  • 阿尔勒法国中南部一城市,位于隆河三角洲。罗马帝国时期,曾是繁华城市,有一角斗场建于元2世纪,现用于斗牛比赛。人口37,571
    A city of south-central France on the Rhone River delta. A flourishing city in Roman times, it has an arena built in the second century a.d. that is now used for bullfights. Population,37, 571.
  • 欢迎来到我们公司。
    Welcome to our company.
  • 欢迎到我们公司来。
    Welcome to our corporation.
  • 严格具有认形式的特征,坚持认形式,或与认形式有关(尤其在宗教或艺术方面)。
    concerned with or characterized by rigorous or adherence to recognized forms (especially in religion or art).
  • -促进遵守《联合国人员和有关人员安全约》。
    To promote adherence to the Convention on the Safety of United Nations and Associated Personnel.
  • 记忆方法一种帮助记忆的方法,如式或韵文
    A device, such as a formula or rhyme, used as an aid in remembering.
  • 他们留着一间原屋给她住,一个十余岁的毛丫头伴着,让她吃饱了饭,站在巷口去研究那主嫁人,尼姑生子的问题。
    They left the original house for her to live in, provided a ten-year old girl to keep her company, fed her adequately, while she continued to stand at the entrance to the lane pursuing the question of whether the princess had got married and whether the nun had given birth.
  • 详细的程序代码检查是最好的防御方式,但多数司没有时间或资源来全面做好这件事。
    Detailed code reviews are the best defense, but most companies do not have the time or resources to do this adequately.
  • 英国广播司的海外广播部能使听众对英国有正确认识吗?
    Do the BBC External Services adequately project Great Britain?
  • 充分考虑或正地对待。
    treat or consider adequately or fairly.
  • 绍兴酿酒总公司
    Shaoxing General Rice Wine Corporation
  • 威尔榭时装司的理查德.伯恩先生。
    Mr Richard Bowen of Willshire Fashion.
  • 伯恩:我是美国威尔榭时装司的理查德.伯恩。
    Richard Bowen of Will shire Fashion, the United States.
  • 在俄亥俄州的迈阿密大学获得工商学位后,他就进人维克化学司(后改名为理查森一维克司,现归属于宝洁司)工作。
    After earning a business degree from Miami University of Ohio, he went to work for Vick Chemical Company (later Richardson-Vick's, now owned by P& G).
  • 尽管在克林顿政权“修订”报告的5个月内考科斯委员会一直未“开火”,可是doe秘书长理查森(richandson)和nsc主管伯哥(berger)接下来试图将平衡由中国“间谍”丑闻转到里根—布什政权的努力都迫使考科斯委员会的一些会员将他们所知的一切之于众。
    But although the Cox Committee held its "fire" during the five months it took the Clinton Administration to "redact" their Report, the subsequent efforts of DOE Secretary Richardson and NSC Staff Director Berger to shift the blame for the PRC "spy scandal to the Reagan-Bush Administrations propelled some Members of the Cox Commission to go public with what they had known all along.
  • 两家互相竞争的纺织司中,奖金较多,管理较好的一家很快就占了上风。
    Of two rival spinning companies, one is richer and better managed than the other, and therefore soon gets the upper hand.
  • 博茨泰因认为,对中学教育的彻底改革应该伴之以较高的期望值,从而迫使毕业生学好从民课到经济学的各种课程。
    Botstein argues that the high school overhaul should be accompanied by higher expectations, forcing grads to be adept in everything from civics to economics.
  • 沃尔特在这家司已干了40多年了,因而完全应该享受长期幸福的退休生活。
    Walter has been with this company for more than forty years and richly deserves a long and happy retirement.
  • 我是abc贸易司的黄柏夫,请接richter先生。
    This is Bob Huang of ABC trading company.May I speak to Mr. Richter?
  • ”nba(国家篮球协会)的行政副主席和司老板里克·韦尔兹换了一种说法,“假如迈克尔退役,他留给我们的是一个这样的事实,即他已经改变了世人对运动员在社会生活中能起什么作用这个问题的看法。这种作用涉及到人们会怎样看待他们;他们怎样为司所用以及运动员怎样成为社会的偶像。
    " Rick Welts, the NBA's executive vice president and chief marketer, puts it differently: "If Michael leaves, he leaves having changed the public's view of what role athletes can play in society -- how they can be viewed, how they can be used by corporations, how they can be social icons.
  • 一般来说,房地产,尤其是办大楼,从来都是起起伏伏。上一个周期在1970年代中期到达最低点,所有办室空出率为百分之十三。但是这一次走下坡特别严重,短期似无法复苏。
    Real estate in general and office buildings in particular have always ridden a roller coaster; the last cycle bottomed in the mid-1970's with overall office vacancy rates of 13 percent. But this downturn has been especially severe, and seems built to last.
  • 但是oo开发环境本质上不够完善,缺乏解决对象互用性的共基础设施,这些因素妨害了它们成为主流产品。
    But the unsophisticated nature of OO development environments and the lack of a common infrastructure for addressing object interoperability hindered their mainstream adoption.
  • 即便是一个在众面前讲话的演讲者也要和他的听众有许多目光接触。
    Even for a lecturer addressing his audience there is plenty of eye contact.
  • 汪精卫是开的投降派的主要头目;蒋介石是暗藏在抗日阵线内部的投降派的主要头目。
    While Wang Ching-wei was the ringleader of the open capitulationists, Chiang was the ringleader of those hiding in the anti-Japanese front.
  • 此外,香港特区继续遵行各条主要国际人权约,包括《消除一切形式种族歧视国际约》、《禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚约》、《儿童权利约》和《消除对妇女一切形式歧视约》。
    Additionally, the HKSAR continues to abide by the major international conventions on human rights. These include the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD), the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT), the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).
  • 另外,在司和雇员之间的双向忠诚度似乎已成为陈年旧事的今天,通用电器在提供司培训项目,积极帮助员工自身发展和提高领导能力方面已经成为认的业界领袖。
    Additionally, in a day and age when bi-directional loyalty between companies and their employees seems to be a thing of the past, GE has been the acknowledged leader in providing corporate training programs that actively develop its people and their leadership skills.
  • 法国航空司的飞机在飞离巴黎11个小时之后,在里约热内卢减速下降。
    Eleven hours out of Paris, the Air France plane let down into Rio de Janeiro.
  • 此外,我们会坚决奉行稳健而审慎的理财政策,维持税率低而明确的税制,以及缔造平竞争的环境。
    "Additionally, we will resolutely maintain our conservative and prudent fiscal management style, low and predictable tax structure as well as a level playing field for every one.
  • 贝可斯河发源于美国新墨西哥州东界和德克萨斯州西界的一条流程约1,490里(926英里)的河流,往南及东南流经至格兰德河
    A river of eastern New Mexico and western Texas flowing about1, 490 km(926 mi) south and southeast to the Rio Grande.
  • 此外,由于电子商务爆炸性地发展,业务上的供应商和客户基本上也成了你的合作伙伴,通过电子神经系统与你的司相连。
    Additionally, as business-to-business commerce explodes, business suppliers and customers essentially become your partners, connected by an electronic nervous system to your company.
  • 此外,我们会坚决维持我们保守而审慎的财政管理方式、低水平而明确的课税结构,以及提供平竞争的环境。
    Additionally, we will resolutely maintain our conservative and prudent fiscal management style, low and predictable tax structure as well as level playing field for all.
  • 参加暴乱;参加暴乱扰乱共和平。
    take part in a riot; disturb the public peace by engaging in a riot.