  • 肺切除术,肺部切除术对整个或部肺的外科手术切除
    Surgical removal of all or part of a lung.
  • 切除部或者全部神经的手术。
    surgical removal of all or part of a nerve.
  • 使分离,使脱离
    To remove from association; dissociate.
  • 下部切割的部分
    The material so removed.
  • 之所以要保密的原因之一是这个公司的克隆技术还在进展当中,另一个原因是有相当一部人坚决反对这种经过基因改进了的树木的出现。
    One reason for the secrecy is that the fiim's cloning techniques are still under development. Another is that a fair number of people are dead set against the advent of genetically enhanced trees.
  • 提取的,被离的从其它事物中提取或离的;开的
    Removed or separated from something else; apart.
  • 一种无色有毒的晶状有机酸,见于酢浆草和其他植物中,用于漂白、去锈和化学析。
    a toxic colorless crystalline organic acid found in oxalis and other plants; used as a bleach and rust remover and in chemical analysis.
  • 通过去除本来有的水来保藏。
    preserved by removing natural moisture.
  • 然而析家说,双职工父母的出现、子女数目减少并“被宠坏”、人员流动性的增加、物质主义,以及家庭的团体权威的丧失致使违法行为有增无减。
    Instead, say analysts, the advent of two working parents, fewer and "spoiled" children, increased mobility, materialism and the loss of family and community authority have led to higher lawlessness.
  • 减少的动作(从整体除去一部)。
    the act of subtracting (removing a part from the whole).
  • 脱水脱去某物质或某化合物的水的过程
    The process of removing water from a substance or compound.
  • 超过维持生命和健康实际需要的那部(就熟练劳动者来说,通常会超出很多),不是用于养活劳动者,而是用于酬劳劳动者,劳动者可以等到生产完成后再得到这种酬劳,因而不必作为资本而预先存在。
    As much of it as exceeds the actual necessaries of life and health (an excess which in the case of skilled labourers is usually considerable) is not expended in supporting labour, but in remunerating it, and the labourers could wait for this part of their remuneration until the production is completed;
  • 以上各式各样的人,就组成了配阶级,其作用是对生产阶级的活动给以补充。这样配的产品或其价格,便是配者的劳动和节欲获得报酬的来源,正是通过节欲,他们才预先拿得出配业务所需的资金。
    Of these various elements is composed the Distributing Class, whose agency is supplementary to that of the Producing Class: and the produce so distributed, or its price, is the source from which the distributors are remunerated for their exertions, and for the abstinence which enabled them to advance the funds needful for the business of distribution.
  • 但当(在政治经济学中,应该经常准备这样做)我们改变观点,考虑的不是个人行动和决定个人行动的动机,而是对整个国家和整个世界的影响时,就必须把思想看作是社会生产劳动最重要的组成部,必须把从事这种劳动和酬报这种劳动的社会资源看作是社会支出中具有重大生产意义的部
    But when (as in political economy one should always be prepared to do) we shift our point of view, and consider not individual acts, and the motives by which they are determined, hut national and universal results, intellectual speculation must be looked upon as a most influential part of the productive labour of society, and the portion of its resources employed in carrying on and in remunerating such labour, as a highly productive part of its expenditure.
  • 炫耀适当地或过地显示
    To show off becomingly or advantageously.
  • 常带三笑,办事不烦恼。
    Cheerfulness in do render a deed more acceptable.
  • 常带三笑,办事不烦恼。
    Cheerfulness in doing render a deed more acceptable.
  • 提炼焙化(如,猪油)以离出油渣;炼油
    To melt(lard, for example) to separate out impurities; render.
  • 红军第一、四方面军会合后,他坚决拥护党中央北上抗日的方针,对张国焘另立中央、裂党裂红军的行为,进行了坚决的斗争。
    After the rendezvous of the First and Fourth Front Armies of the Red Army, Bocheng firmly supported the Central Committee's policy of marching north to resist the Japanese invaders and opposed Zhang Guotao's attempts to split the Party and the Red Army and set up a separate central committee.
  • 对于个人来说,这实际上只不过是促使他们接受治疗的动机的一部,有时甚至是难以党察到的一部。人们不会主要从经济动机出发来截肢,或尽力治愈寒热,尽管若只有经济动机,他们也会接受治疗。
    To the individuals, indeed, this forms but a part, sometimes an imperceptible part, of the motives that induce them to submit to medical treatment: it is not principally from economical motives that persons have a limb amputated, rendezvous to be cured of a fever, though when they do so, there is generally sufficient inducement for it even on that score alone.
  • 纪实部文学或拍电影的一种方式,嘲笑真人真事,好象他们是虚构的或在其它方面的小说翻译中把真人真事用作必要的组成部
    A form of literature or filmmaking that treats real people or events as if they were fictional or uses real people or events as essential elements in an otherwise fictional rendition.
  • 一种光(学字)符阅读装置的电子部件,该部件修正扫描器的输出信号,以得到一种经过处理的、更适合作进一步析的输入字符的再现。
    An electronic component of an optical character reader that alters the signal from the scanner to receive a processed rendition of the input character that is more appropriate for detailed or more advanced analysis.
  • 1999年他推出了一张名为《内心的倾诉》的专辑唱片,专辑里大部的歌曲都是他充满活力、执着认真的个人独唱,也收录了几首由乐队伴奏的歌曲。
    In 1999 he released Inside Wants Out, an album consisting mostly of solo acoustic renditions of his energetic, earnest songs, as well as several tracks recorded with a full band.
  • ……以两个臭名昭著的例子为证,……约翰·凯奇音乐中声名狼藉的4半钟沉默和勒内·马格里特的绘画《形象的背叛》。
    To take two notorious examples, consider from music John Cage’s infamous four and a half minutes of silence and from painting Rene Magritte's The Treason of Images.
  • 共产国际也批准了这一处,并指出:张国焘是一个逃兵和叛徒。
    The Communist International also endorsed the decision and denounced Chang Kuo-tao as a deserter and renegade.
  • 区在多层面应用环境中也是有长处的。例如在企业资源计划或数据仓库的应用中,应用程序常常按功能划到多个桌面客户、应用程序服务器和数据库服务器中。
    Partitioning is also advantageous in multitier application environments, such as enterprise resource planning or data warehousing, where the applications are often functionally divided across multiple desktop clients, application servers and database servers.
  • 我们镇压的对象,主要是那些死心塌地的汉奸特务和对抗战危害很大而为群众最痛恨的破坏子、借刀杀人子和坚决反动的叛徒。
    The ones to be suppressed are mainly diehard traitors, secret agents, saboteurs who have greatly impeded the war effort, incurring the implacable hatred of the masses, people who have used others to kill their adversaries, and sworn renegades.
  • 如果具备了上述两个条件,那就无疑地应该兵,因为在这两个条件下,散比集中更有利。
    But there is no doubt that, given the two above-mentioned conditions, we should divide our forces, because division is then more advantageous than concentration.
  • 我方可报你十优惠的条件。
    We are able to quote you very advantageous terms.
  • 她十体贴,使他对她重生情愫。
    Her kindness made him regard her with renewed affection.
  • 我们在裂二十多年后又新生了友谊。
    We renewed our friendship after a hiatus of twenty years.
  • 他们还没有完全定居下来,旧的歧又出现了。
    They had hardly settled down when the old disagreements were renewed.