  • 现在解决各地区、各部门的问题,都要从反对性、增强党性入手。
    The present attempts to solve problems in different regions and units should all begin with combating factionalism and enhancing Party spirit.
  • 有些部队的性回过来又影响到地方,使地方的性问题也不能解决。
    Factionalism in army units in turn exerts a pernicious influence on some civilian units, so that it cannot be eliminated there either.
  • 煤炭工业生产上得很快,就是一个明显的例子。他们的经验,就是敢于同性进行坚决的斗争。
    One clear example is the rapid growth in coal production, which was achieved because the leadership was bold and firm in combating factionalism.
  • 原来喜欢搞性的,要觉悟,要改正,改正了就好。
    Those who are pleased to engage in factionalism should wake up and correct their mistakes. If they do so, everything will be all right.
  • 领导班子就是作战指挥部。搞生产也好,搞科研也好,反性也好,都是作战。
    A leading group is like a command post, and efforts to boost production, carry on scientific research or combat factionalism are all like military operations.
  • 有的在地方卷入了性,妨碍地方的工作,总要调换一下嘛。
    Since some cadres have become involved in factionalism in civilian units to the detriment of the work there, it would be best to transfer them elsewhere.
  • 讲落实政策,讲了多少年,好多政策不能落实,闹性是一个重要的原因。
    For several years we've been talking about carrying out Party policies. Yet many of those policies remain unimplemented, and one important reason is factionalism.
  • 甚至现在,任人唯亲、任人唯的恶劣作风,在有些地区、有些部门、有些单位,还没有得到纠正。
    This situation became very serious. Even now, the abominable practice of appointing people through favouritism and factionalism continues unchecked in some regions, departments and units.
  • 对坚持闹性的人,该调的就调,该批的就批,该斗的就斗,不能慢吞吞的,总是等待。
    Those who cling to factionalism should be transferred to other posts, criticized or struggled against whenever necessary. We should not drag things out and wait forever.
  • 又如,要军队同志帮助地方消除性,使群众团结起来,可是有些同志就是不执行这个方针。
    Another example is the failure of some comrades in our army to carry out the policy of helping the civilian units to uproot factionalism and so promote unity among the masses.
  • 我就讲这些,主要是讲加强党的领导,反对性,把毛泽东同志树立的优良作风发扬起来。
    That is all I have to say today. I have talked mainly about strengthening Party leadership, opposing factionalism and developing further the fine style of work established by Comrade Mao Zedong.
  • 只要把问题讲清楚,群众觉悟了,看清了那些坚持闹性的人的真面目,就不会跟他们走了。
    Once things are made clear to the masses and they are awakened, once they come to see the true features of those who cling to factionalism, they will stop trailing after them.
  • 我们现在对于人们的思想状况、政治状况比较清楚,能够看出来哪些人是拥护党的路线的,哪些人是不搞性、讲党性的。
    We are pretty clear now about the thinking and political stand of different people and we can tell who supports the Party's line, has strong Party spirit and steers clear of factionalism.
  • 现在,文化大革命已经九年了,军队还有相当一部分人没有摆脱性,这一点影响了我们军队本身的团结。
    Now, nine years after the outbreak of the "cultural revolution", a fairly large number of comrades in our army have yet to shake off factionalism. And this has damaged unity within the army.
  • 根据铁道部门的经验,徐州和其他地区的经验,在同性作斗争中,所要打击的也就是那么少数几个人。
    As the experience of the railway departments and of the city of Xuzhou and other areas shows, the number of those who should be made targets of attack in the struggle against factionalism is very small.
  • 军队整顿当中,还要加强干部学习,增强党性,反对性,加强纪律性,发扬艰苦奋斗的传统作风。
    Also, in the course of consolidating the army measures should be taken to improve the education of cadres, enhance their Party spirit, oppose factionalism, strengthen the sense of discipline and carry forward the tradition of hard work.
  • 我们要按照毛泽东同志提出的“团结——批评——团结”的公式,来解决群众中的性问题,从团结的愿望出发,经过批评,达到团结的目的。
    We should correct factionalism among the masses according to the formula of "unity -- criticism -- unity" put forward by Comrade Mao Zedong, that is, we should start from the desire for unity and arrive at unity through criticism.
  • 甚至还有几个小组被往好莱坞,去窃取虚构天方夜谭似的惊人恐怖举动的编剧们的脑力劳动成果。
    Teams have even been sent to pick the brains of Hollywood scriptwriters who dream up farfetched terror spectaculars.
  • 弗拉曼克,莫里斯·德1876-1958法国艺术家,野兽的主要代表,他以狂放的、具有攻击性的风景画著名
    French artist. A leading exponent of fauvism, he is noted for his stormy, aggressive landscapes.
  • 目前的大资产阶级抗日,是和降日有区别的。
    Within the big bourgeoisie, the group favouring resistance is now different from the group that has already capitulated.
  • 过去张国焘的干部政策与此相反,实行“任人唯亲”,拉拢私党,组织小别,结果叛党而去,这是一个大教训。
    The cadres policy of Chang Kuo-tao was the exact opposite. Following the line of "appointing people by favouritism", he gathered personal favourites round himself to form a small clique, and in the end he turned traitor to the Party and decamped. This is an important lesson for us.
  • 伤寒学派
    The School of Cold-induced Febrile Diseases
  • 看到这一切如此了不起,如此宏伟,如此高不可攀,她不禁感到气馁。一想到要走进这么气的商号找工作,找个她能做的工作--不管是什么工作,她就吓得心怦怦乱跳了。
    It was all wonderful, all vast, all far removed, and she sank in spirit inwardly and fluttered feebly at the heart as she thought of entering any one of these mighty concerns and asking for something to do--something that she could do--anything.
  • 一方面,现在确实还有一批帮人物,奉行林彪、“四人帮”那套思想体系的,打砸抢的,头上长角、身上有刺的,这是造成不安定的一个重要因素。
    On the one hand, there are still a number of factionalists who stick to the ideological system of Lin Biao and the Gang of Four, people who used to engage in beating, smashing and looting, and who were so ferocious that, as the saying goes, they had "horns on their heads and spikes on their backs".They are a major destabilizing factor.
  • 首先把革命的对象搞错了,导致了抓所谓“党内走资本主义道路的当权”。
    In the first place, the targets of the revolution were wrongly defined, which led to the effort to ferret out "capitalist roaders in power in the Party".
  • 党羽某个党、事业、系、人或思想的狂热的,有时是好战地支持者或反对者
    A fervent, sometimes militant supporter or proponent of a party, cause, faction, person, or idea.
  • 他们本季了一支很强的球队上场.
    They're fielding a very strong side this season.
  • 该校出两个足球队。
    The school fields two football teams.
  • 面积为1090平方公里的延奈湖是芬兰第二大湖。
    With an area of1090square kilometers,Lake Paijanne is Finland's second biggest.
  • 协定党间确定责任的协定,任何一方都许诺履行
    An agreement between parties fixing obligations that each promises to carry out.
  • 花衣墨西哥人墨西哥裔美国青年或少年,尤指穿奇装异服并属于附近帮的青年
    A Mexican-American youth or teenager, especially one who dresses in flamboyant clothes and belongs to a neighborhood gang.
  • 连极端的激进也对共产党人的这种可耻的意图表示愤慨。
    Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists.