  • 零售12元5角的入場券昨天售價高達50元一張。可是黃牛說周末價錢更高,假期票價會高入雲霄。
    The tickets, which retail for $12.50, were fetching as much as $50 apiece yesterday. But scalpers said that weekend prices are higher and holiday-time prices will go through the roof.
  • 不久,你的計算機顯示器或許配備虹膜掃描儀,當你在網上購物時可以辨識你的身份,以防欺詐。
    Before long, your computer monitor may be equipped with an iris scanner that can identify you when you shop online, thus preventing fraud.
  • 然而,usb繼續吸引外設製造商,使符合usb的modem、打印機、掃描儀和輸入設備隨處可見。
    USB, however, will continue to attract peripheral manufacturers, making USB-enabled modems, printers, scanners, and input devices ubiquitous.
  • 但是該係統還有待改進,可能還增加眼球虹膜掃描或者面部辨認技術。
    The system will later be enhanced, possibly to include iris scans or facial recognition technology, Hutchinson said.
  • 石油將會短缺。
    Oil will become scarce.
  • 既然石油短缺,那麽汽車來會怎樣就難以預料了。
    Now that oil is scarce, the fate of the motor car is uncertain.
  • 優先分配一種有限的物資,如食物,分配給那些能從中獲取最大收益的人的制度
    A system used to allocate a scarce commodity, such as food, only to those capable of deriving the greatest benefit from it.
  • 我必須那些抽屜整理一下,幾年來裏面塞滿了零星的東西。
    I must clear out those drawers; they're full of odds and sods accumulated over the years.
  • 自己所有的財富歸功於他的“智囊團”。
    He attributed his entire fortune to the POWER he accumulated through this "Master Mind."
  • 各種酸性染料,能毛織品染成猩紅色。
    any of various acid dyes; used for dying wool scarlet red.
  • 堆積起來用作來之用的存儲物品。
    a storage pile accumulated for future use.
  • 原來,隨着伊朗政府對社會風俗的宗教限製逐漸放鬆,一些伊朗婦女穿起了長褲和衹長及膝蓋的緊身袍子,而且還可以秀發從那些五顔六色的頭巾下面解放出一部分了。
    In a sign of a gradual relaxation of Iran's social restrictions, some Iranian women wear long trousers and knee-length tight robes, and allow part of their hair to spill out from under colorful scarves.
  • 然而,科學家已經懂得這種類型的污染物可以通過生物放大作用積纍起來,並掠奪植物和動物的生命,最終威脅到人類的健康。
    Yet scientists have learned that this type of pollutant can accumulate through biomagnifications, contributing to the loss of plant and animal life and ultimately threatening the health of human beings.
  • 這種物質積纍約30年方可達到危險水平,屆時它破壞患者的神經係統和器官。
    It takes about three decades for the substance to accumulate to dangerous levels, at which point it can destroy the victim's nerves and organs.
  • 製定出一份時間表。
    I'll work out our schedule.
  • 我正靜候着手纍積這筆錢的計劃,而五,我在接受計劃的同時,遵照計劃行事。”
    I am awaiting a plan by which to accumulate this money, and I will follow that plan, when it is received."
  • 當威廉談論他在伊頓公學的經歷及他今後面對更多的媒體關註時,他說道,"我特別欣賞在伊頓公學時能不受外界打擾,這樣我可以更專註於我的功課,盡情享受與朋友在一起的快樂,不被攝影鏡頭追蹤。
    When William talked about his experiences at Eton and the ever more intense media attention he anticipates in the future,he said,“ I have particularly appreciated being left alone at Eton,which has allowed me to concentrate on my schoolwork and enjoy being with my friends without being followed by cameras.
  • 可以纍積未發放的股息待來一齊補發的優先股。
    preferred stock whose dividends if omitted accumulate until paid out.
  • 儲存積聚或貯存起來,如為了來使用
    To accumulate and store away, as for future use.
  • 他輕輕地她抱起來放到剋裏斯蒂的懷裏。
    He gently scooped her up and placed her in Kristi's arms.
  • 她嚮他跑過去,他她緊緊地抱住。
    She ran to him and he scooped her in his arms.
  • 孩子們用手雪挖起來做雪人。
    The children scooped up the snow with their hands t build a snow man.
  • "直到警察她抱了起來,她纔明白:我沒事了!
    Only when police scooped her up did the thought hit her: I'm safe!
  • 如你錢存於銀行, 則自然生息。
    If you put money in the bank, interest accrues.
  • 中國政府一如既往地與世界各國加強合作,為徹底消除毒害、建設一個“無毒的世界”而不懈努力。
    The Chinese government will, as always, strengthen cooperation with other countries and make unremitting efforts to completely eliminate narcotic drugs and build a world free from the drug scourge.
  • 8.我們竭盡全力,使我們的人民免於戰禍,不受國內戰爭和國傢間戰爭之害,在過去十年,有五百多萬人在這些戰爭中喪生。
    8. We will spare no effort to free our peoples from the scourge of war, whether within or between States, which has claimed more than 5 million lives in the past decade.
  • 哥倫比亞一名暴戾的運毒犯關在他家乡的一所豪華監獄裏。該國領袖們說:兩年來爆炸與暗殺的苦難可能終結束。
    A violent drug trafficker in Colombia is behind bars in a luxurious prison in his hometown. The nation's leaders say that a two-year scourge of bombings and assassinations may finally be coning to an end.
  • 然而,當一個黑洞穿過一片星雲,或者靠近另一個正常恆星時,黑洞會使它自身的物質增加。
    However, if a black hole passes through a cloud of interstellar matter, or is close to another “normal” star, the black hole can accrete matter into itself.
  • 我們希望在即發動的攻勢中把敵人消滅掉。
    We hoped to scour the enemy out during the coming offensive.
  • 一般而言,搜索引擎web牽引程序分散開以為網絡暢通鋪平道路,以及對現有文件的索引進行編譯。
    Search engines typically disperse Web crawlers to scour the network and compile an index of existing documents.
  • 然後,這位身高4英尺10英寸、重110磅的童子軍開始操作。穩穩地一條腿放在比爾雙足之間,然後用雙臂緊緊抱住他。
    Then the 4′10″,110-pound Scout planted her leg between Bill's feet and locked her arms around him.
  • 基爾夫在信上這樣寫着:「有一天,我需要找個人幫忙,原因是歐洲舉行一次童子軍大露營;我要請美國一傢大公司,資助我一個童子軍的旅費。
    “One day I found I needed a favor,” wrote Mr. Chalif.“A big Scout jamboree was coming off in Europe, and I wanted the president of one of the largest corporations in America to pay the expenses of one of my boys for the trip.