Chinese English Sentence:
  • 所以你在去美国之前,了解一下美国有关个人私事的概念是十分必要的,因为中国人对这方面的观念可完全两样。
    It is, therefore, advisable to get familiar with the American idea of personal privacy before going to the States, for people in China might have quite a different concept.
  • 它非但不使你放松,反而让你有紧张感。
    It keeps you from relaxing and can actually make you feel stressed.
  • 看到它们你便马上回忆起那些有趣、放松的美好情景。
    Looking at them will instantly bring back happy memories of fun and relaxing times.
  • 企业里面的技术干部不随便下放,不让工程师去当工人,一个好的车间主任下去当普通工人也不好。
    However, this cannot be applied to technical cadres in enterprises; it is not advisable to transfer engineers or competent workshop directors to serve as workers.
  • 这种散步还提高体温,这与泡个热水澡一样起到对身体放松的效果。
    And this walk also increases core body temperature, which could have the same relaxing effect on the body as a good soak in a hot bath.
  • 联邦证据规则的批评者担心法院可因为放弃frye规则而轻信“垃圾科学”,但是最高法院在1993年的一个具有里程碑意义的案件中否认了这种主张。
    Critics of the Federal Rules fear that the courts may be opening themselves to "junk science" by relaxing Frye, but a landmark case heard by the Supreme Court in 1993 rejected that claim.
  • 如果不提高警惕,让他们占据领导岗位,重新耍两面派,扎根串连,隐蔽下来,即使是少数人,也可给我们带来无法预料的祸害。
    And any who are already in leading posts must be removed without the slightest hesitation. They could do untold harm if, relaxing our vigilance, we allowed even a few to occupy leading posts, engage in further double-dealing, gang up with each other and conceal themselves in our ranks.
  • 浏览着这本书,里根的生活以及我们婚后生活中的点点滴滴又浮现在眼前:他卑微的出身、他的运动和演艺生涯、为政府事务操劳的岁月、和家人朋友一起欢度的时光……最令我记忆深刻的是:里根不仅具有天生的领袖才,更是一个温情的丈夫和慈爱的父亲。他是一个有深度、充满激情同时又不乏幽默的男人,是一个热爱自己的祖国和人民,拥抱生活的人。
    And as I flip through the pages of this book, I am overwhelmed by memories of his life and our life together: his humble midwest beginnings; his sportscasting and acting careers; our years in public service as well as our time spent among friends and family, saddled on horses at Rancho del Cielo, and relaxing at home. But mostly, I see Ronnie: the gifted world leader, the loving husband and father, a man of depth, humor, compassion, and love for his country, its people, and life itself.
  • 从各方面来看,政府冒险发展经济可是明智之举。
    On all counts it would be advisable for the Government to take the risks of expanding the economy.
  • 帧中继话音压缩功随帧中继技术的发展而得到增强。
    Frame relay voice compression capabilities have increased along with the development of the frame relay technology.
  • “当你突然被抛入摧毁你的另一个世界,一切都得以从头学起时,你照样过健康幸福的生活。”她说。
    “You can be living your life quite happily and healthily, when all of a sudden you are flung into a different world which can de stroy a person because you haveto relearn the rules of living,” she says.
  • 一磅铀所含的释放量要比一千五百吨的煤还多。
    One pound of uranium carries more releasable energy than 1, 500 tons of coal.
  • 释放或放出能量
    To release or put out energy.
  • 根据有条件释放计划,无限期刑罚的犯人,可在长期监禁刑罚覆核委员会就这些犯人的无限期刑罚是否应转为确定限期刑罚作出建议前,获有条件释放,但须接受一段指定的监管期,以测试他们奉公守法的力及决心。
    Under the 'Conditional Release Scheme', prisoners with indeterminate sentences may, before the Long-term Prison Sentences Review Board makes recommendations as to whether their indeterminate sentences should be converted to a determinate ones, be conditionally released under supervision for a specific period to test their determination and ability to lead a law-abiding life.
  • 够逃跑或释放的口。
    an opening that permits escape or release.
  • 什么时候才能出院?
