  • 晚间开放的深粉色、管状、透明野花;见于加洲部到科罗拉多以至墨西哥的沙地和沙漠一带。
    wildflower having vibrant deep pink tubular evening-blooming flowers; found in sandy and desert areas from southern California to southern Colorado and into Mexico.
  • 任何一种早期盛开的木犀科灌木,属于连翘属植物种;原产于亚洲东部和欧洲部,但由于其枝条和明亮的黄色钟状的花而广被移植。
    any of various early blooming oleaceous shrubs of the genus Forsythia; native to eastern Asia and southern Europe but widely cultivated for their branches of bright yellow bell-shaped flowers.
  • 一种倒伏的植物,有看似一朵花的三朵成簇的深粉色花,花靠近地面开放;生长在多碎石的或沙质的土壤中;产自美国西部和墨西哥。
    trailing plant having crowded clusters of 3 brilliant deep pink flowers resembling a single flower blooming near the ground; found in dry gravelly or sandy soil; southwestern United States and Mexico.
  • 里士满肯塔基中东部的一个城市,位于勒克辛顿东。是布卢格拉斯的烟草和牲畜市场。人口21,155
    A city of east-central Kentucky south-southeast of Lexington. It is a tobacco and livestock market in the Bluegrass. Population,21, 155.
  • 市政府先后制订了《1990至2000年深圳科学技术发展规划》、《深圳市科技发展“九五”计划和2010年规划》、《深圳市高新技术产业发展“九五”计划和2010年规划》、《深圳市年度科技开发项目计划指》、《深圳市年度重点科技开发项目计划》,明确了“九五”期间重点发展计算机、通信、微电子及新型元器件、机电一体化、新材料、生物工程、激光七大高新技术产业。
    The Municipal Government stipulated Program for Shenzhen's Science and Technology Development During 1990 to 2000, The Ninth Five-year Plan and Blueprint for 2010 for Shenzhen's Science and Technology Development , The Ninth Five-year Plan and Blueprint for 2010 for Shenzhen's High-tech Industrial Development, A Guide to Plan for Shenzhen's Annual Science and Technology Development Projects and Plan for Shenzhen's Key Annual Science and Technology Development Projects, and defined that emphasis would be given to the development of the following seven industries: computer, telecommunications, micro-electronics and new components, optical-mechanical integration, new materials, bio-engineering, and lasers.
  • 开蓝紫色花的美国部攀援植物。
    climber of southern United States having bluish-purple flowers.
  • 现知最大的哺乳动物;多数在半球的蓝灰色定期迁移的须鲸。
    largest mammal ever known; bluish-gray migratory whalebone whale mostly of southern hemisphere.
  • 北美洲西部的各种钝鼻并带有灰白色斑点的蛇。
    any of various pale blotched snakes with a blunt snout of southwestern North America.
  • 罗纳葡萄酒产于法国车部的一种醇厚的、浓烈的、通常为红色的葡萄酒
    A rich, full-bodied, usually red wine produced in southeast France.
  • 部非洲布尔人的陆军有组织的部队
    An organized force of Boer troops in South Africa.
  • 楠帕美国爱达荷州西一城市,位于博伊西西偏西,是一个为灌溉农业地区的加工业和船运中心。人口28,365
    A city of southwest Idaho west-southwest of Boise. It is a processing and shipping center for an irrigated farming region. Population,28, 365.
  • 生活在阿根延、波利维亚和巴拉圭的美印第安人。
    a member of the South American people living in Argentina and Bolivia and Paraguay.
  • (1783-1830)领导美洲殖民地反抗西班牙统治起义的委内瑞拉政治家;在1825年建立玻利维亚。
    (1783-1830) Venezuelan statesman who led the revolt of South American colonies against Spanish rule; founded Bolivia in 1825.
  • 阿雷基帕秘鲁部的一个城市,位于米斯提火山山脚。于1540年建在印加村庄的遗址上,它是秘鲁部及玻利维亚北部的商业中心。人口108,023
    A city of southern Peru at the foot of El Misti. Founded in1540 on the site of an Incan village, it is the commercial center of southern Peru and northern Bolivia. Population,108, 023.
  • 我们在非,是专门批发的,供应的项目有螺钉、螺栓、螺栓帽、别针、饰针等,诸如此类的东西。
    Our specialty back in South Africa is wholesale supplying of screws, bolts, nuts, pins, studs, and that kind of thing.
  • 海德拉巴印度中部城市,位于孟买东偏东。古代这里是一个莫卧儿王国和印度一个邦的中心,始建于1589年,现在是一个金融中心和交通枢纽。人口2,187,262
    A city of south-central India east-southeast of Bombay. Center of a former Mogul kingdom and Indian state, the city was founded in1589 and is today a commercial center and transportation hub. Population,2, 187, 262.
  • 卡塞尔德国中部城市,位于汉诺威的西方。在1198年特许设立,二战中是军火中心而常受同盟军的轰炸。人口184,997
    A city of central Germany south-southwest of Hanover. Chartered in1198, it was a munitions center in World War II and was frequently bombed by the Allies. Population,184, 997.
