  • 巴里和安妮老是吵不休,但现在情况真的到了严重的时刻,我害怕他们的婚姻即将破裂。
    Barry and Anne were always bickering, but things have now really come to a head and I fear that their marriage it about to break up.
  • 巴瑞-劳伦斯来自这家总部设在弗吉尼亚莱斯顿的careerbuilder公司,这家公司5月份对3,200多名随机受访者做了一项休假中是否继续工作的调查。劳伦斯总结调查结果说:"公司往往承诺每周七天,每天二十四小时全天候为顾客提供服务,否则他们的公司将会缺乏竞力。
    "People now have to respond to customers 24-7 or you're not being competitive," explains Barry Lawrence of the Reston, Va. -based Career Builder, which queried more than 3,200 respondents in May for the survey.
  • 作为美联社的摄影记者,沃思报道过导致第二次世界大战的事件。沃思经历了战的最兴奋时期,直到战的最后时刻。
    As an AP photographer,Worth covered the events leading up to World War II.Worth's war was one that went from high excitement to moments of bathos.
  • 传统的internet技术机构之间这场斗的中心是域名,即一个实体在internet网上的识别符,如mcdonalds.com或isoc.org等。
    At the center of the storm battering the traditional Internet technical organizations are domain names-identifiers, such as mcdonalds.com or isoc.org, of an entity on the Internet.
  • 他们赢了这次战斗, 但输了这场战.
    They won the battle but lost the war.
  • 那一场战付出了高昂的代价。
    The battle proved expensive.
  • 卷入矛盾或战争中
    Involved in conflict or battle.
  • 那一场战斗决定了战
    The battle decided the war.
  • 从历史上看,敌对双方会在战中进行战场上的火炮战,并且在尚未宣战的时候就开始进行火炮战。
    Historically, enemies have dudled with artillery across the battlefield in war, and even when war was not keclared.
  • 我们的军队过去是在长期的战环境中锻炼成长的,那时提升干部主要靠战场上考验。
    Historically, our army was tempered and grew through long years of war, and cadres were promoted mainly on the basis of the test of the battlefield.
  • 这方面的一个很好的例子就是海湾战。在这场战中,我们首次使用了隐形技术,并首次将现代侦察技术用于战场,这些技术具有很强的能力,我们不得不研究如何运用这些技术的战术。
    An excellent example of this is Desert Storm,where for the first time,we used stealth technology and for the first time,we took modern intelligence techniques to the battlefield.
  • 阵地敌对双方交锋的地区;战前沿
    The area of contact between opposing combat forces; a battlefront.
  • 美国之所以成为恐怖分子袭击的目标,是因为我们国家在这个世界上像一盏非常明亮的灯塔,指引人们取自由,谋求发展。
    America was targeted for attack because we're the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world.
  • 那种说法将我们正在论不已的焦点视为当然。
    The statement begs the very point we are disputing.
  • 武断地肯定争论点
    Beg the point in a dispute.
  • 是苦难与毁灭的祸根.
    War begets misery and ruin.
  • 我为她力,以求改变决定。
    I intervened on her behalf to try to get the decision changed.
  • 在国内战时期,法国国王被斩首示众。
    the French King was beheaded during the Revolution.
  • 争取女权的运动
    The movement organized around this belief.
  • 不单他一个人认为那会引起战.
    He is not alone in believing (ie Other people agree with him) that it may lead to war.
  • 因此,那种轻视武装斗,轻视革命战,轻视游击战,轻视军队工作的观点,是不正确的。
    Therefore, it is wrong to belittle armed struggle, revolutionary war, guerrilla war and army work.
  • 所以,不要小看实践是检验真理的唯一标准的论。
    Therefore, we should not belittle the importance of the discussion about practice being the sole criterion for testing truth.
  • 抗日军人中,如有轻视政治的倾向,把战孤立起来,变为战绝对主义者,那是错误的,应加纠正。
    Any tendency among the anti-Japanese armed forces to belittle politics by isolating war from it and advocating the idea of war as an absolute is wrong and should be corrected.
  • 在我们的十年战中,对于战略防御问题,常常发生两种偏向,一种是轻视敌人,又一种是为敌人所吓倒。
    In our ten years of war two deviations often arose with regard to the strategic defensive; one was to belittle the enemy, the other was to be terrified of him.
  • 我没有很好地研究,只提几点意见:(一)要同一切轻视文化工作的倾向作斗,并应克服文化工作不大众化的现象。
    Since I have not studied the question thoroughly, I shall offer only the following suggestions: 1) We should combat all tendencies to belittle cultural work and should try to make cultural work popular.
  • 我们的青年团员要不愧成为共产主义的先进战士,就一定要向轻视劳动、特别是轻视体力劳动的思想作斗,而且要以自己的模范行为带动广大青年群众投身到体力劳动的战线上去。
    To prove themselves worthy of the name of advanced Communist fighters, our Youth League members must combat views that belittle labour in general and manual labour in particular. Moreover, with their own exemplary deeds they should urge vast numbers of young people to join them at the forefront of manual labour.
  • 班要冒着一切风险取中标。
    Ben will at all risks get the bid.
  • 为鼓励各行业制定自我规管机制,从而促进竞,消委会草拟了一套工商业的基准经营守则,供各商业机构及专业团体参考,以助改善香港营商手法的水平与标准。
    To facilitate the establishment of self-regulatory regimes for enhancing competition, the council developed a Benchmark Code of Practice for companies, professional and trade associations to use as a reference to help them improve the level and standard of practices in Hong Kong.
  • 私营化的优点在於能促进相互竞
    Privatization be think to be beneficial in that it promote competition
  • 私营化的优点在於能促进相互竞
    Privatization is thought to be beneficial in that it promotes competition
  • 私营化的优点在於能促进相互竞.
    Privatization is thought to is beneficial in that it promotes competition.
  • 争辩是无好处的。
    There is no benefit to debate.