  • 他加入了亚特兰大会。
    he joined the Atlanta chapter.
  • 峡连接两个较大器官或一个器官的几部的组织狭带
    A narrow strip of tissue joining two larger organs or parts of an organ.
  • 把…分开;拆散
    To undo the joining of; separate.
  • 由重叠的尾部造成的并且接合在一起的部
    made by overlapping two ends and joining them together.
  • 社团活跃子爱参加社团组织活动的人
    A person given to joining groups, organizations, or causes.
  • 这个管子从接口处成两截了.
    The two parts of the pipe have separated at the joint.
  • 关节分离的;脱臼的
    Out of joint; dislocated.
  • 由关节连接的由关节连接组成部的;连接的
    Consisting of sections united by joints; jointed.
  • 同他人一起使用或共同享某物。
    using or enjoying something jointly with others.
  • 现已搬到近香港国际机场入口的宋王台石刻、大庙湾天后庙的宋代碑刻、别在石壁、米埔和奇力岛出土的宋代窖藏钱币,以及在多处,尤其是大屿山稔树湾和石壁发掘到的宋代青瓷,都是这个时期的文物。
    Several local finds are from this period: the Sung Wong Toiinscription, now relocated near the entrance to the Hong Kong International Airport; the Song inscription in the grounds of the Tin Hau Temple at Joss House Bay; caches of Song coins from Shek Pik, Mai Poand Kellet Island; and celadons of Song type from various sites, especially Nim Shue Wan and Shek Pik on Lantau Island.
  • 彬格莱一听此话,便大叫起来:“即使她们有多得数不清的舅舅,可以把整个齐普赛都塞满,也不能把她们讨人喜爱的地方减损毫。”
    "If they had uncles enough to fill all Cheapside," cried Bingley, "it would not make them one jot less agreeable."
  • 文学与报刊文章之间的别是:报刊文章不堪一读,而文学则不获一读。
    The difference between literature and journalism is that journalism is unreadable and literature is unread.
  • 结算的分录
    journalizing of closing accounts
  • 陆路客运占所有公共交通乘客人数三之二。
    Road passenger transport accounted for two-thirds of all public transport journeys.
  • 为此,货物和流动服务从某出发地到目的地呈扇形展开,通过支的方式扩散开去。
    Goods and service journeys thus fan out from source to destination, spreading by subdivision.
  • 这些只是基辛格非得采取行动的部原因。
    These are only a few of the reasons why Kissinger's journeys are really necessary.
  • 相比之下,信息旅行的不同点在于信息的扩散是通过增大而不是相的方式进行的。
    Information journeys', by comparison, differ in that information spreads by multiplying itself, not by subdivision.
  • 陆路客运量占整体公共交通运输的三二,其中逾半数由专利巴士提供,其他的由公共小型巴士、的士和非专利巴士提供。
    Road passenger transport accounted for two-thirds of all public transport journeys. More than half of public transport journeys made by road were on franchised buses, and the remainder on public light buses, taxis and non-franchised buses.
  • 这两家人的聚会十愉快.
    The meeting between the two families was a joyful one.
  • 这两家人的聚会十愉快。
    The meeting between the two families is a joyful one.
  • 维多利亚加拿大大不列颠哥伦比亚省省会,位于温哥华岛东南端的胡安·德福卡海峡的东端。1843年建立被当作哈得孙海湾公司的边远部,19世纪60年代末它成为省会。人口64,379
    The capital of British Columbia, Canada, on southeast Vancouver Island at the eastern end of the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Founded in1843 as a Hudson's Bay Company outpost, it became provincial capital in the late1860's. Population,64, 379.
  • 伊斯雷尔古代巴勒斯坦的一个王国,公元前1025年由扫罗建立,933年后它裂成北部王国,或以色列王国和南部的犹太王国。721年以色列被亚述人推翻
    An ancient kingdom of Palestine founded by Saul c.1025 b.c. After933 it split into the Northern Kingdom, or kingdom of Israel, and the kingdom of Judah to the south. Israel was overthrown by the Assyrians in721.
  • 茨韦格,斯忒藩1881-1942奥地利作家,内容有诗歌、小说、敏感的精神析传记文学,有名的三位巨匠(1920年),曾研究过巴尔扎克、狄更斯和陀思妥耶夫斯基
    German-born writer. A Zionist, he wrote about Judaism, the persecution of the Jews, and war. His works include the novel The Case of Sergeant Grischa(1927).
  • 裁判给他十分。
    The judge scored him 10 points.
  • 我十尊重他对大多数问题的判断。
    I have great respect for his judgement on most matters.
  • 香港回归中国头四年的情况显示,回归已经顺利完成,香港原有的法律制度、法治精神、人权和司法独立得到充保障和落实。
    The first four years after the resumption demonstrated that Hong Kong's reunification with China was achieved smoothly, and that the legal system, the rule of law, human rights, and the independence of the Judiciary have been fully maintained and protected.
  • 香港回归中国首两年的情况显示,回归已经顺利完成,香港原有的法律制度、法治精神、人权和司法独立得到充保障和落实。
    The first two years after the resumption demonstrated that Hong Kong's reunification with China was achieved smoothly, and that the legal system, the rule of law, human rights, and the independence of the Judiciary have been fully maintained and protected.
  • 朱迪思必须再得7才能领先。
    Judith 'll have to get seven more points to take lead.
  • 夜半时,朱迪丝用肘推醒了我,并大声叫我起床。
    In the middle of the night I was awakened by Judith poking me with her elbow and yelling at me to get up.
  • 词典出版经理朱迪-佩萨尔说:"我们一直非常关注这些正以惊人速度涌现出来的缩略语。而这些缩略语已经具有相当的影响力,我们理应把它当作英语不可缺少的一个组成部。"
    "We have been monitoring the phenomenal growth of text messaging with great attention: its influence is now such that we felt it was time to treat it as an integral part of English," said the dictionary's publishing manager, Judy Pearsall.
  • 篡改分类账上的数字
    Juggle figures in a ledger.
  • 令人满意的提薪,比赛中有利可图的部
    A juicy raise; a juicy part in a play.