  • 另一个是“至少有三个中国”的说法。上海、北京的中国—区域型的大都会;省级首府如成都、重庆、大连等的中国—大而充满活力的城市,但不及上海、北京国际化;农乡地区的中国—黄土高原、中部山区、湖区等。
    The other is the "at least three Chinas" talk: the China of Shanghai and Beijing - metropolitan areas on a regional scale; the China of provincial capitals, big and vibrant but not as cosmopolitan as the two mega-cities - such cities as Chengdu, Chongqing and Dalian; the rural China - the Loess Plateau, the Central Mountain Block, the Lakes Region and so forth.
  • 综合推理,演绎推理从一到特殊的推理;逻辑上的演绎推理
    Reasoning from the general to the particular; logical deduction.
  • 新中国成立以来,中国军队的后勤工作不断发展,已经由单一的陆军后勤发展为诸军兵种合成的军队后勤,由简陋落后的后勤装备发展为拥有现代技术和部分高技术支撑的多样化的后勤装备,由保障一条件下的军事行动发展为保障现代技术特别是高技术条件下的军事行动。
    Since the founding of New China, the logistical work of the Chinese armed forces has been making progress constantly. Logistics for the Army alone has evolved into combined logistics for all the services and arms. Simple and backward logistical equipment has evolved into diversified equipment backed by modern technology and some high technology. Logistical support capability for military operations in ordinary conditions has evolved into that under modern, especially high-tech, conditions.
  • 该路由器检查包的ip地址,查找路由表,看看目的端点是否位于本地(物理位置)网络,它通常叫做ip子网,ip子网一被分配到路由器的每个网络接口上。
    The router inspects the packet's IP address and performs a route table lookup to see if the destination endstation resides on the local (physically connected) network, typically called an IP subnet.An IP subnet usually is assigned to each of the router's network interfaces.
  • 她那一头波浪的长发一簇簇一圈圈地散垂在肩上。
    Her wavy hair fell in loose wisps and loops upon her shoulders.
  • 厚板比一的木板厚的一块木板
    A piece of lumber cut thicker than a board.
  • "他的散文简明易懂,很受一读者欢迎。"
    His prose is simple and luminous and quite popular among ordinary readers.
  • 的工会成员是通情达理的,麻烦的是那些好斗的极端分子。
    The average trade union member is a reasonable man; the trouble is the lunatic fringe of militants.
  • 按一酒店标准来说,那顿午餐相当不错。
    It was a good enough luncheon, as hotels go.
  • 老实说,好几年来,我们都没法十分了解此诗隐藏的背景,大概是两年前吧,我们还正在思考此诗中第14行“茂林斧过尽为薪”一句,如果是直译即“利斧把森林砍了,森林就变成薪木”,我们当初以为这句的暗喻是说,正如大学教育一能把一个无学的人,教育成有用的社会栋梁,正巧南大校址,本来就是一片茂盛胶园,而现今宏立了一所大学,不正是说得极合适,也不就是“茂林斧过尽为薪”吗?
    We must confess that for many years, we were not able to see the hidden meaning of the poem. Two years ago, we were rather intrigued by the line “茂林斧过尽为薪” (line 14) . Literally, it means: Lush forests, swept by the axe, completely transformed into firewood. We thought this was a very clever pun because firstly it means that a person without education is transformed through learning into someone useful, as befitting a university. Secondly, Nantah stood on land that was once covered by a rubber estate which had now been cleared to build the university.
  • 珠母的具有珍珠的光泽的
    Having a luster resembling that of pearls.
  • 大眼睛会发金属绿光的底栖鱼。
    bottom-livers having large eyes with metallic green luster.
  • 幸亏厨房里有人快步走来:一个健壮的女人,她卷着衣裙,光着胳臂,两颊火红,挥舞着一个煎锅冲到我们中间——而且运用那个武器和她的舌头颇为见效,很奇妙地平息了这场风暴。等她的主人上场时,她已如大风过后却还在起伏的海洋一,喘息着。
    Happily, an inhabitant of the kitchen made more dispatch: a lusty dame, with tucked-up gown, bare arms, and fire-flushed cheeks, rushed into the midst of us flourishing a frying-pan: and used that weapon, and her tongue, to such purpose, that the storm subsided magically, and she only remained, heaving like a sea after a high wind, when her master entered on the scene.
