  • 科学事业费支出效果
    effect of science expenditure
  • 他在奥赛罗的演令人印象深刻
    Gave an effective performance as Othello.
  • 的从中心神经系统将神经脉冲传到效感器
    Carrying impulses from the central nervous system to an effector.
  • 通过我们在上面所指的生产力发展的世界主义倾向,世界上那些比较辽远的地区,也许会比坐落得较近的欧洲各国先一步获得利益,达到富强。为了避免这种形势的发展,欧洲的那些国家,对于自己道德、智力、社会和政治情况作了衡量以后,如果感觉到自己有能力发展成为一个工业强国,就必须采用保护制度,作为达到这个目的的最有效手段。
    In order that, through that cosmopolitical tendency of the powers of production to which we have alluded, the more distant parts of the world may not be benefited and enriched before the neighbouring European countries,those nations which feel themselves to be capable, owing to their moral, intellectual, social, and political circumstances, of developing a manufacturing power of their own must adopt the system of protection as the most effectual means for this purpose.
  • 的由中枢神经系统传神经脉冲的;传
    Transmitting nerve impulses away from the central nervous system; efferent.
  • 神经一个传器官或躯体部分,如血管
    An efferent organ or body part, such as a blood vessel.
  • 民主集中主义的制度,一定要在革命斗争中显了它的效力,使群众了解它是最能发动群众力量和最利于斗争的,方能普遍地真实地应用于群众组织。
    Democratic centralism can be widely and effectively practised in mass organizations only when its efficacy is demonstrated in revolutionary struggle and the masses understand that it is the best means of mobilizing their forces and is of the utmost help in their struggle.
  • 改进性能和提高工作效率的意见。
    Give advice on improving performance and obtaining higher efficiency.
  • 他确实显是一个善于实干的人。
    He showed himself an efficient man of action.
  • 纳员极为利索地付钱。
    The cashier paid the money out efficiently.
  • 氩激光器发的蓝绿色的光线对血红蛋白能够更有效地起作用,因此它可用以刺穿牙龈并有助于止血。
    The blue-green light of an argon laser reacts more efficiently with hemoglobin, so it cuts gums effectively and helps halt bleeding.
  • 或排的物体;流
    Something that flows out or forth; an effluence.
  • 这些化学公司排废水污染著我们的河流。
    The chemical companies are poisoning our rivers with effluent.
  • 几家化学工厂排的有害废水正流入通过我们市镇的河里。
    Dangerous effluent from some chemical plants is being poured into the river through the town.
  • 工厂放的废水把这条河弄得不能游泳了。
    The effluent from the factory makes the river unsafe for swimming.
  • 年内,环保署的督察巡视产生污水的楼宇24700次,共采集逾6400个污水样本,并进行22800项化验,向违反规定的排放者发约1830封警告书,完成289宗检控。
    In 1997, the Environmental Protection Department's inspectors made 24 700 inspections of effluent-producing premises. They took more than 6 400 effluent samples and conducted 22 800 laboratory tests. About 1830 written warnings were issued and 289 prosecutions against the non-complying dischargers were completed.
  • 昂船洲污水处理厂在进行设施试验研究,以确定最合适的化学处理方法,而结果显示处理厂排的污水可加以消毒之后,已于一九九七年六月启用。
    Stonecutters Island Sewage Treatment Works was commissioned in June1997 after a pilot plant study determined the most suitable chemical treatment and showed the effluent from the works can be disinfected.
  • 董事们为改进公司的全面管理作的努力是卓有成效的。
    The directors' efforts to improve the comprehensive management in the company have been very effective.
  • 用一个强大的力把东西排
    emit with force of effort.
  • 没有表现努力或者紧张。
    not showing effort or strain.
  • 艰巨、谨慎的努力。
    make a strenuous or labored effort.
  • 他总吹嘘自己在网球场上的杰技术,可是帕姆毫不费力地连续数局败他,使他马上威风扫地。
    He was boasting as usual about his prowess on the tennis court, but Pam soon cut him down to size by beating him effortlessly in straight sets.
  • 泄漏从包围物中逐渐渗的漏;泄漏
    A gradual effusion from an enclosure; a leakage.
  • 血器官或组织内的突然
    A sudden effusion of blood into an organ or tissue.
  • 孵化从蛋里产(幼体)
    To produce(young) from an egg.
  • 在开凿来的粗糙岩石上,先涂一层或两层用碎麦秸、细麻刀合好的泥,再抹上一层薄如蛋壳的白石灰加以打磨。然后便能在光洁的墙壁上纵情挥毫了。
    First one or two layers of plaster mixed with crushed wheat straw and fine hemp-fiber were coated over the carved rough rock. Then it was daubed with a layer of lime as thin as eggshell and polished and then the artist was free to wield his brush on the finished wall to his heart's content.
  • 一些杰人物都相当自负,他们觉得自己是全人类的代言人。
    Some rare people are so filled with egotism that they imagine that they speak for all mankind.
  • 听证会举了科佩尔曼做的令人难以置信的行为,以及科佩尔曼不能或不愿承认对患者的不正当行为。
    The panel cited the “egregiousness” of the doctor's alleged acts, as well as the doctor's “inability or unwillingness to recognize what transpired with these patients.”
  • 现的动作或过程;
    The act or process of emerging; egress.
  • 只有当输入帧到达了它的“端口”时(在此处输入帧通向目的地端站),口交换器或路由器才作最后的802.1q决定,即使用哪个端口以确保输入帧到达它想到的vlan。
    Only when the frame reaches its "egress port", where it heads for its destination end station, does the egress switch or router make the final 802.1Qdecision, namely, which egress port to use to ensure that the frame reaches the VLAN to which it's headed.
  • 这些宫廷的记录是三千五百年前一位埃及的抄写员抄来的。
    These palaces record were copied out three and a half thousand years ago by an egyptian scribe.
  • 在古埃及,埃及人相信,人死之后,好人上天堂,而坏人的心脏会被妖魔掏来。
    In Ancient Egypt Egyptians believed that good people went to heaven, but bad ones had their hearts torn out by a monster after they died.