Chinese English Sentence:
  • 盒子倒放在地板上。
    the box was lying on the floor upside down.
  • 这三只熊又来到楼上。
    Then the three bears went upstairs.
  • 毛泽东同志早在开国的时候就指出:“随经济建设的高潮的到来,不可避免地将要出现一个文化建设的高潮。”
    At the time of the founding of our People's Republic, Comrade Mao Zedong pointed out that "an upsurge in economic construction is bound to be followed by an upsurge of construction in the cultural sphere".
  • 你干嘛这样急要得到那份工作呢?
    Why are you so uptight about getting that job?
  • 山或者斜坡向上。
    upward on a hill or incline.
  • 在农村,农业就业虽仍以家庭为主,但随城镇化战略的实施和非农产业的发展,非农就业和农村劳动力转移迅速发展。
    In the countryside, the household is still the dominant unit of agricultural employment. However, with the implementation of the urbanization strategy and the development of non-agricultural industries, non-agricultural employment and the transfer of rural labor have increased rapidly.
  • 二十世纪末,为何这般急?
    But why this urgency at the end of the 20th century?
  • 我用不向你强调这事的紧迫性了。
    I need not press on you the urgency of the matter.
  • 目前自然还不能提出国家农业和集体农业的问题,但是为促进农业的发展,在各地组织小范围的农事试验场,并设立农业研究学校和农产品展览所,却是迫切地需要的。
    Of course, we cannot as yet bring up the question of state or collective farming, but it is urgently necessary to set up small experimental farms, agricultural research schools and exhibitions of farm produce in various places to stimulate the development of agriculture.
  • 孩子们喜欢在旷野里跑玩。
    Children like to urn around in the open fields.
  • 自1986年以后,gatt一直在进行有史以来最大的贸易谈判,即乌拉圭回合谈判。
    Since 1986, the GATT has been conducting the biggest trade negotiation, i.e. the Uruguay Round.
  • 1990年11月,在关税与贸易总协定(乌拉圭回合)多边贸易谈判中,达成了《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》草案,它标志保护知识产权的新的国际标准的形成。
    In November, 1990, multilateral trade negotiations in GATT's Uruguay Round produced a draft Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights. This signaled that a new international standard of intellectual property rights protection was taking form.
  • 我正在用的钢笔和我去年用的那支一样好。
    The pen I am using is as good as the one I used last year.
  • 桑娜老姨总是为每一个上门来的怯生生的小使者打开房门,将他或她领进昏暗的客厅。那里的百叶窗长年关闭,以防热气和苍蝇进去。
    Old Tnate Sanna would open the door to the rather frightened little messenger and would usher him-or her - into the dark voor-kamer, where the shutters were always closed to keep out the heat and the flies.
  • 一、封建时代的自给自足的自然经济基础是被破坏了;但是,封建剥削制度的根基——地主阶级对农民的剥削,不但依旧保持,而且同买办资本和高利贷资本的剥削结合在一起,在中国的社会经济生活中,占显然的优势。
    The foundations of the self-sufficient natural economy of feudal times have been destroyed, but the exploitation of the peasantry by the landlord class, which is the basis of the system of feudal exploitation, not only remains intact but, linked as it is with exploitation by comprador and usurer capital, clearly dominates China's social and economic life.
  • 这一联盟企图把持某些地区和某些工作部门,作为反对中央和进行篡夺活动的“资本”,并且为同一目的,在各个地区中和人民解放军中,进行反对中央的煽动。
    This alliance intended to maintain exclusive control over certain areas and departments and use them as its :"capital" to oppose the Central Committee and usurp its authority; for this purpose it attempted to arouse resentment against the Central Committee in various areas and among the People's Liberation Army.
  • 中国人民遭受地租、赋税、高利贷和工商资本的层层盘剥,其所受的剥削和贫困的程度是世界上罕见的。
    The Chinese people were repeatedly exploited by land rent, taxes, usury and industrial and commercial capital. The exploitation and poverty they suffered were of a degree rarely seen in other parts of the world.
  • 唯物主义者并不一般地反对功利主义,但是反对封建阶级的、资产阶级的、小资产阶级的功利主义,反对那种口头上反对功利主义、实际上抱最自私最短视的功利主义的伪善者。
    Materialists do not oppose utilitarianism in general but the utilitarianism of the feudal, bourgeois and petty-bourgeois classes; they oppose those hypocrites who attack utilitarianism in words but in deeds embrace the most selfish and short-sighted utilitarianism.
  • 他看我,没说一句话。
    He looked at me without uttering a word.
  • 叫喊着说
    To utter by yelping.
  • 高声说,高喊着表示
    To utter with a whoop.
  • 说重复另一人的说话
    To utter in duplication of another's utterance.
  • 我知道也许我们不得不在边界等
    I know her vacancy money.
  • 我想问一下你们在昨天的报纸上广告招聘色拉配制工的事。这个职位还空吗?
    I'm asking about your ad for a salad hand in yesterday's newspaper. Do you still have that vacancy?
  • 我想问一下你们在昨天的报纸上广告招聘色拉配制工的事。这职位还空吗?
    I am asking about your ad for a salad hand in yesterday's newspaper. Do you still have that vacancy?
  • 我想问一下你们在昨天的报纸上广告招聘色拉配制工的事。这职位还空吗?
    I am asking about your ad for a salad hand in yesterday 's newspaper. do you still have that vacancy?
  • 如果那个房间空,我们可以在那练习。
    If that room is vacant, we can practice there.
  • 我确实期待假期到来。
    I'm really looking forward to our vacation.
  • 他们一方面不喜欢帝国主义,一方面又怕革命的彻底性,他们在这二者之间动摇
    On the one hand they dislike imperialism, and on the other they fear thorough revolution, and they vacillate between the two.
  • 他过着流浪生活。
    He leads a vagabond life.
  • 自从马科斯回来以后,我隐约地感到自己在过双重人格的生活。
    Since Marcus?? return I had become vaguely aware that I was leading a double life.
  • 自从马科斯回来以后,我隐约地感到自己在过双重人格的生活。
    Since Marcus’ return I had become vaguely aware that I was leading a double life.