  • 在处理病人方面,我是个糟糕的懦
    I am a terrible coward when it come to dealing with sick people.
  • 那个可怜的家伙,虽然不是懦,但一提到打针,脸都吓白了。
    The poor fellow, though no coward, paled at the mention of the injection.
  • 好汉当面责备,懦背后诋毁。
    He who blames one to his face is a hero, but who backbites is a coward.
  • 制作蝙蝠标本的特殊爱好;一个男人……感觉被女人嘲笑胆小是非同寻常的凌辱——维吉尼亚·伍尔
    a peculiar hobby of stuffing and mounting bats; a man...feels it a peculiar insult to be taunted with cowardice by a woman-Virginia Woolf.
  • 懦夫怯懦、胆怯的人
    A cowardly, fearful person.
  • 害怕知识分子被看作理智的倡导者,这是知识分子对知识和道德价值的最终贬低。在炮火袭击下畏缩尚可理解,而面对一个需要教导(也可从中学习)的世界却当懦则是卑鄙的。
    The fear of intellectuals to be seen as advocates of reason is the final treason of the clerks. To be cowardly under fire is understandable, but to cower when there is a world to be taught(and to learn from) is contemptible.
  • 暗藏之汪精卫,则招摇过市,窃据要津;匿影藏形,深入社会。
    The latter are either craftily seizing key posts and swaggering about, or working obscurely and worming their way into all walks of life.
  •  真正最见工的细活,莫过于对窟内壁画病害的防治和修复了。
    Nothing can compare with the prevention and control of the decay of the murals and the restoration of damaged ones in the grottoes, which can best represent true craftsmanship.
  • 而下等下级的人如妇女、屠、猎户、匠人等,其命价为草绳一根。
    The lives of people of the lowest rank of the lower class, such as women, butchers, hunters and craftsmen, are worth a straw rope.
  • 法典规定,上等上级的人如王子等,其命价为与其尸体等重的黄金;而下等下级的人如妇女、屠、猎户、匠人等,其命价为一根草绳。
    The codes specified that the lives of people of the highest rank of the upper class, such as a prince, were literally worth their weight in gold, whereas the lives of people of the lowest rank of the lower class, such as women, butchers, hunters and craftsmen, were worth no more than the price of a straw rope.
  • 不过卑怯而狡猾的懦则往往想要暗中施放的冷箭。
    But base and crafty cowards, are like the arrow that flieth in the dark.
  • 在杜塞尔多的古城阿尔特斯塔特用鹅卵石铺成的大街小巷,年轻人处处可见。在其中一平方公里的区域里,布满了200多个小酒店、咖啡馆和餐馆。
    The youngsters can be found in the cobbled streets and alleys of the Altstadt, Dusseldorf's old town, where more than 200 pubs, cafés and restaurants are crammed into an area of one square kilometre.
  • 彼此相爱了那么多年之后,这对老妇最近却离婚了,他们的幸福彻底破坏了。
    After so many years of loving each other, the old couple were divorced recently and their happiness came crashing about their ears.
  • 她殷勤地招呼丈的朋友。
    She greets her husband's friends creamily.
  • 《蒙娜·丽莎》或意大利语中所称的《乔康达人》的传说和它的创作者列奥纳多·达·芬奇的传说是密不可分的。
    The legend of the Mona Lisa, or La Giaconda as she is called in Italian, is closely tied to the legend of her creator, Leonardo da Vinci.
  • 奥利弗,约瑟1885?-1938美国爵士乐手和作曲家,对于路易斯·阿姆斯特朗的音乐风格产生极大影响。他的克里奥耳爵士乐队是第一个录制唱片的黑人音乐组
    American jazz musician and composer who had a great influence on the style of Louis Armstrong. His Creole Jazz Band was the first Black group to make jazz recordings.
  • 雅尔塔苏联西南欧部分一城市,位于黑海沿岸、克里米亚南部,是一个受欢迎的旅游胜地,它是1945年2月同盟国会议(由福兰克林·d·罗斯福,温斯顿·丘吉尔和约瑟·斯大林出席)的会址。人口86,000
    A city of southwest European U.S.S.R. in the southern Crimea on the Black Sea. A popular resort, it was the site of an Allied conference(attended by Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin) in February1945. Population,86, 000.
  • 饼干一种小而薄、脆的饼、饼干或糖果
    A small, thin, crisp cake, biscuit, or candy.
  • 饼用蛋奶烘烤的轻而脆的蛋奶饼
    A light, crisp battercake baked in a waffle iron.
  • 里雅普诺夫判别定理
    Liapunov theorem of criterion
  • 南斯拉人讲塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语,但我不会讲这种语言。
    The Yugoslav speaks serbo-croat, but I can not speak it.
  • 南斯拉人讲塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语,但我不会讲这种语言。
    The Yugoslav speak Serbo - Croat, but I can not speak it.
  • 请代我向克罗特博士致意好吗?
    Will you give Dr. Croft my best wish?
  • 请代我向克罗特博士致意好吗?
    Would you give Dr Croft my best wishes?
  • 坦白地说,倾向于同意克罗特先生的意见
    to be quite frank, a tend to agree with Mr. Croft' s opinion
  • 克罗特先生:早上好,护士。我想看牙科医生。
    Mr Croft: Good morning, nurse. I want to see the dentist, please.
  • 坦白地说,我倾向于同意克罗特先生的意见。
    To be quite frank, I tend to agree with Mr. Croft's opinion.
  • 护士:恐怕他不能,克罗特先生,难道你不能等到下午吗?
    Nurse: I am afraid that he can't, Mr Croft. Can't you wait till this afternoon?
  • 克罗特先生:是的,很急.情况很紧急.我觉得很难受.牙齿痛极了。
    Mr Croft: Yes, it is. It is very urgent. I feel awful. I have terrible toothache.
  • 克罗特说他婚姻失败以后,并且当他决定绘画重于通勤上下班时,他就脱离了办公室的工作。
    Croft says he dropped out of the shirt-and-tie world after his marriage collapsed and when he decided that painting was more important than commuting.
  • 她生气地看着自己的丈
    she looked at her husband crossly.
  • 尽管柴可斯基自己认为《悲沧交响曲》是他最高的成就,可惜1893年10月28日在圣彼得堡的首次演出却是令人失望的。
    Although Tschaikovsky himself thought of the Pathetic symphony as his crowning masterpiece, the premiere on October 28 1893, in St. Petersburg proved a disappointment.