  • 在我们这个外表看来非常现代化的世界级都会里,一些华人经理却仍然保留根深蒂固的传统观念。遵循华人的风俗习惯,给他们一种安全感,也让他们觉得可以确保生意兴隆。
    Beneath the veneer of modernity in this world-class metropolis lurks the hua ren manager who remains traditional in heart and soul, still needing the security blanket of Chinese folk practices to ensure his success and prosperity.
  • 花白头发和胡须的德高望重的智者。
    a venerable sage with white hair and beard.
  • 克林汤姆斯勒的鬼魂夜晚哭喊要报仇的场景在观众的心里留下了很深的印象。
    Clytemnestra's ghost crying in the night for vengeance remained most potently in the audience's mind.
  • 只要考察一下威尼斯、汉撒同盟、葡萄牙、荷兰和英国的历史,就可以看出物质财富与政治力量两者彼此之间存在怎样的交互影响作用。
    We have merely to consider the history of Venice, of the Hanseatic League, of Portugal, Holland,and England, in order to perceive what reciprocal influence material wealth and political power exercise on each other.
  • 海水环绕海洋生物体,使它们体形变得庞大,同时海水也是各种海洋生物体内、体外的化学反应发生的媒介。
    Water surrounds all marine organisms, composes the greater bulk of their bodies, and is the medium by which venous chemical reactions take place, both inside and outside of their bodies.
  • 弗尔南多猛地抬起头来,眼睛直盯卡德鲁斯,象要找谁来出气似的。
    said Fernand, lifting up his head, and looking at Caderousse like a man who looks for some one on whom to vent his anger;
  • (生物学)向下变平的好像从上面加压或沿背部和腹部表面变平的。
    (biology) flattened downward as if pressed from above or flattened along the dorsal and ventral surfaces.
  • 覆盖金星的云层下面有没有生物?
    Are there living things below the covering clouds of Venus?
  • 覆盖金星的云层下面有没有生物?
    Does there any living things below the cloud covering layer of Venus?
  • 维纳斯发了斜射球后,埃琳娜得跑遍整个球场,试把球反击过去。
    After Venus had sliced the ball on her serve, Elena had to run all over the court trying to return it.
  • 被研究金星的科学家们发射到金星的卫星,自从在金星陆以来一直在往回发送信号和照片。
    The satellite landed on the planet of Venus by Venusian Scientists has been sending back signals as well as photographs ever since.
  • 古行星能够用肉眼看到七个天体之一,水星、金星、月球、太阳、火星、木星和土星,古代天文学家认为它在天空中围绕固定的地球和固定的恒星中旋转
    One of the seven celestial bodies, Mercury, Venus, the moon, the sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, visible to the naked eye and thought by ancient astronomers to revolve in the heavens about a fixed Earth and among fixed stars.
  • ‘和他在一起你真的快乐吗,’维拉的妈妈问她,细心地盯
    `Are you really happy with him,' asked her mother, gazing at Vera searchingly.
  • 她罗罗嗦嗦地解释她自己的想法。
    she explained her ideas verbosely.
  • 这个小男孩沿草地的边上走,小心不踩到地里。
    The little boy walked along the grass verge, trying not to step into the field.
  • 苏东坡说,当他第一次读庄子的文章时,他觉得他自从幼年时代起似乎就一直在想同样的事情,抱同样的观念。
    Su Tungp'o said that when he first read Chuangtse, he felt as if all the time since his childhood he had been thinking the same things and taking the same views himself.
  • 尽管ulm城只有10万居民,但宏伟的建筑处处展示这里曾拥有的辉煌。
    Even though Ulm only has one hundred thousand inhabitants, the splendid architecture shows that this city was the subject of a veritable building phenomenon in the past.
  • 医学研究表明,人的心身是相互关连的,也就是说你的心理健康影响你的身体状况,反之亦然。
    Medical science has learned that the mind and body are interrelated,meaning that your mental well-being affects your physical state and vice versa.
  • 现在必须垂直提升馅饼盘,因为盘的一边靠在运河的侧面上。
    The dish now had to is lifted vertically because one edge was resting against the side of the canal.
  • 而且他还能穿特殊制服,其中包括他自己设计的背心。
    It also meant he got to wear a special uniform,including vests of his own design.
  • 这两个可忧虑的问题在广大的人们中间议论,找不到解决的基点。
    These two vexing questions are being widely discussed and no key has been found to their solution.
  • 机器发脾气没有用。
    It's no use getting vexed with the machine.
  • 后来,生活设施改善了,学位也受到本地政府的承认,可是评估南大的报告书层出不穷,改制的措施接二连三,同学们在“前程未卜”的气氛中学习,大家有“共同命运”的感受。
    Over time, things improved and Nantah degrees also received the recognition of the government. However, a succession of reports on the viability of Nantah and a series of measures to alter its system soon followed. But learning in an atmosphere of uncertainty about the future helped students then to forge a sense of “common destiny”.
  • ……每一个社群……保留它们本身独特的色彩和活力。
    .. (where) each community retains its own unique colour and vibrancy.
  • 当司机发动了发动机时,公共汽车颤动
    The bus vibrated when the driver started the engine.
  • 振动的空气使你的耳鼓振动。
    Vibrating air makes your ear drums vibrate.
  • 这些声音由振动的空气传给你。
    These sounds are brought to you by vibrating air.
  • 他过一种堕落的生活。
    He led a vicious life.
  • 他过着堕落的生活。
    He leads a vicious life.
  • 勇敢,无畏,勇气,胆量使人带有沉、自信和决心面对危险、恐怖或世事无常的心理素质或状态;勇气
    The state or quality of mind or spirit that enables one to face danger, fear, or vicissitudes with self-possession, confidence, and resolution; bravery.
  • 维克多迟到了,他给我们编造了他所坐的火车火的胡话。
    Victor arrived late and told us some cock and bull story about his train catching fire.
  • 中国共产党领导了、而且继续领导轰轰烈烈的光荣的胜利的革命战争。
    The Chinese Communist Party has led and continues to lead the stirring, magnificent and victorious revolutionary war.