  • 礼夫人不惜以生命为代价将研究做到底。
    Madame Curie carried through her researches at the cost of her own life.
  • 生活中没有什么可怕的东西,只有需要理解的东西。(里夫人)
    Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.(Marie Curie)
  • 1898年里夫人和她的丈夫宣称他们相信在自然界中存在着放射性物质。
    In 1898 Madane Curie and her husband declared that they believe there was something in mature which gave out radio-activity.
  • 皮埃尔·里和我立刻着手这一研究,并希望这种新元素的浓度能达到百分之几。
    Pierre Curie and I at once carried out this research, hoping that the proportion of the new element might reach several per cent.
  • 这种辐射来自何处,它是什么样的?这正是玛丽。里企图发现的自然奥秘。
    Where did this radiation come from and what was it like? Here was a secret of nature which Marie Curie set out to discover.
  • 瑞典科学院很友善地庆贺了这一学科的诞生,将诺贝尔物理学奖授予了在这一领域里的最初工作者:贝克勒尔、皮埃尔·里和玛丽·里(1903)。
    The Swedish Academy of Sciences was kind enough to celebrate the birth of this science by awarding the Nobel Prize for Physics to the first workers in the field, Henri Becquerel, Pierre Curie and Marie Curie (1903).
  • 瑞典科学院在因为发现放射性元素于1903年授予里夫妇诺贝尔奖、于1911年又授奖给里夫人之后,又因为在放射性元素合成方面的研究授予我们俩诺贝尔奖,我们感到十分荣幸,也非常高兴。
    It is a great honor and a great pleasure to us that the Swedish Academy of Sciences has awarded us the Nobel Prize for our work on the synthesis of radio-elements, after having presented it to Pierre and Marie Curie in 1903, and to Marie Curie in 1911, for the discovery of the radio-elements.
  • 已是晚上九点了,里夫人和她的丈夫俩都穿上衣服,很快沿街步行到小棚子里去
    It was nine o'clock p.m. Both Madame Curie and her husband put on their coats and were soon walking along the street to the shed.
  • 里说:"我们需要帮助青少年了解如果精神抑郁患者不进行及时治疗就会有自杀的危险,还要帮助他们判断自己的朋友是否患有严重的精神抑郁症或有自杀倾向。
    "We need to help teens make the link between untreated depression and the risk for suicide, and help them identify serious depression or suicide risk in a friend," Curie said.
  • 大约十五年前铀的辐射由亨利·贝克勒尔发现,两年以后,对这一现象的研究首先由我,然后由皮埃尔·里和我自己扩展到了对其他物质的研究。
    Some 15 years ago the radiation of uranium was discovered by Henri Becquerel, and two years later the study of this phenomenon was extended to other substances, first by me, and then by Pierre Curie and myself.
  • 因此,科学院将这一崇高荣誉授予我,其动机也正是由于我们的这一共同工作,并以此表示对皮埃尔·里的怀念。我想这样来解释科学院的意图是准确的。
    , was carried out specially by me, but it is intimately connected with our common work. I thus feel that I interpret correctly the intention of the Academy of Sciences in assuming that the award of this high distinction to me is motivated by this common work and thus pays homage to the memory of Pierre Curie.
  • 好奇的小孩是老师的乐趣;屋顶上的活门使我很好奇;好奇的调查者;交通因为好奇的观光客而慢了下来;对邻的行为很好奇。
    a curious child is a teacher's delight; a trap door that made me curious; curious investigators; traffic was slowed by curious rubberneckers; curious about the neighbor's doings.
  • 现时约有30万基督徒于本港。
    About 300 000 Protestant Christians currently live in Hong Kong.
  • 香港的国际学校提供适合英国人、法国人和德国/瑞士人修读的课程,让在港住和工作的欧洲人的子女可接受与其国家相若的教育。
    International schools offer British, French and German/Swiss curricula to ensure that those living and working in Hong Kong can provide their children with an education that is compatible with that in their own countries.
  • 为社区有需要的人员提供课程的非住型高等专科学校。
    a nonresidential junior college offering a curriculum fitted to the needs of the community.
  • 室的一部分被帘子隔开了。
    A part of the sitting room was curtained off.
  • 的蚯蚓或沙蠋排出的圆柱状粪块。
    cylindrical mass of earth voided by a burrowing earthworm or lugworm.
  •  鲍嘉生动地刻画了一个寄在摩洛哥的侨民与褒曼之间一段动人的发生在战争期间的浪漫故事。
    Bogart portrayed a cynical expatriate[2] in wartime Morocco with Bergman as his idealistic long-lasting love.
  • 塞浦路斯的土著或民。
    a native or inhabitant of Cyprus.
  • 当时俄国人开心地笑了:原先这块领土只打算要价500万美元。但沙皇的使者然从西沃德手中挤出了700万美元,还外加20万美元的手续费。
    The Russians laughed:Having planned to charge8 $ 5 million for the territory,the czar's agent managed to squeeze $ 7 million out of Seward,plus an extra $ 200,000 in processing fees.
  • 捷克斯洛伐克的本地人或者民。
    a native or inhabitant of Czechoslovakia.
  • 你为什么不请我装修你的起室,我很会装修。
    Why don't you let me decorate your sitting-room for you; I am a dab hand at decorating.
  • 我们已完成了起室的装饰,现在看上去一切都十全十美。
    We've finished decorating the living room and it all looks fine and dandy.
  • 林茨奥地利北部一城市,位于维也纳西部多瑙河畔。原为罗马人的拓地,15世纪后期为神圣罗马帝国的首府。人口199,910
    A city of northern Austria on the Danube River west of Vienna. Originally a Roman settlement, it was a provincial capital of the Holy Roman Empire in the late15th century. Population,199, 910.
  • 我的朋友已经死了,我的邻已经死了,我所爱的人,我灵魂的亲爱者已经死了;
    My friend is dead, my neighbour is dead, my love the darling of my soul, is dead;
  • 朗格夫人还不知道她的爱女正跟一个留长发的诗人姘,否则准要气得发抖。
    Mrs. Long would certainly have a fit if she knew that her darling daughter was shacking up with a long-haired poet.
  • 达尔文回到英国以后就结了婚,并在肯特郡定下来。
    After Darwin returned to Britain he married and settled down to livein Kent.
  • 朱德故居
    Home of Zhu De
  • 面对很不安宁的世界,面对艰巨繁重的任务,全党同志一定要增强忧患意识,安思危,清醒地看到日趋激烈的国际竞争带来的严峻挑战,清醒地看到前进道路上的困难和风险,倍加顾全大局,倍加珍视团结,倍加维护稳定。
    In the face of a world that is far from being tranquil and the formidable tasks before us, all Party members must be mindful of the potential danger and stay prepared against adversities in times of peace. We must be keenly aware of the rigorous challenges brought about by the ever-sharpening international competition as well as risks and difficulties that may arise on our road ahead. We must bear in mind the overall interests of our Party all the more deeply, cherish the solidarity all the more dearly and safeguard stability all the more firmly.
  • 有翅膀的小昆虫,寄在树皮和树叶上,吃比如真菌类和腐烂的植物。
    small winged insect living on the bark and leaves of trees and feeding on e.g. fungi and decaying plant matter.
  • 继承人中无人知道被继承人死亡或者知道被继承人死亡而不能通知的,由被继承人生前所在单位或者住所地的民委员会、村民委员会负责通知。
    If one of the successors knows about the death or if there is no way to make the notification, the organization to which the decedent belonged before his death or the residents' committee or villagers' committee at his place of residence shall make the notification.
  • 所以他决定移国外。
    So he decided to emigrate.