  • 日本首相森喜朗的内阁周二上午进行总辞,为森喜朗布新内阁名单正式开启了一条路。
    Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori's Cabinet resigned en masse Tuesday morning, formally opening the way for Mori to announce a new Cabinet that will oversee a sweeping restructuring of Japan's bureaucracy.
  • 如果你能在会前向所有的委员都进行传鼓动,我们也许可能使他们积极行动起来,进行一些有意义的表决。
    If you can get the committee members (all) hyped up before the meeting, we might get some lively action and some meaningful voting.
  • 对于近年来出现的出生性别比升高的趋势,中国政府和全社会都十分重视,正在采取加强传教育、保障妇女儿童合法权益、严禁在医学需要之外采用技术性对胎儿性别鉴定和选择性人工流产,以及完善出生申报和统计制度等措施,逐步加以解决。
    The Chinese government and the society as a whole have paid close attention to the recent tendency of the high sex ratio. The problem will be gradually solved through heightened publicity and education, and measures have been taken to guarantee the legal rights and interests of women and children; to severely prohibit, except when called for medically, the technical examination of fetus for determining sex followed by selective abortion; and to improve birth report and statistical system.
  • 当地媒体稍加传,癌症患者和他们的家庭成员共十八人——包括我和婉达——当天晚上在慈善互助会楼上的会议室里见面了。
    With the help of a little publicity from the local newspaper, eighteen cancer patients and members of their families, including Wanda and me, met that night in the upstairs meeting room.
  • 叙调歌剧、清唱剧和大合唱中用到的一种风格,其特点是台词是以有节奏地自然地叙说而出现的,其旋律变化很小
    A style used in operas, oratorios, and cantatas in which the text is declaimed in the rhythm of natural speech with slight melodic variation.
  • 但有些自传还是扬自己的多,这种事情值不得赞扬。
    But some have mainly given publicity to themselves in their memoirs. That sort of thing is not commendable.
  • 海报,传画及其它电影纪念品
    Posters, publicity photographs, and other movie memorabilia.
  • 国家元首也许没有太多的政治上的权力,也许只限于礼仪上的职责(会见大使、在全国性纪念仪式上放花圈、布议会开始等)。
    A head of state may not have much political power, and may be restricted to ceremonial duties ( meeting ambassadors, laying wreaths at national memorials, opening parliament, etc ).
  • 他把他希望能带一大批订货单的传文字背了下来。
    He memorized the sales talk which he hoped would bring in large orders.
  • 战时缴获的商船经常被布没收。
    Merchant ships captured in war were often condemned.
  • 使者传送或布重要消息的人;送信者
    A person who carries or proclaims important news; a messenger.
  • 耶稣被犹太人布为假弥赛亚而被判有罪后,被钉死在十字架上。
    the death of Jesus on the cross after he was condemned by the Jews as a false Messiah.
  • 有些同志对这个问题的重要意义至今还认识不足,这有历史原因和实际原因,需要耐心细致地进行全面的准确的传解释工作。
    For historical and practical reasons, some of our comrades do not yet fully understand how important this is. Extensive publicity should be given to this need, and it should be explained accurately, patiently and meticulously.
  • 据oracle和sun公司称,internet和java以及方兴未艾的带宽革命突破了旧有的技术概念,导致了网络计算机(nc)的概念。
    According to Oracle and Sun Microsystems, the liberation brought about by the Internet and Java, as well as the ongoing bandwidth revolution, led to the conception of the network computer (NC).
  • 行政长官在一九九八年《施政报告》中,布成立一所应用科技研究院,以支援中游研究发展工作。
    The Chief Executive announced in his 1998 Policy Address the establishment of an Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) to support midstream research and development.
  • 《世界人权言》是世界人权发展史上的一个里程碑。
    The Declaration remains a milestone in the history of the development of human rights worldwide.
  • 日前,我部计算机2000年问题工作小组已发出通知,请各部委、各盛自治区、直辖市政府计算机2000年问题主管机构,在活动周期间根据本地区、本部门的实际情况,组织开展相关的传及研讨活动,以使活动周取得更好的效果和更广泛的社会影响。
    Recently, the Y2K Working Group of the Ministry has issued a notification, inviting the competent bodies under various ministries and provincial and municipal governments to organize relevant publicity activities and seminars during Y2K Week in light of their actual conditions in order for this event to be as effective as possible and to attract greater attention from the general public.
  • 我们的办法是一面传“不杀反水农民”,“反水农民回来一样得田地”,使他们脱离豪绅的影响,安心回家;
    Our solution is, on the one hand, to announce that "peasant who have defected will not be killed" and "peasants who have defected will also be given land when they return", in order to help them shake off the influence of the landlords and return home without misgivings;
  • 伪证罪在誓后故意提供假的、易引起误解的或是不完整的证据
    The deliberate, willful giving of false, misleading, or incomplete testimony under oath.
