  • 伊甸园中流过一条河,河水可作灌溉之用。这河流伊甸后分为四股。
    There was a river flowing from Eden to water the garden, and when it left the garden it branched into four streams.
  • 旧约)亚当和夏娃偷食禁果后被赶伊甸园面对人世的痛苦疾病和最终的死亡。
    (Old Testament) in Judeo-Christian mythology--when Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden God punished them by driving them out of the Garden and into the world where they would be subject to sickness and pain and eventual death.
  • 铸造物的凸出边缘
    A projecting edge of a molding.
  • 他慢慢地走出门外。
    He edged out the door.
  • 那只小船进港时紧靠港口的护堤沿,发吱吱嘎嘎的响声。
    The boat, coming in too close, jarred against the protective edging of the harbour wall.
  • 日本产品正逐渐把美国产品挤欧洲市场。
    The products of Japan are gradually edging those of the United States out of the European market.
  • 这种设想即将成为现实,科学家已找到方法,将新的基因加入实验室生产精子的动物细胞中,培育改变基因的精子。
    That scenario is edging closer to reality now, as scientists figure out how to slip new genes into the sperm-producing cells of lab animals, yielding genetically altered sperm.
  • 角豆荚角豆植物的豆荚,内含味甜可食的肉质部分以及种子,它们产生一种胶,可用于食品中做稳定剂
    The pod of this plant, containing a sweet edible pulp and seeds that yield a gum used as a stabilizer in food products.
  • 从棉籽中榨的可食用的油。
    edible oil pressed from cottonseeds.
  • 在今年的爱丁堡艺术节期间我们看到了些精彩的演
    We saw some excellent plays at the Edinburgh Festival this year.
  • 在今年的爱丁堡艺术节期间我们看到了些精彩的演
    We see some excellent play at the Edinburgh festival this year.
  • 斯特林苏格兰中部一个自治市,位于爱丁堡西北偏西,福斯河沿岸。它是一个中世纪的城堡,也是苏格兰的詹姆士二世的生地。人口38,400
    A borough of central Scotland on the Forth River west-northwest of Edinburgh. Its medieval castle was the birthplace of James II of Scotland. Population,38, 400.
  • 美国了个大发明家,他就是爱迪先生。
    America has produced a great inventor in the person of Mr Edison.
  • 爱迪生对人类的进步做了巨大的贡献。
    Edison contributed much to the progress of man.
  • 爱迪生自小就喜好电学,他经常对自己提这样的问题:“电学是研究什么的?”
    Edison liked electricity from his childhood , he used to ask himself , "what does electricity treat of ?"
  • 爱迪生把自己的每件事都记下来,为的是如果有什么意想不到的事情发生,他便能准确地知道上什么引起的并且能把它做来。
    Edison made a note of everything he did so that if anything unexpected happened he knew exactly what had led up to it and could do it again.
  • 八十年代以来,自治区及各地、市成立了民族文化遗产抢救、整理和研究机构,展开了历史上规模空前的抢救、搜集、整理、研究、编辑、版民族民间文学艺术遗产的工作。
    Since the 1980s, a group of region-, prefecture- and city-level institutions have been set up to save, collect, research, edit and publish the Tibetan folk literary and art heritage, on a scale without parallel in history.
  • 中国科学技术情报编译版委员会
    China Commission for Editing,Translating and Publishing of Scientific and Technical Information
  • 本人有应用写作、编辑、报章杂志版和管理的坚实功底。
    I have a solid background in technical writing, editing, and print media production and management.
  • 西藏不断加强对宗教典籍的收集、整理、版和研究工作。
    Much importance has always been attached in Tibet to collecting, editing, publishing and studying ancient religious books and records.
  • 国家成立了全国少数民族古籍整理版规划小组和办公室,组织和领导全国少数民族古籍整理工作。
    A national planning section and office have been established by the state to organize the editing and publishing of ancient books of ethnic minorities.
  • 西藏已完成义务教育阶段500种中小学教材的藏文编译,并已开展编译版科技资料藏文目录,搜集整理藏文科技资料的工作。
    Tibet has finished the editing and translation of 500 kinds of primary and middle school teaching materials for the compulsory education stage. The editing, translating into Tibetan and publishing of a catalogue of technical materials has started, as has the work on the collection and collation of technical materials in the Tibetan language.
  • 为了保护藏民族的这一文化瑰宝,西藏自治区于1979年成立了抢救、整理《格萨尔王传》的专门机构,进行全面搜集、采录、整理、研究和版工作。
    To better protect it, the regional authorities set up special bodies in 1979 for the collection, research, editing and publishing of the Life of King Gesar.
  • 西藏自治区专门成立了由国家拨款支持的藏文古籍版社,搜集、整理、版藏文古籍。
    " The Tibetan Ancient Books Publishing House was set up in the Region with state funds to take charge of collecting, editing and publishing Tibetan ancient books.
  • 结束一种过程而进入另一种过程,例如,在文本编辑状态下,从输入方式跳而返回到命令方式。
    To terminate one type of processing in order to perform another; for example, in text editing, to"escape" from the input mode and return to the command mode.
  • 这些文艺集成志书的编纂和版,是对西藏优秀民族传统文化、民间文艺进行全面抢救和有效保护的创举。
    The editing and publishing of these books reflects the regional government's achievements in the protection of the fine aspects of traditional Tibetan culture and folk literature and art.
  • 所以我建议,除了做好毛泽东著作的整理版工作之外,做理论工作的同志,要花相当多的功夫,从各个领域阐明毛泽东思想的体系。
    For this reason I suggest that in addition to editing and publishing the works of Mao Zedong, comrades doing theoretical work should endeavour to expound Mao Zedong Thought as a system from various perspectives.
  • 该版限出500本。
    The edition is limited to 500 copies.
  • 它刚出版了第七版。
    It has just entered the seventh edition.
  • 新版百科全书下周就会在书店摆来。
    The new edition of encyclopaedia will appear in the bookstores next week.
  • 这一版限出二万册。
    This edition is restricted out 20000.
  • 这部词典己到第三版。
    This dictionary has gone into its third edition.