Chinese English Sentence:
  • 我已经试去做了,但是并不成功,我不能同时游泳和换气。
    I've tried to do it, but unsuccessfully. I couldn't breathe and swim at the same time.
  • 在自习时间学校维持无人监管的学习制度;可信赖的工人在一般情况下无需监管。
    the school maintains unsupervised study halls during free periods; reliable workers are generally unsupervised.
  • 不相信他被定罪了;对他自己和自己的未来不肯定;用不坚定的脚步前进;不确定的微笑;不敢相信的触摸勋章。
    uncertain of his convictions; unsure of himself and his future; moving with uncertain (or unsure) steps; an uncertain smile; touched the ornaments with uncertain fingers.
  • 法官冷漠地听被告的陈词。
    the judge listened to the accused unsympathetically.
  • 杰克,我真不明白你是怎样把自己弄得这么脏的,你看上去就像是从放学的回家的这一路上被人拖钻了脏篱笆似的。
    Jack, I just don’t know how you manage to get yourself so untidy. You look as if somebody’s been dragging you backwards through hedges all the way home from school.
  • 把一匹马从系的树上解下来
    Untie a horse from a tree.
  • 他是一个有锦绣前程的青年,可惜在一场车祸中死于非命。
    He was a young man with a bright future, but it was a pity that he came to an untimely end in a traffic accident.
  • 十二个月光阴中间,天上每日几十架飞机侦察轰炸,地下几十万大军围追堵截,路上遇了说不尽的艰难险阻,我们却开动了每人的两只脚,长驱二万余里,纵横十一个剩
    For twelve months we were under daily reconnaissance and bombing from the skies by scores of planes, while on land we were encircled and pursued, obstructed and intercepted by a huge force of several hundred thousand men, and we encountered untold difficulties and dangers on the way; yet by using our two legs we swept across a distance of more than twenty thousand li through the length and breadth of eleven provinces.
  • 他过正派清白的生活,因此完全问心无愧。
    He's lived a clean life and as a result his conscience is completely untroubled.
  • 这个假借誓言做出的声明是在说谎;虚伪的人。
    the statement given under oath was untruthful; an untruthful person.
  • 不用的房间常常积起大量灰尘。
    There is a collection of dust in an unused room.
  • 他(戈尔巴乔夫)不仅眼于即将与里根举行的高层会,一项非常重要的共产党会议仅有一个月即将召开。
    He(Gorbachev) has his eye on more than the impending summit meeting with Ronald Reagan. An unusually important Communist Party conference is only a month away.
  • 中国在防扩散及军事装备转让方面所坚持奉行的原则和做法,有利于维护世界和平和地区稳定,有助于推动国际军控与裁军沿健康的方向发展。
    The principles and measures to prevent the proliferation of weaponry and unwarranted transfers of military equipment that China has consistently upheld have helped preserve world peace and regional stability and promote the healthy development of international arms control and disarmament.
  • 中国在防扩散及军事装备转让方面所坚持的原则和做法,有助于推动国际军控与裁军沿健康的方向发展,也有利于维护世界和平和地区稳定。
    The principles and measures to prevent the proliferation of weaponry and unwarranted transfers of military equipment that China has consistently upheld have helped to promote the development of international arms control and disarmament in a wholesome way, and to maintain world peace and regional stability.
  • 他突然把手抽了回来,不愿让他碰
    She whipped her hand away, unwilling to let him touch it.
  • 老太太低头俯视,像一个无心做错事的孩子一样怯生生的,不知说什么才好。
    The old lady looked down, troubled and shy like a child who has unwittingly done wrong.
  • 只为己,活无价值。
    He is unworthy to live who lives only for himself.
  • 况且即使是装轻松的日子仍有其不成文的规定。
    Plus,even dress down days have their unwritten rules.
  • 他的眼睛对一排排人转来转去。
    His eyes moved up and down the rows.
  • 中国加入世贸组织,中国政府还将在以下九个方面采取积极措施,吸引更多的外商投资西部地区。
    With China's upcoming accession to the WTO, the Chinese government will adopt positive measures in the following nine aspects to attract more foreign investment to the western regions.
  • 这意味用户的升级仍将是在netware3.x和早期的netware4.0版本加入一种解决2000年问题的方法。
    That means an upgrade for users still plugging a way with NetWare 3.X and early NetWare 4 versions.
  • 这时那邮车隆隆响往射手山苦苦爬去。这人正随邮车跟其他乘客一起踏泥泞步行上山。
    He walked uphill in the mire by the side of the mail, as the rest of the passengers did;
  • 她从前是个大女人,看上去与其说是穿衣服,不如说是挂家具布。
    She was a large woman who seemed not so much dressed as upholstered.
  • 她从前是个大女人,看上去与其说是穿衣服,不如说是挂家具布。
    She is a large woman who seems not so much dress as upholster.
  • 从前, 在一个小村庄里住一位老人。
    Once upon a time, there was an old man living in a small village.
  • 正当我一心想你的时候,你就走进了我坐的那个房间。
    You walked into the very room I was sitting in, while you were uppermost in my mind.
  • 把瓶子放直,不要歪放。
    Put the bottle upright, not on its side.
  • 她用手支撑头部;他极力让自己支撑
    She holds her head high; He carried himself upright.
  • 南昌起义标志革命进人了新阶段。
    The Nanchang Uprising marked a new stage for the revolution.
  • 谢辽日卡听这种闹声,看见千百只眼睛瞧他,这个懒汉的灵魂充满了光荣和得意的感情。
    Seryozhka listens to this uproar, sees thousands of eyes fixed upon him, and the lazy fellow’s soul is filled with a sense of glory and triumph.
  • 大量的泥、石及其他堆积松散的物质突然坍塌,顺山坡倾滑下来就形成了山崩。
    Landslides happen when large amounts of rock, mud and other loose materials are suddenly uprooted and sent sliding down a slope.
  • 那船底朝天漂着.
    The boat floated bottom upwards, ie upside down.