  • 在这个时期中,我们的基本号就是“全面的全民族的抗战”。
    In the present period our basic slogan is "Total resistance by the whole nation".
  • 我们不是有个号叫“中华民族大团结万岁”吗?
    We have a slogan, "Long live the great unity of the Chinese nation" Right?
  • 现在看来,这个老号不够全面,也不很准确。
    As I see it now, however, this old slogan is neither comprehensive nor precise enough.
  • 共产党还在一九三六年八月就提出了“民主共和国”这个号。
    The Communist Party put forward the slogan of a "democratic republic" as early as August 1936.
  • 民主革命中将有几个发展阶段,都在民主共和国号下面。
    The democratic revolution will develop through several stages, all under the slogan of a democratic republic.
  • 三,就会明白工农民主政权这个号的正确。
    Thirdly, one will understand the correctness of the slogan of workers' and peasants' democratic political power.
  • 所以在冀南单独提出削弱封建的号,是值得考虑的。
    Therefore, standing by itself, the slogan for weakening the feudal forces introduced in southern Hebei needs reconsideration.
  • 例如说:巩固和扩大抗日民族统一战线的号是否依然正确呢?
    Or, for instance, is the slogan "Consolidate and expand the Anti-Japanese National United Front" still correct?
  • 但是现在的情况,使得我们要把这个号改变一下,改变为人民共和国。
    But the present situation requires us to change our slogan, to change it into one of a people's republic.
  • 我们是国际主义者,我们又是爱国主义者,我们的号是为保卫祖国反对侵略者而战。
    We are at once internationalists and patriots, and our slogan is, "Fight to defend the motherland against the aggressors."
  • 只有“土地归农民”这么一个号是不够的,土地怎么分配就是一个很大的问题。
    The slogan "land to the peasants" alone was not enough; there still remained the major problem of how to distribute land.
  • 湘南特委提出的“一切工厂归工人”的号,也宣传得很普遍。
    The slogan of "All factories to the workers", put forward by the Southern Hunan Special Committee, was also given wide publicity.
  • “强者有理”是一种政治号,不是宗教上的感召。
    The slogan “our might will make us right” is indeed a political capital. It should not be seen as a religious call.
  • “中日两国人民世世代代友好下去”的号,代表了我们大家的理想。
    The slogan "the Chinese and Japanese peoples should live in friendship from generation to generation" represents an ideal for all of us.
  • 工农民主共和国的号,不是违背资产阶级民主革命任务的,而是坚决地执行资产阶级民主革命任务的。
    This slogan was not in conflict with the task of bourgeois-democratic revolution but signified that we were resolutely carrying out this task.
  • 我们提这个号,如果是要求国民党“一切”都要“经过”我们同意,是做不到的,滑稽的。
    If this slogan is meant to be a demand that everything done by the Kuomintang must go through us, it is both ridiculous and impossible.
  • “精诚团结,共赴国难”这个号,不应该只是讲得好听,还应该做得好看。
    The slogan "Unity in good faith to meet the national crisis" must not be limited to fine words but must be demonstrated in fine deeds.
  • 他们的战争不但在帝国主义各国组织白党进攻时,是在保卫苏维埃的号下进行的,就是在十月起义的准备时期,也是在保卫首都的号下进行军事动员的。
    When the imperialist countries organized the Whites for attack, the war was waged under the slogan of defending the Soviets; even when the October Uprising was being prepared, the military mobilization was carried out under the slogan of defending the capital.
  • 使用不同货币的国家之间要进出货物,就必须引人一个新的经济因素:把一个国家的货币换成另一个国家货币的外汇兑换率。
    Exports and imports of goods between nations with different units of money introduce a new economic factor: the rate of foreign exchange at which the currency of one country exchanges for the currency of another.
  • (上菜用的)平底浅盘有一敞圆形底的浅菜盘或鱼盘
    A round, shallow cooking or serving dish with a flat bottom and sloping sides.
  • 能感染、皮肤、肠或鞘的一种寄生菌类。
    a parasitic fungus that can infect the mouth or the skin or the intestines or the vagina.
  • 自动售货机上用来投硬币的投币
    a slot through which coins can be inserted into a slot machine.
  • 你在入处那儿把辅币塞进投币孔。
    Then,you slip it into the slot at the turnstile.
  • 你在入处那儿把辅币塞进投币孔。
    You slip the token into the slot at the turnstile.
  • 把一枚5便士的硬币放入投币,然后拉开抽屉。
    Insert a 5p piece into the slot and pull the drawer.
  • 拿起听筒之后,放一个硬币在这个小子里。
    Pick up the receiver and deposit a coin in the slot.
  • (通常在门上)一条用来投递信件的狭长的
    a slot (usually in a door) through which mail can be delivered.
  • 从硬币投币插入硬币驱动的机器。
    a machine that is operated by the insertion of a coin in a slot.
  • 产位,(胎儿)先露位置分娩时胎儿在子宫中相对于子宫的位置
    The position of the fetus in the uterus at birth with respect to the mouth of the uterus.
  • 流浪汉摇了摇头,然后将钱塞进了最近的电话机投钱
    The bum shook his head and stuck the money into the slot of the nearest telephone.
  • 然后你在入处转门那儿把辅币塞进投币,就能推动转门进去了。
    Then, you slip it into the slot at the turnstile and push the turnstile to get in.
  • 你在入处转门那儿把辅币塞进投币孔里,就能推动转门进去了。
    You slip it into the slot at the turnstile and then push the turnstile to get in.