  • 要在看不见的墙壁中,摸清水的蛛丝马迹,然后对症下药。裂缝灌浆,惟幕灌浆,做防水墙,挖防水沟,窟顶防渗层,窟内通风吸湿。
    The clues to the water inside the wall but invisible to us should be ascertained so that specific remedies can be prescribed, such as, crevice grouting, grout curtain, building a waterproof wall, digging waterproof ditches, making an impervious barrier in the cave top, and ventilating the caves and absorbing the moisture in them.
  • 剪树篱;啃吃青草的羊群
    Crop a hedge; sheep cropping grass.
  • 剪和保持蜡芯的剪刀。
    scissors for cropping and holding the snuff of a candlewick.
  • 使飞机作航向偏流
    To direct an aircraft into a crosswind.
  • 使(飞机)作航向偏流正以防飘流
    To direct(an aircraft) partly into a crosswind to eliminate drift.
  • 很多人把奥尔达纳先生的革职,形容为古巴领袖不顾该国经济垮台也要防止改革的绝望措施。他们也注意了最近的宪,这些宪法上的变动把这更多的权力集中到卡斯特罗先生手里,并赋予他必要时采取紧急措施的权力。
    Many described the removal of Mr.Aldana as part of a desperate push by the Cuban leader to circle the wagon against change even as the country's economy crumbles. They noted also the recent constitutional changes that concentrate more authority in the hands of Mr.Castro, giving him emergency powers if needed.
  • 一个很小的经过剪的没有下层树丛的树林。
    a small cultivated wood without undergrowth.
  • 人工栽培的并且剪过的草地。
    a field of cultivated and mowed grass.
  • 他没多少文化修养。
    He is a man of little culture.
  • (非正式的)有高度文化养的。
    (informal) highly cultured or educated.
  • 我们还要付出许多努力,才能加入具有文化养国家的行列。
    Much still needs to be done before it can join the ranks of cultured nations.
  • 专家们有一个积极、大胆的想法,他们寄希望于在实验室中培育出一种组织,做为临时补手段贴在伤口之上。
    An aggressive, active therapy relies on tissue cultured in the lab for use as a temporary patch.
  • 可是,社会是由人组成,人民的素质、文化养可以使一个国家变得更具魅力,更加优雅。
    Yet society is made up of individuals. A good country can be crowned with charm and grace by a people who are cultured and refined.
  • 一位来自南京的朋友曾说:“我不喜欢和班上的新加坡人讲话,因为我觉得他们没什么深度,也没什么文化养。”
    A friend of mine from Nanjing once said: "I don't like to speak with the Singaporeans in class, because they lack depth and are not very cultured."
  • 读书或书籍的享受素来被视为有养的生活上的一种雅事,而在一些不大有机会享受这种权利的人们看来,这是一种值得尊重和妒忌的事。
    Reading or the enjoyment of books has always been regarded among the charms of a cultured life and is respected and envied by those who rarely give themselves that privilege.
  • 在观众提问时间,有人问他:“在人们面对饥饿的时候来谈文化是否实际?”高教授在回答时说,这种情形固然令人关切,但并不是说一个饿肚子的穷光蛋就不能够同时做一个有文化养的人,他还强调要推动文化的发展,需要教育与经济的发展。
    When asked if it would be realistic to talk about culture when one is struck by hunger, Prof. Gao expressed concern over such a dilemma and emphasized that a poor man can be one who is cultured. He also mentioned the importance of education and economic growth in sustaining cultural development.
  • 在观众提问时间,有人问他:“在人们面对饥饿的时候来谈文化是否实际?”高教授在回答时说,这种情形固然令人关切,但并不是说一个饿肚子的穷光蛋就不能够同时做一个有文化养的人,他还强调要推动文化的发展,需要教育与经济的发展。
    When asked if it would be realistic to talk about culture when one is struck by hunger, Prof Kao expressed concern over such a dilemma and emphasised that a poor man can be one who is cultured. He also mentioned the importance of education and economic growth in sustaining cultural development.
  • 查普曼,约翰1775?-1845美国拓荒者,也是许多传奇中的角色。他游历过俄亥俄河谷的广大地区,在那里种植苹果树苗、剪苹果树
    American ornithologist who was curator of ornithology(1908-1942) at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City and compiled a number of bird studies, including A Color Key to North American Birds(1903).
  • 一种聪明伶俐的狗,卷曲毛发厚而纯并通常被剪;一个古老的品种,有时被训练为猎狗或表演狗。
    an intelligent dog with a heavy curly solid-colored coat that is usually clipped; an old breed sometimes trained as sporting dogs or as performing dogs.
  • 该署亦向教师提供意见,为内地来港读小一至中三的学童剪裁合适的中、英文科课程。
    Teachers are advised on tailoring the curricula in the subjects of Chinese Language and English Language for Primary 1 to Secondary 3 students.
  • 香港的国际学校提供适合英国人、法国人和德国/瑞士人读的课程,让在港居住和工作的欧洲人的子女可接受与其国家相若的教育。
    International schools offer British, French and German/Swiss curricula to ensure that those living and working in Hong Kong can provide their children with an education that is compatible with that in their own countries.
  • 中学课程共分为五类,即文法、工业、职业先、实用及技能训练。
    There are five types of secondary curriculum: grammar, technical, prevocational, practical and skills opportunity.
  • 一九九九年九月,读文法、工业或职业先课程的学生共有454000人。
    In September, secondary schools offering the grammar, technical or prevocational curriculum had a total enrolment of 454 000.
  • 多个高级文凭及文凭课程已编为科目组,同一科目组的学员可于第一个学年读共同科目。
    Many Diploma and Higher Diploma courses have been put into subject groups and share a common year-1 curriculum.
  • 请修剪我的髭。
    Please cut my moustache.
  • 他在修剪树篱。
    He was cutting a hedge.
  • 没有通过切割、整而成型。
    not shaped by cutting or trimming.
  • 全会建议全国人民代表大会改宪法第四十五条,取消其中关于“四大”即大鸣、大放、大字报、大辩论的规定,这在保障国家政治生活的安定方面,也是一个很重要的问题。
    The session has also decided to propose to the National People's Congress the deletion of the provision in Article 45 of the Constitution concerning the si da, that is, speaking out freely, airing one's views fully, writing big-character posters and holding great debates.This action will be of great value in ensuring stability in the country's political life.
  • 你为什么不请我装你的起居室,我很会装
    Why don't you let me decorate your sitting-room for you; I am a dab hand at decorating.
  • 我要去丹麦大使馆。但愿我能拿到签证,得到这次进学习的机会。
    I'm going to the Danish Embassy. Keep your fingers crossed I'll get my visa and get the chance for further study.
  • 我们要敢于坚持真理,也要敢于正错误。
    We must dare to stand up for the truth and dare to correct mistakes.
  • 道德养有可能达到的最高境界是认识到我们应该控制自己的思想。             --达尔
    The highest possible stage in moral culture is when we recognize that we ought to control thoughts.              --Charles Darwin