| - ài yīn sī tǎn zài yǐn lì fāng miàn zuò liǎo zhòng dà gòng xiàn, tā tí chū liǎo yī tiáo xīn de yǐn lì dìng lǜ, tā de jié lùn zài yī cì rì shí cè shì zhōng bèi zhèng míng shì zhèng què de。
Einstein make achievements on gravitation. He produced a new law of gravitation. In fact, his law was tested during an eclipse of the sun. This showed that Einstein was right.- yùn xīng, mìng gōng mǒu rén chū shēng huò qí tā shì jiàn fā shēng shí shēng qǐ yú dōng fāng de huáng dào diǎn huò huáng dào shí 'èr gōng
The point of the ecliptic or the sign of the zodiac that rises in the east at the time of a person's birth or other event.- zhè zhǒng qīng biàn de píng zǐ zài yùn shū shí gèng xiǎn chū qí shēng tài yōu shì。
A lightweight bottle like this has ecological advantages when it comes to transport.- “ wǎng zhàn shàng de dì tú qīng chǔ dì xiǎn shì chū liǎo wǒ men duì dì qiú de yǐng xiǎng, ” zhù chí zhè fèn bào gào de dì xíng shēng tài xué jiā 'āi lǐ kè · sāng dé sēn zài yī fèn shēng míng zhōng rú shì shuō。
" The map of the humanfootprint is a clear-eyed view of our influence on the Earth," Eric Sanderson, a landscape ecologist who led the report, said in a statement.- zài cǐ jī chǔ shàng, zhōng guó zhèng fǔ zǔ zhì gè fāng miàn zhuān jiā, àn zhào huán jìng bǎo hù fǎ、 shuǐ tǔ bǎo chí fǎ、 yě shēng dòng wù bǎo hù fǎ děng fǎ guī jí《 quán guó shēng tài huán jìng jiàn shè guī huá》 hé《 quán guó shēng tài huán jìng bǎo hù gāng yào》 de yào qiú, tōng guò shēn rù de shí dì kǎo chá, duì qīngzàng tiě lù jiàn shè de shēng tài yǔ huán jìng yǐng xiǎng jìn xíng liǎo kē xué、 yán mì de lùn zhèng, fēn bié biān zhì liǎo huán jìng yǐng xiǎng píng jià dà gāng、 huán jìng yǐng xiǎng bào gào shū, tí chū liǎo shēng tài huán jìng bǎo hù fāng 'àn, bìng jìn xíng liǎo rèn zhēn de huán jìng yǐng xiǎng píng jià。
On the basis of this research and with arrangement by the Chinese government, specialists from various fields carried out in-depth on-the-spot investigations, and conducted a sound scientific appraisal of the impact of the railway building on Tibet ’ s ecology and environment in light of the requirements of the environmental protection, water and soil conservation, and wild animals protection laws, and those of the “ National Plan for Eco-environmental Improvement,” and the “ National Program for Eco-environmental Protection.” They compiled a report and some other documents, offering their appraisals of the environmental impacts, together with proposals for protection of the ecological environment.- tā yǐ hé suàn de fāng shì bǎ fáng zǐ zū chū qù。
She let her house at an economic rent.- jǐ zhǒng rè dài měi zhōu shù de rèn yì yī zhǒng, qí zhōng yī xiē chū chǎn yòu hěn dà jīng jì jià zhí de mù cái。
any of several tropical American trees some yielding economically important timber.- ā luó, kěn ní sī · yuē sè fū shēng yú 1921 měi guó jīng jì xué jiā。 yīn tí chū xié zhù gū jià qǐ yè fēng xiǎn hé zhèng fǔ jīng jì zhèng cè de lǐ lùn 'ér huò 1972 nián nuò bèi 'ěr jiǎng
American economist. He shared a1972 Nobel Prize for theories that help assess business risks and governmental economic policies.- liè 'áng jié fū, wǎ sī lì shēng yú 1906 é yì měi jí jīng jì xué jiā。 yīn qí cèhuà jīng jì xué fēn xī de tóu rù yī chǎn chū jì qiǎo 'ér huò 1973 nián de nuò bèi 'ěr jiǎng
Russian-born American economist. He won a1973 Nobel Prize for devising the input-output technique of economic analysis.- “ jīn róng shí dài” hé“ jīng jì xué jiā” zhè liǎng zhǒng wú suǒ bùwèi de kān wù fā chū liǎo kě pà de jǐng bào má? hái bù tài rě rén zhù mù。
Were dire warnings voiced by those omniscient organs, the "Financial Times" and the "Economist"? Not so you'd notice.- tā shàng xué dā diàn chē 'ér bù zuò chū zū qì chē , yǐ jié shěng qián。
He economized by using trams instead of taking a taxi every time he went to school.- yǔ cǐ lèi sì, yī xiē sēn lín shēng tài mó xíng yǐ jīng xiǎn shì, yī xiē shù mù de xùn sù guǎng fàn de xiāo shī kě néng huì chāo chū mù qián de fàn wéi。
Similarly, some forest ecosystem models have suggested that rapid and extensive diebacks of certain trees could occur over much of their current range.- jiàn shè xiàng mùdì huán jìng yǐng xiǎng bào gào shū, bì xū duì jiàn shè xiàng mù kě néng chǎn shēng de shuǐ wū rǎn hé duì shēng tài huán jìng de yǐng xiǎng zuò chū píng jià, guī dìng fáng zhì de cuò shī, àn zhào guī dìng de chéng xù bào jīng yòu guān huán jìng bǎo hù bù mén shěn chá pī zhǔn。