  • 作践、肆虐、挫伤、砸碎,那是从路德直至米拉博历次革命的业迹;
    Deeds of violence, brutalities, contusions, fractures;this is the work of the revolutions from Luther to Mirabeau.
  • 扁桃体圆形团状的小淋巴细胞组织,特别指连结于口与喉开口联接处后壁上的两个这样的组织,其作用尚未完全确定,但一认为能防止上呼吸道感染
    A small oral mass of lymphoid tissue, especially either of two such masses embedded in the lateral walls of the opening between the mouth and the pharynx, of uncertain function, but believed to help protect the body from respiratory infections.
  • 她使我们想起了希腊神话中如抒情诗的树之仙女。
    She reminds us of those lyrical tree nymphs in Greek mythology.
  • 猛烈地,拼命地(如同发疯或有妖魔附体一
    Like one possessedbviolently or with great energy, as if taken over by madness or a supernatural spirit
  • 他还会烤香肠给我们吃,而且他的口袋里会奇迹地装满糖果;偶尔,他会带我们出去吃冰淇淋。
    He'd toast sausages for us all and his pockets would be magically filled with sweets -- and very, very occasionally -- he'd take us out for ice cream.
  • 说来,男女都是18岁达到成年。
    Generally speaking, both males and females are of age at eighteen.
  • 全麦类食物的另一个好处是:它们提供了维生素e和b6、镁、锌、铜、锰和钾等元素,而这些重要的营养物质在一人的饮食结构中都供应不足。
    Another bonus of whole grains is that they supply vitamins E and B6, and magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese and potassium vital nutrients often lacking in the average person's diet.
  • 男子的气概;成熟男性所具有的特点。
    the trait of being manly; having the characteristics of an adult male.
  • 由像大理石的纹理、条纹或色彩组成的图案。
    patterned with veins or streaks or color resembling marble.
  • 一座漆得像大理石的木制建筑物外表是美丽的。
    A wooden building painted to look like marble is meretricious.
  • 对核动力铁道机车和汽垫船已做了研究,但这些应用一被认为,往好里说也是徒劳。
    Studies have been made of reactor powered railway engines and hovercrafts, but these applications are generally regarded as marginal at best.
  • 传统的规则和实践,关于商业和航海、海上商业交易或一的海事事务的传统的规则和实践。
    the traditional body of rules and practices relating to commerce and navigation or to business transacted at sea or to general maritime affairs.
  • 玛乔丽嫁给一个满可以当她的祖父的老头时,大家都认为这无异于《美人与兽》的重演——太不配了。
    When Marjorie married a man old enough to be her grandfather, everyone behaved as if it were beauty and the beast all over again.
  • 马克:你一能打多少分?
    Mark:How about your score?
  • 批评者主张,在特定的种族群体中,可能会出现基因频率安排显著不同于在一人群中发现的安排。
    Critics contend that among certain ethnic sub-groups, there may be arrangements of gene frequencies that differ markedly from those found in the general population.
  • 来讲,这些公司拥有称职的管理人员、适合市场的产品和服务、相对稳定的利润以及优良的财务状况。
    In general, such companies have competent management, marketable products and services, relative stable profits, and a strong financial condition.
  • 这些分数远在一水平以上[以下]。
    These marks are well above/below average.
  • 旧大陆热带多年生缠绕藤蔓植物,有三叶的叶子和紫色豌豆芳香的总状花序,结褐紫红色的豆荚,种子可以食用;在印度次大陆作为蔬菜或观赏植物种植;有。
    perennial twining vine of Old World tropics having trifoliate leaves and racemes of fragrant purple pealike flowers followed by maroon pods of edible seeds; grown as an ornamental and as a vegetable on the Indian subcontinent; sometimes placed in genus Dolichos.
  • 女士肩上披的一种毛皮做的披风(两头儿垂在身上);一包括了整张狐皮或貂皮。
    a woman's fur shoulder cape with hanging ends; often consisting of the whole fur of a fox or marten.