    How soon can I be released form the hospital?
  • 被人类免疫系统的细胞释放的血管扩张神经药物;也影响胃酸释放的含量。
    a vasodilator that is released by cells in the human immune system as part of an allergic reaction; also affects the amount of stomach acid released.
  • 所以,要把表现的艺术归于音乐、舞蹈、和绘画这几方面是不可的。
    It is therefore impossible to relegate the art of expression to the few fields of music and dancing and painting.
  • 如果该足球队不赢得更多的比赛,他们有可被降级。
    If they don't win more games, the football team may be relegated to a lower group.
  • 严格,够在压力巨大的情形下保持冷静。
    Relentless. Keeps his cool in stressful situations.
  • 这意味着要脱颖而出,学校就得在各方面有更出类拔萃的表现。除了课业上的特优,国人对莘莘学子们的要求伸展至体育、艺术、领导才等其他领域。
    This means that to emerge tops in the relentless competition, schools will have to outdo each other in more areas, such as sports, the arts and leadership quality, in addition to just academic brilliance.
  • 七届四中全会的决议指出:“对于那种与党对抗,坚持不改正错误,甚至在党内进行宗派活动、分裂活动和其他危害活动的分子”,党“必须进行无情的斗争,给予严格的制裁,直至在必要时将他们驱逐出党,因为只有这样,才维护党的团结,才维护革命的利益和人民的利益”。
    The resolution adopted at the Fourth Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee states, "As for those who take a stand against the Party, stubbornly refuse to correct their errors, or even carry on sectarian, splitting or other malignant activities within the Party", the Party "must wage relentless struggle against them and subject them to severe disciplinary measures or even expel them from the Party if necessary. Only by so doing can Party unity be maintained and the interests of the revolution and the people be defended."
  • 关于林彪、“四人帮”所散布的极左思潮(毫无疑问,这种思潮也是反对四项基本原则的,只是从“左”面来反对),我们过去已经进行了大量的批判,今后还需要继续开展这种批判,不放松。
    We have conducted massive criticism of the ultra-Left thinking spread by Lin Biao and the Gang of Four (there is no question that this thinking too is in opposition to the four cardinal principles, only it is opposition from the "Left"), and we will go on criticizing it relentlessly.
  • 够被应用;具有相关性。
    capable of being applied; having relevance.
  • 这些工具包括具有剖析和过滤功的工具以及根据关系进行分类和排列的软件。
    These tools range from profiling and filtering features to software that sorts and ranks documents according to their relevance.
  • 事实上,随着国家和人民之间的相互联系和相互依赖日益增加,它们的现实意义和感召力业已加强。
    Indeed, their relevance and capacity to inspire have increased, as nations and peoples have become increasingly interconnected and interdependent.
  • 有很多例子支持错误的主张,但它们经常缺少和正在讨论的问题的相关性。
    Numerous examples might be cited to support fallacious claims , but they most often lack a relevance to the issue under discussion.
  • 那些将其搜索引擎配置成具备在搜索结果中有更佳关联性的公司,将成为内部网搜索领域中的赢家。
    The companies that can configure their search engines for better relevance in search results will be the winners in the intranet search field.
  • 在符合其域内法律,并达成双方满意的协议以使要求协商的成员予以保密的前提下,被要求协商的成员应对协商给予充分的、真诚的考虑,并提供合适的机会,并应提供与所协商之问题有关的、可公开获得的非秘密信息,以及该成员得到的其他信息,以示合作。
    The Member addressed shall accord full and sympathetic consideration to, and shall afford adequate opportunity for, consultations with the requesting Member, and shall cooperate through supply of publicly available non-confidential information of relevance to the matter in question and of other information available to the Member, subject to domestic law and to the conclusion of mutually satisfactory agreements concerning the safeguarding of its confidentiality by the requesting Member.
  • 给我有关的文件吗?
    Can you give me the relevant papers?
  • 给我有关的文件吗?
    Could you give me the relevant papers?
  • 法定组织根据有关法例履行职
    Statutory bodies perform their functions according to the relevant legislation.