  • 接近黄昏时分,二人在布托树木附近迎面相遇。
    It was almost twilight when the two came face to face near Nobottle Woods.
  • 铸排机一种排字机的商标,通过使一个构件动作的键盘来操作,这种构件可以浇铸或排版单个字
    A trademark used for a typesetting machine operated from a keyboard that activates a unit that casts and sets individual characters.
  • 几年后,什莫尔在加里博尔迪麾下,为了解放蒂罗尔,作战牺牲了。
    Years after, Northmour was killed fighting under the colours of Garibaldi for the liberation of Tyrol.
  • 加利纳美国伊利斯州西北端的一个城市,位于罗克福德西北偏西。直至19世纪60年代是一个繁荣的河港,是尤利西斯s·格兰特的家乡,其住所现在是一座博物馆。人口3,876
    A city of extreme northwest Illinois west-northwest of Rockford. A prosperous river port until the1860's, it was the home of Ulysses S. Grant, whose residence is now a museum. Population,3, 876.
  • 但如果你能实践你对我的许而由于你生性持重胆怯不愿单身前往英国,就来信告诉我,那我就会设法回南非来迎接我的新娘。
    If, however, you feel you can keep your promise to me, but are of too timid and modest a journey to England unaccompanied, then write to me, and I will, by some means, return to fetch my bride."
  • 卡拉马女士在一次妇女权利会议上说:"男女平等是建立一个民主、无暴力社会的先决条件,而目前(欧洲大会中)男女人数不平衡的现象十分令人担忧。
    "I find the unbalanced composition a very worrying symbol, as equality of women and men is a prerequisite for the building of a democratic and non-violent society," Karamanou told a women's rights conference.
  • 对香港的政策,我们承了一九九七年以后五十年不变,这个承是郑重的。
    We have solemnly promised that our policy towards Hong Kong will remain unchanged for 50 years after 1997.
  • 1995年4月5日,中国再次正式声明,重申无条件向所有无核国家提供“消极安全保证”,并承向这些国家提供“积极安全保证”。
    On April 5, 1995, China made another official statement, reiterating its unconditional provision of "negative security assurance" to all non-nuclear-weapon states, at the same time undertaking to provide these nations with "positive security assurance."
  • 1995年4月,中国发表国家声明,重申无条件向无核武器国家和无核武器区提供消极安全保证的承,并首次承提供积极安全保证。
    In April 1995 China issued an official statement, reiterating its commitment to unconditionally provide non-nuclear-weapon states and nuclear-weapon-free zones with negative security assurance, and for the first time promised to provide them with positive security assurance.
  • 我也负起责任,无条件支持新的当选总统,尽我所能地帮助他团结美国人民,实现我国《独立宣言》中所标举的广袤视野,实现宪法中允和保障的一切。
    I also accept my responsibility,which I will discharge unconditionally,to honor the new president elect and do everything possible to help him bring Americans together in fulfillment of the great vision that our Declaration of Independence defines and that our constitution affirms and defends.
  • 中国自拥有核武器第一天起,就庄严承在任何时候、任何情况下不首先使用核武器,并无条件不对无核国家和无核区使用或威胁使用核武器。
    From the first day it gained nuclear weapons, China has solemnly undertaken not to be the first to use nuclear weapons at any time and in any circumstance and unconditionally not to use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon states or nuclear-weapon-free zones.
  • 中国从拥有核武器的第一天起就郑重声明,在任何时候、任何情况下都不首先使用核武器,此后又无条件承不对无核武器国家和无核武器区使用或威胁使用核武器。
    From the first day it possessed nuclear weapons, China has solemnly declared its determination not to be the first to use such weapons at any time and in any circumstances, and later undertook unconditionally not to use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon states or nuclear-weapon-free zones.
  • 第二,所有核武器国家都承担在任何时候和任何情况下不首先使用核武器的义务,都承无条件地不对无核武器国家和无核武器区使用或威胁使用核武器,并尽早就此缔结国际法律文件;
    2. all nuclear-weapon states should commit themselves not to be the first to use nuclear weapons at any time and in any circumstances, undertake unconditionally not to use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon states or nuclear-weapon-free zones, and conclude a legally binding international document as soon as possible;
  • 个别部门更签定谅解备忘录,承在邮政服务、海洋保护和打击盗版活动等方面通力合作。
    Some have also signed memoranda of understanding to underline the commitment of both sides to co-operate in such areas as postal service, marine conservation and the fight against intellectual property piracy.
  • 突然之间,这种在本地已失去实际应用价值与“社会地位”的语文,竟然与举世注目的贝尔文学奖挂上钩,作家们难免感到莫名的兴奋,尽管这里面或许有一种一厢情愿的情结。
    Now, out of the blue, a writer who uses a language that has lost its practical purpose and "social status" here, has won the Nobel Literature Prize. Their excitement is understandable though there may be some wishful thinking on their part.
