  • 能不能一张报价单?
    Can I have your price sheet?
  • 给她盖上被单。
    Cover her over with a sheet.
  • 我两张航空信笺。
    Three air letter sheets, please.
  • 当骆驼喝完水后,老管家拿出一个约半舍客勒的金鼻环和两只重十舍客勒的金手镯那女子。
    When the camels had finished drinking, the man took a gold nose-ring weighing half a shekel, and two bracelets for her wrists weighing ten shekels, also of gold.
  • 最后这个柜橱打一层虫胶清漆
    Applied a shellac finish to the cabinet.
  • 肿瘤给切除了。
    The tumour was shelled out.
  • 我指你看放园艺类图书的书架。
    I'll show you the gardening shelves.
  • 人民以营养,必须自己先吸收营养。
    in order to give nourishment to the people, one must first absorb nourishment himself.
  • 他把一份以5,000元保释的保证书交了行政司法长官,将比尔领回了家。
    He gave a $5,000 bail bond to the sheriff and took Bill home.
  • 陪审员召集令法官发行政官员的、指导召集陪审员候选人的令状
    A writ issued by a judge to a sheriff directing the summons of prospective jurors.
  • 法院发司法行政官告诉他扣押债务人货物的命令,法院已作出对该债务人不利的判决。
    Court order to a sheriff tells him to seize the goods of a debtor against whom judgment has been made.
  • 法院发司法行政官告诉他扣押债务人货物的命令,法院已作出对该债务人不利的判决。
    Court order to a sheriff tell him to seize the goods of a debtor against whom judgment have is make.
  • 那伙强盗分路逃走,企图警察布下迷魂阵。
    The robbers went different ways hoping to put the sheriffs men off the scent.
  • “你想拿这个作担保,要我借你半个克郎?”舍洛克惊呼道,“可是这东西一个小钱也不值呀。”
    "Lend you half a crown with this as security?" cried Sherlock, "Why, it's not worth a doit."
  • 他供给我们雪利酒。
    He kept us going in sherry.
  • 我来一杯雪利酒。
    I'd like a sherry, please.
  • 那个价钱,纯粹是白
    At that price it's an absolute gift!
  • 推御责任把责任或责备推别人
    To shift responsibility or blame to another.
  • 这种把错误推别人的作法是一点也不聪明的。
    This way of shifting the blame onto others is far from clever.
  • 蒿草一种蒿属的芳香植物,尤指原产于欧洲的洋艾,可提炼出一种用于酿制艾酒的苦汁和某些酒类作调味
    Any of several aromatic plants of the genus Artemisia, especially A. absinthium, native to Europe, yielding a bitter extract used in making absinthe and in flavoring certain wines.
  • 他们付你五先令了吗?
    Have they pay you five shilling?
  • 继承人一个先令或极小一笔钱作为象征以取消其实际继承权
    Cut one's heir off with a shilling
  • 从苦艾叶中获取的黑色苦味的油,苦艾酒加味。
    a dark bitter oil obtained obtained from wormwood leaves; flavors absinthe liqueurs.
  • 当我这个乞丐一个先令时,他喜出望外。
    When I gave the beggar a shilling his face lit up.
  • 你一先令,咱们就两清了。
    If I give you a shilling, we shall be all square.
  • 我3个2先令6便士的银币换这张10先令的钞票。
    You can give me three half crowns for this ten-shilling note.
  • 她拒不听命于她的父亲,结果她父亲在遗嘱中连一个子儿也没留她。
    His father cut her off without a shilling when she refused to obey him.
  • 那个流浪汉一些吃的,一个先令,然后送走了他。
    He packed some food for the tramp and giving him a shilling, set him on his way.
  • 我母亲了那个乞丐一包食物和一个先令,打发他走了。
    My mother packed some food for the beggar and giving him a shilling, set him on his way.
  • 请你我7张5镑纸币,4张1镑纸币,4张10先令纸币,剩下的要零票。
    Would you please give me seven five-pound notes, four pound notes and four ten-shilling notes, and the rest in small change.
  • 人察皮鞋,卖报纸,送货,在小客栈附近做临时工。
    I earned spending money shinning shoes, selling newspapers, delivering groceries and doing odd jobs around the tavern.
  • 我们大家树立了一个光辉榜样。
    He have set a shining example to us all.