  • 吐从嘴里吐出;吐出
    To eject from the mouth; spit.
  • 跳伞从飞机上用降落伞降落;弹射
    To parachute from an aircraft; eject.
  • 在飞机迅速落向地面时,驾驶员只得弹射来。
    He ground, the pilot had to eject.
  • 呕吐通过嘴喷(胃里的东西)
    To eject(contents of the stomach) through the mouth.
  • 汲取用或像用泵推进、喷或插入
    To propel, eject, or insert with or as if with a pump.
  • 在飞机迅速落向地面时,驾驶员只得弹射
    As the plane fell rapidly towards the grind, the pilot had to eject
  • 当受到触发时,这些细胞喷射有助于海蜇在海洋中捕捉食物的有毒倒钩。
    When triggered, these cells eject poison-tipped barbs that help the jellyfish catch food in the ocean.
  • 呕吐通过嘴喷胃里部分或全部东西,常常是一系列不自觉的阵发性运动
    To eject part or all of the contents of the stomach through the mouth, usually in a series of involuntary spasmic movements.
  • 乌贼任一种乌贼属的乌贼状的海洋软体头足动物,生有十个腕以及一个钙质内壳,并且在危险时能排黑色墨水状液体
    Any of various squidlike cephalopod marine mollusks of the genus Sepia that have ten arms and a calcareous internal shell and eject a dark, inky fluid when in danger.
  • 亨利由于未能交付欠款而被逐该俱乐部。
    Henry was ejected from the club for failing to pay the money that he owed.
  • 呕吐物通过嘴从胃中喷的物体
    Matter ejected from the stomach through the mouth.
  • 火山从山中喷的物体形成的一座山
    A mountain formed by the materials ejected from a volcano.
  • 熔岩受到压挤而从火山口喷射来。
    Lava was ejected from the volcano.
  • 火山灰火山爆发喷射来的粉末状颗粒物质
    Pulverized particulate matter ejected by volcanic eruption.
  • 那名捣乱分子被赶了会场。
    The heckler was ejected from the meeting.
  • 物喷物,如火山的喷
    Ejected matter, as that from an erupting volcano.
  • 从引擎中作为废物排的气体。
    gases ejected from an engine as waste products.
  • 他因为吵闹而被赶戏院。
    He was ejected from the theater for noisiness.
  • 最近他们从这个地方被赶了去。
    They have lately been ejected from the place.
  • 他们因未付房租而被赶了
    They were ejected because they had not paid their rent
  • 熔岩从火山喷,幸好没伤着人。
    Lave ejected from the volcano. Luckily, it didn't hurt people.
  • 的动作或被喷的状态
    The act of ejecting or the condition of being ejected.
  • 他们因未付房租而被赶了去。
    They are ejected because they have not paid their rent.
  • 警察来了,把那些吵吵嚷嚷的青年人从餐馆里撵了去。
    The police came and ejected the noisy youths from the restaurant.
  • (乌贼等的)墨汁大多数头足动物(包括章鱼和乌贼)用于保护自己而喷的黑色液体
    A dark liquid ejected for protection by most cephalopods, including the octopus and squid.
  • 用喷雾器把液体以微小颗粒的形式喷洒去。
    the application of a liquid in the form of small particles ejected from a sprayer.
  • 的火山的来自于喷或喷在地表的岩浆的。用于火成岩
    Derived from magma poured out or ejected at the earth's surface. Used of igneous rocks.
  • 真菌的单型科,在成熟期或多或少产孢组织被强有力的喷射来。
    monotypic family of fungi in which the more or less spherical gleba is forcibly ejected at maturity.
  • 飞行员发现飞机失去控制时,趁还来得及时赶紧从飞机里弹射来。
    The pilot saw that his plane was out of control and ejected from it while it was still possible to do so.
  • 航天飞机上碰到紧急情况时能将飞行员强行弹的座椅;然后飞行员就可以靠降落伞着陆。
    a pilot's seat in an airplane that can be forcibly ejected in the case of an emergency; then the pilot descends by parachute.
  • “这个避难所以我的名字命名,因为实际上爱滋病患者被逐家门,恋人们被爱侣们赶爱巢。
    "The house is named after me, because, actually, people are getting ejected out of their homes, lovers get kicked out of their lovers' house.
  • 这位在10年前的那个9月份攻击英镑迫使英国退欧洲汇率机制的投机商有一项使命---利用他大约50亿英镑的财产和他的声名来帮助解决他所认为的全球化失败问题。
    The speculator whose assault on sterling ejected Britain from the European exchange rate mechanism that September of 10 years ago has a mission--to use his esti-mated £5 bn fortune and his fame to help tackle what he sees as the failures of globalisation.