  • 拉丁文是一种综合性语言,而语是一种分析性语言。
    Latin is a synthetic language, while English is analytic.
  • 巴比奇,查尔斯1792-1871国数学家和分析仪发明者,他依据的原理与现代数字计算器的原理相似
    British mathematician and inventor of an analytical machine based on principles similar to those used in modern digital computers.
  • 国首相撒切尔夫人说:“在执政期间,我阅读和分析李光耀的每一篇演讲。
    Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher says: "In office, I read and analyzed his every speech.
  • 边沁,杰里米1748-1832国作家、改革者和哲学家。系统地分析法律和立法,建立功利主义学说
    British writer, reformer, and philosopher who systematically analyzed law and legislation, thereby laying the foundations of utilitarianism.
  • 借助于想像力,人类可以在相隔百万里之外,分析计量出太阳的组成元素有哪些;人类增进了火车头的速度,如今可以以每小时百里以上的时速疾行飞驰。
    He has analyzed, and weighed the sun at a distance of millions of miles, and has determined, through the aid of IMAGINATION, the elements of which it consists. He has discovered that his own brain is both a broadcasting, and a receiving station for the vibration of thought, and he is beginning now to learn how to make practical use of this discovery. He has increased the speed of locomotion, until he may now travel at a speed of more than three hundred miles an hour.
  • 克鲁泡特金,皮奥奇·阿列克谢耶维奇1842-1921俄国无政府主义者和政治哲学家,他认为改善人类现状的方法是合作而不是竞争。他对俄国和国的无政府主义运动产生了很大的影响
    Russian anarchist and political philosopher who maintained that cooperation, not competition, was the means to bettering the human condition. He greatly influenced anarchist movements in Russia and England.
  • 他的祖先来到国的时候是难民.
    His ancestors had come to England as refugees.
  • 乔治的祖先是随诺曼人一起渡海来国的。
    George's ancestors came over with the Norman' s.
  • 国出生或祖先是国人的美国人。
    an American who was born in England or whose ancestors were English.
  • 古代神话和传说中半神式的雄神话和传说中有神圣血统的,具有巨大的勇气和力量的人,因其勇的行为而闻名,并受众神青睐
    In mythology and legend, a man, often of divine ancestry, who is endowed with great courage and strength, celebrated for his bold exploits, and favored by the gods.
  • 裔印度人住在印度的国出生或有国血统的人
    A person of English birth or ancestry living in India.
  • 英国血统的人
    A person of English ancestry.
  • 许多早期美国移民的祖先都是国人。
    Many of the early settles in America had English ancestry.
  • 裔美国人美国人,尤指具有国语言和血统的美国居民
    An American, especially an inhabitant of the United States, whose language and ancestry are English.
  • 格兰银行被视为欧洲金融共同体的稳定支柱
    The Bank of England is often regarded as the anchorage of the European financial community.
  • 位于阿根廷的安第斯山脉中的一座山峰,海拔尺。
    a mountain in the Andes in Argentina (22,210 feet high).
  • 厄瓜多尔境内安第斯山脉中的一座山峰,海拔尺。
    a mountain peak in the Andes in Ecuador (20,560 feet high).
  • 是安第斯山脉在阿根廷西部的一座山,是南美洲最高的山峰,高尺。
    the highest mountain in South America; in the Andes in western Argentina (22,834 feet high).
  • 伊延普峰玻利维亚西部安第斯山脉中的山峰,海拔6,366。3米(20,873尺),在拉巴斯省西北部
    A peak,6, 366.3 m(20, 873 ft) high, in the Andes of western Bolivia northwest of La Paz.
  • 尤耶拉科火山靠近阿根廷边境,位于智利北部安第斯山脉中的一座火山。高6,127。4米(22。057尺)
    A volcano,6, 727.4 m(22, 057 ft) high, in the Andes of northern Chile near the Argentine border.
  • 麻塞达里欧山位于阿根廷西部与智利交界处的安第斯山脉中的一座山峰,海拔为6,774。4米(22,211尺)
    A mountain,6, 774.4 m(22, 211 ft) high, in the Andes of western Argentina on the border with Chile.
  • 科托帕克希火山一座位于厄瓜多尔中部安第山的活火山,高5,900。8米(19,347尺),其对称的由雪覆盖的岩锥是世界上最高的火山
    An active volcano,5, 900.8 m(19, 347 ft) high, in the Andes of central Ecuador. The symmetrical snowcapped cone is one of the highest volcanoes in the world.
  • 国的国旗;圣乔治十字架(国、圣安德鲁十字架(苏格兰)和圣帕特里克十字架(爱尔兰)的合成物。
    national flag of the United Kingdom; a composite of Saint George's Cross (England) and Saint Andrew's Cross (Scotland) and Saint Patrick's Cross (Ireland).
  • 仙座北半球的一个星座,临近仙后座和金牛座
    A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Andromeda and Auriga.
  • 近来,银河系以每秒100里的速度正在接近其附近的仙女座星系。
    Currently, the Milky Way is approaching the nearby Andromeda galaxy at a rate of 100 miles per second.
  • 去一下特尔可打听到关于安迪·格罗夫的笑话。
    Visit Intel for jokes about Andy Grove.
  • 他告诉我几个关于语老师的掌故。
    He told me some anecdote about our English teacher.
  • 国经理人都彬彬有礼,谈话中掺杂着幽默典故,令其他国家的执行官们大惑不解。
    British managers invariably are polite, and they spice their conversations with humorous little anecdotes that executives of other nationalities usually fail to appreciate.
  • 安吉拉跑了10里后,停下来喘了口气。
    Angela caught her breath after running for 10 miles.
  • 格兰以盎格鲁族之名命名。
    England was named after the Angles.
  • 反对国国教教义的人在过去可判巨额罚款.
    Those who dissented from Anglican teachings could be heavily fined.
  • 会吏总教堂官员,如在国国教中掌管一个教区中的世俗及其它事务,具有主教授予的权力的人
    A church official, as in the Anglican Church, who is in charge of temporal and other affairs in a diocese, with powers delegated from the bishop.