  •  本联盟各国承保护服务标记。
    The countries of the Union undertake to protect service marks.
  • 表明这一事实的例证,毫无疑问地再次表现在贝尔奖桂冠获得者的国籍上。
    One of the many indications of this fact is undoubtedly, once again, the nationality of the Nobel laureates.
  • 对于中国政府出具的《最终用户和最终用途说明》,其它西方国家均予以承认并接受,只有美国仍持疑虑态度,要求中方对美国出口的所谓“受控商品”做这样那样的额外承,如提出对最终用户实施许可前检查及到货后核实的要求,对出口许可证附带各种苛刻条件,如24小时现场监控、随时抽样检验等,这些都是中国难以接受的。
    Other Western countries have accepted ``Elaboration on End Users and Final Use'' made by the Chinese Government. However, only the United States have indicated doubts, demanding China to come up with extra promise about US ``controlled export items.''For example, end users should accept pre-licensing inspection and double check after unloading of imported goods; and various unduly strict surveillance and free random check. All these are difficult for China to accept.
  • 对于中国政府出具的《最终用户和最终用途说明》,其它西方国家均予以承认并接受,只有美国仍持疑虑态度,要求中方对美国出口的所谓“受控商品”做这样那样的额外承,如提出对最终用户实施许可前检查及到货后核实的要求,对出口许可证附带各种苛刻条件,如24小时现场监控、随时抽样检验等,这些都是中国难以接受的。
    Other Western countries have accepted ``Elaboration on End Users and Final Use'' made by the Chinese Government. However, only the United States have indicated doubts, demanding China to come up with extra undertakings about US ``controlled export items.'' For example, end users should accept pre-licensing inspection and double check after unloading of imported goods; and various unduly strict conditions are attached to granting of licenses, such as around-the-clock spot surveil"ilance and free random check. All these are difficult for China to accept.
  • 确切的证据;站在明确的立场上;毫无疑问的成功;明确的允;明确的声明。
    unequivocal evidence; took an unequivocal position; an unequivocal success; an unequivocal promise; an unequivocal (or univocal) statement.
  • 他们以总统未兑现的言为把柄,攻击整个政府。
    They used the President's unfulfilled promises as a stick with which to beat the whole government.
  • 工会将利用这位部长许不兑现的把柄来抨击整个政府。
    The trade unions will use the minister's unfulfilled promises as a stick with which to beat the whole government.
  •  中国响应世界卫生组织和联合国儿童基金会的倡议,大力开展促进母乳喂养、创建爱婴医院的活动,将2000年实现以省为单位母乳喂养达到80%作为《九十年代中国儿童发展规划纲要》的一项主要目标,并承到1995年创建1000所爱婴医院。
    In response to the proposals of the WHO and UNICEF, various activities to promote breastfeeding and build "baby friendly hospitals" have been developed. China planned to bring the breastfeeding rate on the provincial level up to 80 percent by the year 2000 as a major target for the Outline of the Program for Chinese Children's Development in the 1990s and it also promised to build 1,000 "baby friendly hospitals" by 1995.
  • 德不断对她说她如何有吸引力,但他的诌媚过头了,其实她相貌平平。
    Arnold kept telling her how attractive she was, but he spread the butter too thick and she was unimpressed.
  • 现在,斯先生,我可以非正式地告诉你,你会得到这份录像合同。
    Now, Mr. Snow, I can tell you unofficially that you'll be getting the video contract.
  • 不知什么原因,从1964年奥地利的因斯布鲁克到1968年法国的格布勒,再到1972年日本的札幌,冬奥会均得到顺利举行,几乎没有遇到任何政治或者社会动乱。
    Whatever the reason, from 1964 in Innsbruck, Austria, through 1968 in Grenoble, France, through 1972 in Sapporo, Japan, the Winter Games skated along with hardly any political or social unrest.
  • 该商店已承给顾客不满意的任何货物退款。
    The store has promised to take back any unsatisfactory goods.
  • 德培育肉毛兔的计划失败了。
    Arnold's scheme to breed rabbits for both fur and meat has come unstuck.
  • 因此,我们庄严承毫无保留地支持这些共同目标,并决心实现这些共同目标。
    We therefore pledge our unstinting support for these common objectives and our determination to achieve them.
  • 对他最有利的机会和最高的职责不忠诚——布鲁·莱斯克。
    is untrue to his highest opportunity and duty-Bruno Laske.
  • 如此高的利润只不过是引诱那些粗心大意的投资者上当。
    The promise of such high interest lies in merely baiting a trap for those unwary investors.
  • 当我们静心思考,我们就会明了根深蒂固的贫穷根本不值得我国作出承
    In the quiet of American conscience, we know that deep, persistent poverty is unworthy of our nation's promise.