  • ,榨(汁液等)
    Special edition of a newspaper containing special or later news
  • 第三版收词约三万条,于一九九八年九月版。
    The third edition, containing about 30 000 entries, was published in September 1998.
  • 他几乎做得版华兹华斯作品的删改本(洁本)。
    He was capable of bringing out an expurgated edition of Wordsworth.
  • 版社准备一本大部头新版本。
    The press is ready to turn out a huge new edition.
  • 版社推这部书的又一个修订版。
    The publishing house brought out another revised edition of the book.
  • 批评和建议帮助改进这本书新版的质量
    Contribute to the new edition of the book with comment and suggestions
  • 一个为版物提供正文的人。
    an editor who prepares text for publication.
  • 他继史密斯先生任编辑。
    He became editor in succession to Mr Smith.
  • 报纸划了几栏版面用以刊登社论。
    Several columns were lined off for the editorial.
  • 一个在版物主笔方面负责的人。
    a person responsible for the editorial aspects of publication.
  • 版公司中一个编辑职位;禁止使用未署名的资料的编辑政策
    An editorial position with a publishing company; an editorial policy prohibiting the use of unnamed sources.
  • 依靠计算机技术的帮助编辑和版中文古籍图书可以比以前更加容易。
    It is formerly easier that help editorial and the publishing Chinese ancient books depending on the computer technology.
  • 这篇社论是要试探公众对于变更校历的反应。
    The editorial was a trail balloon to test the public's reaction to a change in the school day.
  • 这是当时《大公报》在一九三八年四月二十五日和二十六日社评中提的意见。
    This view was put forward in an editorial in the Ta Kung Pao, then the organ of the Political Science Group in the Kuomintang.
  • 社论版物中表达编辑与版社意见的一种文章
    An article in a publication expressing the opinion of its editors or publishers.
  • 教育是一项昂贵的事业,但如果不办教育,其后果——特别是在这样一个日益全球化的世界中——将要付更加昂贵的代价。
    Education is an expensive business, but the consequences of a failure to educate especially in an increasingly globalized world are even more expensive.
  • 教育事业费支出效果
    effect of education expenditure
  • 学校的修缮将由教育部门资。
    The repairs to the school will be financed by the educational department.
  • 该节目的主要目的是为了进行教育。
    The purpose of the programme is primarily educational.
  • 这家公司版了大量的教育书籍。
    This firm prints a lot of educational books.
  • 我们的钱化得值吗?一位著名的教育学家公开地问了这个问题。
    Are we getting our money's worth? An eminent educationist is now asking it loud and clear.
  • 蒙台梭利,玛丽亚1870-1952意大利医师和教育家先驱,提了强调发展儿童潜能的教育方法
    Italian physician and pioneer educator who proposed a method of teaching young children that stresses the development of initiative and natural abilities.
  • 沙利文,哈里·斯塔克1892-1949美国精神病学家,他提了关于人的个性。主要是由人际关系和社交价值观的同化作用所决定的理论
    American educator. Visually impaired herself, she was the teacher and lifelong companion of Helen Keller.
  • 一名教育工作者将直接影响年轻人的头脑,一名优秀教师的微妙教学效果已超课堂的空间并且超越了时间。
    While an educator directly impacts young minds, the more subtle effects of a good teacher stretch beyond the boundaries of a classroom and past the hands of time.
  • ,引或拉(潜在的某物);诱
    To bring or draw out(something latent); educe.
  • 我打电话给爱德华,他妈告诉我他刚门。
    When I telephoned, his mother told me that Edward had just gone out.
  • 他再次与edwards合作在西部滑稽片(落日)中演西部牛仔明星tommix,与jamesgarner(扮演wyattearp)演对手戏。
    He again worked with Edwards for his sophomore effort playing cowboy star Tom Mix opposite James Garner's Wyatt Earp in the Western spoof Sunset (1988).
  • 神秘的似乎于怪异的原因或性质而异常令人不乐的;怪诞的
    Peculiarly unsettling, as if of supernatural origin or nature; eerie.
  • 一个非常文静,不想风头的人
    a very quiet self-effacing person
  • 这个房间把她绘画的优点充分显示来。
    The room shows off her paintings to good effect.
  • 财政支出效果
    effect of fiscal expenditure
  • 卫生事业费支出效果
    effect of health expenditure