In the environmental impact statement of a construction project an assessment shall be made regarding the water pollution hazards the project is likely to produce and its impact on the ecosystem, and measures for their prevention and control shall be prescribed. The statement shall be submitted, according to the specified procedure, to the relevant environmental protection department for examination and approval.- yīn cǐ, shēng tài huán jìng bǎo hù de zhǐ dǎo sī xiǎng shì : jiān chí " lǜ sè 'ào yùn " lǐ niàn, yǐ shí xiàn běi jīng dì qū shēng tài xì tǒng liáng xìng xún huán wéi jī běn rèn wù, yǐ luò shí guān yú chéng shì huán jìng zhì liàng hé " lǜ sè 'ào yùn " de shēn bàn chéng nuò wéi mù biāo, cóng shí jì chū fā, yǐ rén wéi běn, quán miàn guī huá, fēn bù shí shī, quán miàn tuī dòng běi jīng shēng tài huán jìng gǎi shàn yǔ kě chí xù fā zhǎn, wéi 2008 nián 'ào yùn huì tí gōng yī gè qīng jié、 yōu měi de huán jìng。
Achieving Green Olympics have been taken as guiding principle of this sub-plan, which is targeted at building a sound ecosystem for the city while fulfilling environmental commitments made in the bid. The sub-plan gives full consideration to present status with first priority given to meeting the demands of the people. Phased measures are planned to realize an all-round improvement in Beijing’ s environmental quality and the sustainable development. In generally, the sub-plan aims to create a clean and beautiful environment for 2008 Olympic Games.- tā chū shén dì tīng nà yīnyuè。
He listened to the music with ecstasy. - kǒu cái zài zōng jiào kuáng rè de zhuàng tài xià shuō de huà huò fā chū de shēng yīn
Speech or vocal sounds produced in a state of religious ecstasy.- xiǎo hái zhù shì zhe nà xiē wán jù, gāo xīng dé shuō bù chū huà lái。
Speechless with ecstasy, the little boys gazed at the toys.- kuáng xǐ de yǐ kuáng xǐ wéi tè zhēng de huò biǎo xiàn chū kuáng xǐ de
Marked by or expressing ecstasy.- xīn xǐ ruò kuáng de; chū shén de xiàn yú kuáng xǐ zhuàng tài zhōng de; xīn zuì shén mí de
Being in a state of ecstasy; enraptured.- qián měi guó guó jiā yào pǐn làn yòng yán jiū suǒ (nida) zhù rèn 'ài lún · léi xīn lè zhǐ chū , zhè yī shí yàn qiáng diào liǎo yáo tóu wán duì shǐ yòng zhě de quán fāng wèi shāng hài。
Alan Leshner, a former director of the US National Institute on Drug Abuse, said: "This study emphasises the multi-faceted damage that Ecstasy can do to users.- dāng fù mǔ tū rán jiān tīng dào tā chū shēng yǐ lái dì yī cì hǎn tā men shí, tā men yī zhèn kuáng xǐ, gěi liǎo 'ā jīn hěn duō hěn duō qián。
When they suddenly heard their daughter call them for the first time since she was born, they were in such an ecstasy that they gave Ah Kin a large sum of money.- wǒ nǚ 'ér de chū shēng lìng rén xīn xǐ。
My daughter's birth was ecstatic.- biǎo dá chū xīn zuì shén mí de rè qíng de zōng jiào chéng yuán。
a member of a religion that expresses ecstatic fervor. - tā duì wǒ qù fēi zhōu lǚ xíng de jìhuà biǎo xiàn chū jí dà de xīng qù。
he reacted ecstatically to my plan to travel to Africa.- chuán shēn cháo wài gǔ chū。
The sides of the boat flanch ed outwards. - xī liú zài cǎo dì shàng chōng chū yī tiáo shuǐ dào。
The stream channel(l)ed its way through the meadow.- yī gè qí mǎ rén de shēn yǐng cóng pán xuán de wù qì zhōng màn màn lù chū , zǒu dào yóu chē bàng nà lǚ kè zhàn zhe de dì fāng。
The figures of a horse and rider came slowly through the eddying mist, and came to the side of the mail, where the passenger stood.- xiān zhào zǐ xián huái yùn qī jiān chū xiàn de gāo xuè yā zhuàng tài, tōng cháng bàn yòu shuǐ zhǒng hé dàn bái niào bìng
A condition of hypertension occurring in pregnancy, typically accompanied by edema and proteinuria.- rú guǒ 'ài dēng fū rén yìng shēng chū xiàn zài mén kǒu, bù zhī dào hè lǔ xiǎo fū huì rú hé duì huì zhè yàng de chǎng miàn。
How would he have delt with the situation had Mrs. Eden opened the in answer to his knock?- tā tīng chū liǎo shì 'ài dēng fū rén de shēng yīn。 yīn wéi zài tóu tiān wǎn shàng de yàn huì shàng, tā hé nǚ zhù rén liáo guò tiān。
He had recognized the voice to be Mrs. Eden's as during dinner the previous evening he had chatted with his hostess.- yé hé huá shàng dì biàn dǎ fā tā chū yī diàn yuán qù, gēngzhòng tā suǒ zì chū zhī tǔ。
Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the Garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.- yīn cǐ, tiān zhù shàng dì bǎ rén gǎn chū liǎo yī diàn yuán, qù gēngzhòng nà piàn zào chū tā lái de tǔ dì。
So the Lord God drove him out of the garden of Eden to till the ground from which he had been taken.