  • 古埃及人把日比作人生的开始,把日落比作人生的终结。
    The ancient Egyptians compared the rising of the sun to the begining of life and the setting of the sun to the end of the life.
  • "那么你们下星期要发了,是吗?"
    "So you're going to start next week, eh?"
  • 他漫不经心地说,“这些钱不是我的,父亲看我担心,他当我不在的时候缺钱用,为了让我放心,就把他钱包里的钱都倒在桌子上给我看。来吧,父亲。”
    "Eh," he said, negligently. "this money is not mine. I was expressing to my father my fears that he had wanted many things in my absence, and to convince me he emptied his purse on the table.
  • 我们是8点出发的吧?
    Did we start at eight?
  • 我们是8点出发的吧?
    Do we start at eight?
  • 这书在十八世纪的初叶版。
    The book appeared at the beginning of the eighteenth century.
  • (这是邓小平同志在中共中央北方局党校第八期开学时作的整风动员讲话,刊载于一九四三年十二月四日北方局、第十八集团军总司令部直属机关学委会版的《整风周报》第二期。)
    (Delivered at the beginning of the eighth term of the Party School of the Northern Bureau of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, the speech was carried in Rectification Weekly No. 2, published on December 4, 1943 by the study committee of the departments directly under the Northern Bureau and the General Headquarters of the Eighteenth Group Army.)
  • 就是总政治部颁布的《政治工作条例(草案)》中指的:“在抗日战争中,第十八集团军政治工作的基本内容是提高军队的战斗力,求得官兵一致,军民一致,团结友军,瓦解敌军,以争取抗日战争的最后胜利。”
    According to the "Regulations Concerning Political Work (Draft)" promulgated by the General Political Department of the Eighth Route Army, "During the War of Resistance Against Japan the basic tasks of political work for the Eighteenth Group Army are to increase the army's combat effectiveness, work for unity between officers and men and between armymen and civilians, unite with friendly forces and disintegrate the enemy, in order to achieve final victory in the war."
  • 我于1950年1月8日在东京生。
    I am bear in tokyo on the eighth of january in 1950.
  • 我于1950年1月8日在东京生。
    I was born in Tokyo on the eighth of January in 1950.
  • 八届全国政协通过调查研究提了许多重大建议。
    After investigation and research they made many important proposals during the Eighth CPPCC National Conference.
  • 爱因斯坦指xx的特征如下
    Einstein identified the following characteristics of xx...
  • 如果我们能确保是爱因斯坦而不仅仅是一个与他相似的人现就更好了。
    It would be better still if we could be guaranteed not just an Einstein but the Einstein.
  • 爱因斯坦的理论为研究揭示一个完整的新领域。
    Einstein's theories opened up a whole new area for study.
  • 爱因斯坦的理论展现一个崭新的研究领域。
    Einstein 's theories opened up a whole new area for study.
  • 他可能向埃森豪威尔总统提一些重要问题。
    He is likely to raise a number of important questions with President Eisenhower.
  • 两人在谈起战争的前景问题时,艾森豪威尔表现乐观态度,他认为欧战一定会在当年的圣诞节之前结束。
    In discussing the prospects of the war,Eisenhower expressed the optimistic opinion that the war in Europe would be terminated before Christmas of the same year.
  • 按惯例,美国总统应是非军人,因此,艾森豪威尔将军在选举中赢得压倒多数的票是乎以外。
    Traditionally , the President of the U.S. is a civilian ; so it is all the more remarkable that General Eisenhower should have achieved an overwhelming majority in the election.
  • 打开麻袋,把土豆拿来。
    Open the sack and get the potato out.
  • 我将在这星期或下星期差。
    I will go on business either this week or next week.
  • 要么进来,要么去。
    Either come in or go out.
  • 的,射精的与生理上的排放有关的
    Of or relating to physiological ejaculation.
  • 插话突然的、短暂的言语;突然说的激动言语
    A sudden, short utterance; an ejaculation.
  • 吵闹的年青人都已从影院被逐去了。
    The noisy youths were ejected from the cinema.
  • 开枪后子弹从枪膛里弹去。
    Cartridges are ejected from the gun after firing.
  • 在飞机迅速落向地面时,驾驶员只得弹射来。
    As the plane fall rapidly towards the grind, the pilot have to eject.
  • "城里工厂的烟囱每天都吐大量的烟尘,很是讨厌。"
    It's annoying that the chimneys of those plants in the city eject a lot of smoke every day.
  • 武力驱逐;逐出
    To force out; eject.
  • 赶出;哄出
    To throw out; eject.
  • 从口里吐或喷东西。
    expel or eject from the mouth.
  • 从军用飞机上排出
    To eject from a military aircraft.
  • 把(某人)赶某建筑物
    To eject(someone) from the premises.