| - 一间公司若要派发高股息,它必须有充足的净利以及有足够的意愿去做。
For a company to pay good dividends,it must have sufficient profit to be able to pay and it must be willing to pay. - 一间公司若要派发高股息,它必须有充足的净利以及有足够的意愿去做。
For a company to pay good dividends, it must have sufficient profit to be able to pay and it must be willing to pay. - 抚 ㄗ琜充足]的报告。
She's studying for her doctorate. - 文件的论据是十分充足的。
This document is solid." - 由能源部官方认可的大量解密文件是对互联网上许多非官方信息的补充,但是后者有许多还处于技术性的“加密”范围内。
The tons of "declassified" information that was made officially available by DOE was in addition to much other unofficial information placed on the Internet that may have still been technically classified. - 3.如果任何一成员有理由认为作为另一成员之国民或居民的知识产权所有人正从事违反前一成员的有涉本节内容之法规的活动,同时前一成员又希望不损害任何合法活动、也不妨碍各方成员作终局决定的充分自由,又能保证对其域内法规的遵守,则后一成员应当根据前一成员的要求而与之协商。
3. Each Member shall enter, upon request, into consultations with any other Member which has cause to believe that an intellectual property right owner that is a national or domiciliary of the Member to which the request for consultations has been addressed is undertaking practices in violation of the requesting Member's laws and regulations on the subject matter of this Section, and which wishes to secure compliance with such legislation, without prejudice to any action under the law and to the full freedom of an ultimate decision of either Member. - 我充其量只能捐助100美元。
I can donate one hundred dollars at best. - 就我所知,他充其量只能捐助一百元。
To the best of my knowledge he can donate one hundred dollars at best. - 非常感谢你的捐赠,请你放心,这些东西将得到充分的作用。
Thank you for the donation. You can be sure it will be put to a good purpose. - 充满了不确定性或者疑问。
fraught with uncertainty or doubt. - 他们怀疑那条绳索能支撑住;她会不会被承认是充满疑问的;怀疑是否同意走。
they were doubtful that the cord would hold; it was doubtful whether she would be admitted; dubious about agreeing to go. - 吸收外国资金肯定可以作为我国社会主义建设的重要补充,今天看来可以说是不可缺少的补充。
Foreign investment will doubtless serve as a major supplement in the building of socialism in our country. And as things stand now, that supplement is indispensable. - 第十三条 开发利用水资源,应当服从防洪的总体安排,实行兴利与除害相结合的原则,兼顾上下游、左右岸和地区之间的利益,充分发挥水资源的综合效益。
Article 13: The development and utilization of water resources shall conform to the overall arrangement for flood control, follow the policy of deriving benefits while mitigating damages, and take into account the interests of both upstream and downstream, both left and right bank as well as all involved regions, so as to fully realize the comprehensive benefits of water resources. - 我的衣服里充满了绒毛。
My coat is filled with downy feathers. - 一旦雇员在工作日中看到公司解决了事务流通瓶颈问题,并摒弃了消耗时间的日常管理工作,那么他们就会意识到公司珍惜他们的时间,期望他们能对时间充分地加以利用。
When employees see a company eliminate bottleness and time-draining routine administrative chores from their workdays, they know the company values their time—and wants them to use it profitable. - 证人的出人意料的揭发充满了戏剧性。
The witness' unexpected disclosure was filled with drama. - 充满戏剧性的首脑会晤
A summit meeting full of drama. - 她的生活充满激动人心的事情.
Her life was full of drama. - 无伴奏的独唱;不需要对戏剧形式有充分理解就能感悟戏剧精髓的;无伴侣的女人是受排斥的。
the soloist sang unaccompanied; it had dramatic energy unaccompanied by an adequate sense of dramatic form; unaccompanied women were excluded. - 她正在画的那幅油画是一张既美丽而又充满活力的抽象派画;依我之见,她与其说是一位画家,倒不如说是一个绘图员。
The painting she was working on was a good, vigorous action picture; if anything, I think she was a better draughtsman than a painter. - 许多移民对这个小岛都充满恐惧。
It was looked upon with dread by the immigrants. - 为充满恐惧和担心的日日夜夜,一分都不收。
For all the nights that were filled with dread,and for the worries I knew were ahead,No Charge. - 新闻媒介用枯燥无味并大多为虚报的农业生产统计数字来充塞人们的大脑。
The press stuffed the people's heads with dreary, and largely false, statistics for agricultural production. - 战争使个国家充满了血腥。
The war drenched the country in blood. - 充满甜蜜的声音
a voice dripping with sweetness - 滴着油漆的刷子;充满猛烈抨击的演讲
A brush dripping paint; a speech that dripped invective. - 他的信中充满阿谀之词.
His letter was dripping with flattery. - 他不得不挨饿,只以一块蛋糕充饥。
He was obliged to dine with Duke Humphrey, and content himself with a piece of cake. - 用哑数据(通常是零或空白)填充一个数据块。
To fill a block with dummy data, usually zeros or blanks. - 一洼废水由废弃物质充斥的浅水体,如在垃圾堆中
A shallow body of liquid waste material, as one in a dump. - 在洛杉矶的大卫斯达乔丹高中担任化学老师的德怀特·罗根·里德先生是一位对化学具有巨大兴趣且充满热爱的老师,主要是在他的影响下,我的想像力一下被激发起来。
Largely due to the enthusiasm and obvious love of the subject displayed by my teacher,Dwight Logan Reid of David Starr Jordan High School in Los Angeles,chemistry captured3 my imagination almost immediately. - 用染料染色或者使之充满染料。
colored or impregnated with dye.