  • 如果你在等共汽车,那你可有得等了。
    If you're waiting for a bus, you'll have to wait till the cows come home.
  • 我立即写信给我们的总司提出放弃索赔。
    I'll write to our home office to waive our claim immediately.
  • 另一方面,这些债券投资者承担的绝对风险却又低于股东,因为息票的付款是不能勾销的,而在司无法还债时,债券持有人的债权,有很高的优先权。
    On the other hand, absolute risk is lower than for equities because coupon payments cannot be waived and, in the event of a default, bondholders are ranked highly among creditors.
  • 我没赶上共汽车,只好走回家。
    I missed the bus and had to walk home.
  • 美国黑人所创的步态竞赛19世纪美国黑人中的一种共娱乐形式,比赛中迈最为熟练而滑稽的步伐步行者赢得蛋糕作为奖品
    A19th-century public entertainment among American Black people in which walkers performing the most accomplished or amusing steps won cakes as prizes.
  • 散步场所给这种散步所提供的共场所
    A public place for such walking.
  • 笔者认为应该让全民都有投票的机会,即使无对手也可以让民投票,这样至少可以让选民知道他们的国会议员是谁,也使候选人有机会面对选民,不会变成不战而胜的议员。
    I believe that every eligible voter should be able to exercise his or her right to vote, even in cases of walkovers.This will allow voters to know who their Members of Parliament are. On the other hand, MPs will also get a better understanding of the constituents they are serving and not become MPs simply because the wards are not contested by the opposition.
  • 公园四周有围墙。
    There was a wall around the park.
  • 秦始皇于元前221年统一中国后,决定把这些不同的城墙连起来并加长,于是我们便有了长城。
    When Qin Shihuang or the First Emperor unified China in 221 BC,he decided to have the various sections of the walls linked up and also extended.From that we got the Great Wall.
  • 中国长城工业公司。
    China great wall industry corporation.
  • 有人在共汽车上偷了他的钱包。
    Someone lifted his wallet on the bus.
  • 司想按上次交易价加5%向贵司供应一百吨核桃仁。
    We'd like to supply you 100 tons of walnuts at the price reached last time plus 5%.
  • 李先生,进道司的华特博士想和你通话。
    Mr. Lee, Dr. Walter of Jindo Company wants to talk to you.
  • 九广铁路司拟建的西铁,将在荃湾西设一个车站。
    The proposed KCRC West Rail will have one station in Tsuen Wan West.
  • 但是,这种有弹性的网络可用性方法在关键任务应用遇到昂贵的共广域网服务时就有问题了,在以网络为中心的组织中广域网的失效会影响生意。
    However, this elastic approach to network availability gets strained when mission-critical applications meet expensive public WAN services.The failure of a WAN in a network-centric organization can hurt business.
  • 连接沙田与荃湾的城门隧道于一九九零年通车,全长2.6里。
    The Shing Mun Tunnels between Sha Tin and Tsuen Wan were openedin 1990 and measure 2.6 kilometres.
  • 她到园去遛达遛达。
    She went for a little wander round the park.
  • 他们正在园里散步。
    They are wandering in the park.
  • 只可惜罗马帝国统治整个希腊后,古奥运会渐渐衰落并走向灭亡,元394年被废止。
    It was a pity that the ancient Olympic Games were on the wane after the Roman Empire dominated the ancient Greece. It was abolished in 394 AD.
  • 他们想知道你们什么时候去园。
    They wanted to know when you would go to the park.
  • 第二天早上7点15分,基米站在了监狱长的办室。
    At a quarter past seven the next morning Jimmy stood in the warden’s office.
  • 事实上,除了自己的一部分软件外,ibm司也为所有的pc网和令牌环网购买了netware操作系统。
    In fact, IBM now markets Net ware for both the PC Network and for Token Ring in addition to its own software.
  • 柏格司开始着手在墨尔本建仓库设施。
    That Bunge undertakes to establish warehouse facilities in Melbourne.
  • 电影开拍于八月十四日,华纳兄弟司付给费雯丽十万美元作为她三个月工作的报酬。
    Shooting started Angust 14th and Warner Brothers paid Vivien $100,000for her 3 months of work.
  • 时代司出价每股份70美元,总价140亿,收购华纳定于星期一正式成交。
    Tim's $70-a-shar, $14 billion tender offer for Warner is scheduled to close on Monday.
  • 11月13日,影片的生产和发布商华纳兄弟司证实,在一些经常提供首映电影盗版的网站,最近赫然出现了《哈里波特与密室》的盗版电影。
    Warner Bros., the studio that produced and distributes the movie, confirmed Wednesday that pirated copies of the movie have popped up on Internet sites that regularly offer illegal copies of first-run films.
  • 今年跌出排行榜的富翁包括:全球最大的媒体司美国在线-时代华纳主席史蒂夫·凯斯,该司股票自去年以来已经下跌了将近一半;美国电信司主席加里·温尼克,该司今年1月份申请了破产保护。
    Among the missing: AOL Time Warner Chairman Steve Case, whose company stock has declined by about half since last year, and Gary Winnick, chairman of Global Crossing, which filed for bankruptcy protection in January.
  • at&t花费480亿美元买入有线电视巨人田纳西州煤炭和钢铁分司tci,并且买进它的合资企业化纳兄弟娱乐司(timewarner),这大大增强了它的国内实力。at&t计划不仅提供电视并且还提供高速度的调制解调器和本地电话服务,以便同贝尔司(babybells)展开竞争。
    AT&T's $48 billion purchase of cable-TV giant TCI and its joint venture with Time Warner give it new wires into the home, through which it plans to provide not only TV but high-speed modem and local phone service to compete with the Baby Bells.
  • 依他的能力,他在司身居要职是理所当然的。
    His abilities warranted his position in the company.
  • 司对于它卖出的所有汽车担保。
    The company warrants all the cars it sells.
  • 左家公山战国笔
    Writing Brush of the Warring States Period from Zuojiagongshan
  • 战国时期(元前475-221年),各诸侯国为了自己的边境,分别修筑更多的城墙。
    During the Warring States Period(475 B. C-221 B. C), more walls were put up to defend the borders of the different kingdoms.