  • 谁晓得。
    Nobody can tell.=Who can tell?
  • 他脾气好,和都处得来。
    He is good-tempered, he gets along with everyone.
  • 他们当中没有低价买过那种靠其他旧车零件组装在一起而勉强开动起来的旧汽车?
    Who among them has not bought for a song an ancient junked car, and with parts from other junked cars put together something that would run?
  • 确定是应负责的人;白蚁是这个损害的原因。
    determined who was the responsible party; termites were responsible for the damage.
  • 该付款这区区小问题争吵得不可开交.
    There was a terrific hoo-ha (going on) about who should pay.
  • 所以,不用派人打听丧钟为而鸣;它为你而鸣。
    "And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee."
  • 谁会想到呢?
    Who'd have thought it?
  • 这人是谁?
    Who is this?
  • 究竟是在搞核威胁?
    Who is Resorting to Nuclear Threat?
  • 都看得出来她跟他套近乎。
    Everyone can see she's just throwing herself at him.
  • 一直在收拾这地方?
    Who's been tidying in here?
  • 谁一直在这里收拾?
    Who 's been tidying in here?
  • 都想让房子整洁,可也不愿意亲自整理。
    It's the same old story: everybody wants the house tidy, but nobody wants to tidy it himself.
  • 很幸运我适时地记住了他是
    It is very luck that I have timely remembered who is he.
  • 也不想得罪,所以我不把想法说出来。
    I don't want to tread on anybody's toes so I won't say what I think.
  • 谁告诉你的?
    Who told you that?
  • 没有,谁说的?
    No. who told you?
  • 今天晚上是谁表演?
    Who 's performing tonight?
  • 书叫谁拿走了?
    Who took the book?
  • 谁是最高层?
    Who is at the top?
  • 当他得知对手是时,他立即断了想获取权力的念头。
    His idea of winning power quickly toppled down when he learned who his opponent was.
  • 要改变三中全会以来的路线、方针、政策,老百姓不答应,就会被打倒。
    Any one who attempted to change the line, principles and policies adopted since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee would not be countenanced by the people; He would be toppled.
  • 我和你掷钱币的方法来决定坐这把扶手椅。
    I'll toss you for the armchair.
  • 我们来掷硬币决定先玩吧。
    Let's toss up who plays first.
  • 我要跟你掷硬币以决定由坐这张扶手椅。
    I will toss you for the armchair.
  • 今晚做饭?咱们掷硬币决定吧
    Who's going to cook tonight? Let's toss up.
  • 让我们投硬币来决定先去
    I'll toss you to see who goes first.
  • 丢铜板决定先发球。
    Let's toss a coin to determine who serves first.
  • 掷钱币决定先开球。
    A toss of a coin decide who shall play first.
  • 我们将掷币决定来洗衣服。
    We'll toss a coin to see who do the wash.
  • 我们掷一枚一便士的硬币来决定先去。
    Let's toss up a penny for the chance to go first.
  • 据说要摸了这棵树的眼掩饰,就要倒霉;
    It is said that if anyone touches the disguise of the tree, he will have bad luck;