  • 听说印度电影的年产量与美国差不多。但美国电影然是全球最有影响力的。
    I hear India produces almost as many movies as America, but American movies are still the most influential in the world.
  • 在亚洲地区外资流入大幅度减少的情况下,外商来华直接投资达205亿美元,基本保持上年同期水平;
    Despite the fact that capital influx from Asia came down, direct foreign investment in the country still hit US$20.5 billion, basically equaling the level of the same period in last year.
  • ……自今日起,数千名纽约市府员工将接到解雇信,通知他们为节省经理他们本月底将被解雇。
    Thousands of New York City workers are to receive pink slips starting today informing them that they will be laid off by the end of the month to save money…
  • 在南海地区蚕食中国主权权益的事件时有发生,有的域外国家也试图插手南海问题。
    Encroachments on China's sovereignty and interests in the South China Sea are not infrequent, and some extra-regional countries are attempting to interfere in this issue.
  • (英)地方法院曾经在英格兰某些城市开设的法庭,现在不定期地在伦敦开设
    A court formerly held in some English cities and still held infrequently in London.
  • 民国时期,西藏以外的藏族聚居区分别由原属省管辖。
    During the period of the Republic of China, Tibetan-inhabited areas beyond Tibet remained under the jurisdiction of the provinces where they were located.
  • 因特网不安全是固有的,而工商界需要数据在因特网上传输时保留其隐私性。
    While the Internet is inherently insecure, businesses still need to preserve the privacy of data as it travels over the network.
  • 中国是最大的发展中国家,以经济建设为中心,新中国成主后,特别是改革开放20年来,经济有了很大发展,国力明显增强,但中国毕竟是一个有着12多亿人口的国家,底子薄,人均国民生产总值很低。
    China is the largest developing country and has concentrated on economic development. Since New China was founded, especially since the initiation of the reform and opening policies two decades ago, China's economy has made rapid progress, which has enhanced the national strength. However, with a population of more than l.2 billion and a poor economic foundation, the country's per-capita GNP is still fairly low.
  • 汤姆:有时候一场比赛可以打到最后一局,而比分然是零比零。
    Sometimes a game can go right up to the last inning and the store will be nothing to nothing.
  • 电路交换有取胜的机会。
    The circuit switching still has strong innings left on its card.
  • 客栈老板之死然是个谜。
    The death of the innkeeper still remains a mystery.
  • 我们然拥有敢於创新的企业家、勤奋努力和灵活的工作人口、非常高的储蓄率,以及开放的贸易和思想。
    We still have innovative entrepreneurs, a hard working and flexible workforce, a very high savings rate, and openness to trade and ideas.
  • 铭文仍清晰可辨.
    The inscription was still legible.
  • 我仍坚持我的观点。
    I still insist on my viewpoint.
  • 你们然坚持自己的价格吗?
    Do you still insist on your price?
  • 但是,我们旧没有忘记福特先生坚持每个零件作用统一的英明思想。
    Yet we have not forgotten the wisdom of Mr. Ford's insistence on unity of purpose in every single part.
  • 亚太地区存在不稳定的因素。
    Factors of instability still exist in the Asia-Pacific region.
  • 尽管按揭利率大幅下调以及市民的负担能力亦见提高,但碍于市民对就业前景和入息是否稳定有忧虑,加上新推出的楼宇供应充裕,购买意欲然受到抑制。
    Notwithstanding substantially reduced mortgage rates and improved affordability, buying interests were restrained by concern over job security and income instability, and by the ample supply of new flats in the pipeline.
  • 举着手站了一会儿。
    He stood for an instant with his hand still raised.
  • 这个他们为了保卫自己的城市而在上面战斗过的设有枪炮眼的城垛然完好无损。
    The battlement on which they have fight to defend their city is still intact.
  • 这个他们为了保卫自己的城市而在上面战斗过的设有枪炮眼的城垛然完好无损。
    The battlement on which they have fought to defend their city is still intact.
  • 至少在表面上,[伊朗]政府宁愿与被削弱但完整的伊拉克维持领土的现状。
    … at least on the face of things the [Iranian] regime favors the maintenance of the territorial status quo with a weakened but intact Iraq…
  • 推广活动是图书馆服务的重要一环。
    Outreach programmes continue to form an integral part of the library services.
  • cgi很重要。但现在也有越来越好、越来越先进的方法与其他系统结合。
    CGI is still very important.But there are increasingly more elegant ways, more sophisticated ways, to integrate with other systems.
  • 将语音识别与应用程序完整结合,需几年时间。
    The industry is still at least several years away from full integration of voice recognition into applications.
  • 我仍然打算付帐。
    I still intended paying the bill.
  • 香港除了在学校里,在其他语文教学方面,都尽可能使用双语授课(香港学生即使在英文中学读书,课本虽是英文,但授课时是双语并用),课外更大力提倡以华语交流。
    There, schools use both languages for teaching whenever possible. (Even in the English secondary schools, the lessons are sometimes conducted in both languages though the textbooks are often in English) .Students are also encouraged to interact in Chinese outside their schools.
  • 香港除了在学校里,在其他语文教学方面,都尽可能使用双语授课(香港学生即使在英文中学读书,课本虽是英文,但授课时是双语并用),课外更大力提倡以华语交流。
    There, schools use both languages for teaching whenever possible. (Even in the English secondary schools, the lessons are sometimes conducted in other languages though the textbooks are often in English.) Students are also encouraged to interact in Chinese outside their schools.
  • 但是,他说他本人然不会主持这种婚礼。
    However, he said, he still does not personally officiate at interfaith marriages.
  • “外藏”包括西藏和西康西部地区,要求中国政府“承认外藏自治”,“不干涉其内政”,“但中国派大臣驻拉萨,护卫部队限三百人”。
    With regard to "outer Tibet," including Tibet and west Xikang, the Chinese government was requested to "recognize the autonomy of outer Tibet" and "refrain from interfering in its internal affairs;" "however, China may still send its high commissioner to Lhasa and maintain an escort army of no more than 300 soldiers."
  • 很明显,在过渡期间陈旧武器系统是非常有用的。
    But obviously they still can remain extremely useful in the interim.
  • internet现在以越来越快的速度高速发展着。
    Now Internet is still developing faster and faster.