  • 那艘船已被布失踪了。
    She ship was posted missing.
  • 他们已布这只船失踪。
    They has posted the ship as missing.
  • 随着时间的流逝,上帝又将73个其他部落召唤到这里,但是维多利亚瀑布仍不为外界所知。直到1855年,苏格兰传教士戴维·利文斯顿偶然地发现了这座雄伟的瀑布,并布瀑布为其女王维多利亚所有。
    Over time,the God's called 73 other tribes to the area.But Victoria Falls remained a secret to the rest of the world until 1855,when Scottish missionary David Livingston discovered the majestic falls quite by accident,and he claimed it for his queen,Victoria.
  • 一九九七年九月,该署在某些经甄选的目标楼宇展开全面的执法管制行动,名为路路通行动,同时大举传,以对其他楼宇收阻吓作用,防止有人拆除或误用楼宇内为残疾人士提供的设施。
    A comprehensive enforcement operation - Operation Check Walk - was launched in September 1997 on selected target buildings. High profile publicity on the enforcement action has been given as a deterrent to other buildings against removal or misuse of the facilities for persons with a disability.
  • 由于耳朵皮肉较嫩,绳子又细,眼看着参赛者的耳朵部位由红变紫,其面部表情痛苦万分,直至一方忍受不了这种“折磨”而呻吟倒地,比赛才告结束。
    Since the skin and flesh of the ears are delicate and the rope is thin, the participants' ears turn purple and their facial expressions are extremely bitter. Until one party can not endure this kind of "torture" and falls to the ground moaning is the match thus concluded.
  • 美国著名计算机安全公司sophos20日布,一种新的邮件病毒开始以附件形式在网络上出现。该病毒伪装成屏保程序,内容一般是有关美国间谍卫星拍摄的伊拉克图片或是歌颂、讽刺布什总统的动画。
    A new e-mail worm has surfaced that purports to show screensavers of U.S. spy satellite pictures of Iraq or animations that are either patriotic or that mock President Bush, a computer security company warned on Thursday.
  • 坦茨曼仅仅是几十位称在青少年和青年时期遭到该镇最受信赖的儿科医生性骚扰的妇女当中的一位。
    Tanzman is just one of dozens of women who say they were molested by the town's most trusted pediatrician when they were teenagers or young adults.
  • 赞助商(通常是大企业)为车队提供经济上的支持,作为回报,他们能通过车队来传自己的产品。
    Sponsors,usually corporations,provide mon ey to the racing team and in return can adver tise the products.
  • 老师布小李为我们的班长。
    The teacher declared Xiao Li to be our monitor.
  • 为解放妇女,废除封建婚姻制度对妇女的歧视和压迫,新中国于1950年颁布第一部法律《中华人民共和国婚姻法》,彻底废除包办、强迫、男尊女卑、漠视子女利益的封建主义婚姻制度,实行男女婚姻自由、一夫一妻、男女平等、保护妇女和子女合法利益的新的婚姻制度,并在全国开展了大规模的传和贯彻《婚姻法》的群众运动。
    To liberate women and abolish the feudal marriage system which discriminated against and oppressed women, in 1950 New China promulgated the Marriage Law of the PRC, which was the first law to be enacted by new China. The law completely abolished the feudal marriage system of arranged and coerced marriages, men's superiority to women, and neglect of the interests of offsprings, and cleared the way for a new marriage system of freedom of marriage, monogamy, equality between men and women, and protection of the lawful rights and interests of women and offsprings.
  • 为解放妇女,废除封建婚姻制度对妇女的歧视和压迫,新中国于1950年颁布第一部法律《中华人民共和国婚姻法》,彻底废除包办强迫、男尊女卑、漠视子女利益的封建主义婚姻制度,实行男女婚姻自由、一夫一妻、男女平等、保护妇女和子女合法利益的新的婚姻制度,并在全国开展了大规模的传和贯彻《婚姻法》的群众运动。
    To liberate women and abolish the feudal marriage system which discriminated against and oppressed women, in 1950 New China promulgated the Marriage Law of the PRC, which was the first law to be enacted by new China.The law completely abolished the feudal marriage system of arranged and coerced marriages, men's superiority to women, and neglect of the interests of offsprings, and cleared the way for a new marriage system of freedom of marriage, monogamy, equality between men and women, and protection of the lawful rights and interests of women and offsprings.At the same time, large-scale publicity work and a mass movement to put the Marriage Law into effect were carried out nationwide.
  • 这个党为即将来临的竞选所作的言,被大多数专家认为是个空洞的,想入非非的举动。
    The party's manisfesto for the forthcoming election is regarded by most of the experts as so much moonshine.
  • 79.今年较早时,我们布暂停卖地九个月,至一九九九年三月为止。
    79. Earlier this year we imposed a nine-month moratorium on land sales up to March 1999.