  • 锡法国东北部一城市,位于巴黎东部。公爵领地和洛雷恩地区的首府,该城于1766年移交法国。在二战中遭受猛烈的轰炸。人口96,317
    A city of northeast France east of Paris. The capital of the duchy and region of Lorraine, the city passed to France in1766. It was heavily bombed in World War II. Population,96, 317.
  • 非的丰富黄金矿藏量以及其它矿业资源正在日益枯竭。
    South Africa 's gold and mineral bonanza is beginning to tail off.
  • 身上有鳞甲的美鲶鱼。
    South American catfish having the body covered with bony plates.
  • 眼睛周围有骨脊的凯门鳄;产于从墨西哥部到阿根廷的地区。
    caiman with bony ridges about the eyes; found from southern Mexico to Argentina.
  • ”这个忠告可在名为《酒吧护照:旅游者酒吧仪俗指》的小册子中找到,它对那些想要领略“英国生活和文化核心部分”的人是一种行为准则。
    " This tip can be found in a booklet, Passport to the Pub: The Tourists' Guide to Pub Etiquette, a customers' code of conduct for those wanting to sample "a central part of British life and culture".
  • 为促使机构遵守条例的规定,公署就《个人信贷资料实务守则》的修订事项发出谘询文件,以及出版名为《电子私隐:建立对电子商业的信任和信心的政策方案》的管理策略指、关于公署职能的小册子和《招聘广告方面的常问问题》资料概览,并且重新制作训练用的录影带。
    To promote compliance with the ordinance by organisations, the PCO issued a consultation paper in relation to the revisions of the Consumer Credit Data Code, and published a management handbook entitled E-Privacy: A Policy Approach to Building Trust and Confidence in E-Business, a booklet about the general functions of the office, and a fact sheet on frequently asked questions about recruitment advertisements. It also produced a new version of its training video.
  • 中国也面对新生代学生不爱阅读的问题,济一所小学的校长于是在学校推行制作藏书票的活动。
    Like Singapore, China is witnessing a generation of young students who dislike reading. To tackle the problem, the principal of a primary school in Jinan city, capital of Shandong province, started a school-wide project of bookplate-making some years ago.
  • 燕子从荚国飞至非,有14只被套上铝圈的英国鸟在非被再次抓住。
    Swallows from England go as far as South Africa; and as many as fourteen, marked with rings in England, have boon caught again in South Africa.
  • 一个靴子形状的半岛,位于欧洲部,伸入地中海。
    a boot-shaped peninsula in S Europe extending into the Mediterranean Sea.
  • 杰夫:接替他的好像是来自斯拉夫的米卢蒂诺维奇吧?
    Jeff: The one who replaced him must be Bora Milutinovic of Yu-goslavia?
  • 地中海东角的沿海地区,靠近以色列和埃及。
    a coastal region at the southeastern corner of the Mediterranean bordering Israel and Egypt.
  • 德文部英格兰西部的一个地区,与英吉利海峡交界。旧石器时代时期形成,在8世纪成为威斯克斯的一部分
    A region of southwest England bordering on the English Channel. Occupied in Paleolithic times, it became part of Wessex in the eighth century.
  • 江苏中国东部省,毗连着黄河。人口稠密,工业发达,在18世纪它成为一个独立的省份。京是它的首府。人口62,130,000
    A province of eastern China bordering on the Yellow Sea. Densely populated and highly industrialized, it became a separate province in the18th century. Nanjing is the capital. Population,62, 130, 000.
  • 八十年代,以西边境及东沿海等地区为重点,投入大量人力、物力、财力,组织公安机关、武警部队、海关和群众联防队协同作战,建立了边境一线堵、内地二线查和交通要道、机场、车站、码头三线截的“三道防线”。
    In the 1980s, the government organized public security, armed police and customs organs, and the civilian joint defense teams to coordinate the fight against drug trafficking, mainly in the southwest border areas and southeast coastal areas. It mobilized a large number of people, a great quantity of materials and a large amount of money. Three "lines of defense"were set up to keep drugs from flowing in: The first line was the borderland, where exit and entry were subject to strict examination; the second line was composed of checkpoints in inland regions; and the third line consisted of checks on vital lines of communication, airports, railway stations and harbors.
  • 八十年代,以西边境及东沿海等地区为重点,投入大量人力、物力、财力,组织公安机关、武警部队、海关和群众联防队协同作战,建立了边境一线堵、内地二线查和交通要道、机场、车站、码头三线截的“三道防线”。
    In the 1980s, the government organized public security, armed police and customs organs, and the civilian joint defense teams to coordinate the fight against drug trafficking, mainly in the southwest border areas and southeast coastal areas. It mobilized a large number of people, a great quantity of materials and a large amount of money. Three "lines of defense" were set up to keep drugs from flowing in: The first line was the borderland, where exit and entry were subject to strict examination; the second line was composed of checkpoints in inland regions; and the third line consisted of checks on vital lines of communication, airports, railway stations and harbors.