  • 资产阶级无意中造成而又无力抵抗的工业进步,使工人通过结社而达到的革命联合代替了他们由于竞争而造成的散状态。
    The advance of industry, whose involuntary promoter is the bourgeoisie, replaces the isolation of the labourers, due to competition, by their revolutionary combination, due to association.
  • 那必然会导致我和家人的居。
    It would involve living apart from my family.
  • 她对所涉及的钱数十肯定.
    She was quite positive about the amount of money involved.
  • 享某物的合法权利;钱款上的投入。
    a right or legal share of something; a financial involvement with something.
  • 妇女就业人数不断增加,行业布趋于合理。
    The number of employed women has continuously grown, and their work involvement has become rational.
  • 这常常需要有用户参与的计划,这种计划为用户提供逐步提高的析能力。
    This often requires a plan for user involvement that provides them with improved analysis capability incrementally.
  • 的表示为或包含整数的
    Expressed as or involving integrals.
  • 箱状褶翻转导致凸的部向里凹进去。
    a box pleat reversed so that the fullness is turned inward.
  • 配体,配位体配位化合物中与另一化学个体连接的离子、子或子团
    An ion, a molecule, or a molecular group that binds to another chemical entity to form a larger complex.
  • 塔兰托意大利东南部一城市,位于那不勒斯东南偏东,塔兰托湾沿岸,该湾为爱奥尼亚海的一个海口。它于公元前8世纪为希腊人中的斯巴达人所建立,在古罗马时代被称作塔兰顿。在那以后的各个世纪中该城曾被许多强国统治过。在1860年它成为意大利的一部。人口242,774
    A city of southeast Italy east-southeast of Naples on the Gulf of Taranto, an arm of the Ionian Sea. Founded by Greeks from Sparta in the eighth century b.c., it was known as Tarentum in Roman times. Ruled by varied powers over the centuries, it became part of Italy in1860. Population,242, 774.
  • 高分子离子型降解
    ionic degradation of polymers
  • 化合物能与质子结合形成一种新物质的子化合物或离子化合物
    A molecular or ionic substance capable of combining with a proton to form a new substance.
  • 在无线电通信中,电离层的三个区之一。
    In radio communications, one of the three regions which form the ionosphere.
  • 电离层中的最底层,处于地球表面以上至英里的部,反射低频无线电波。
    the lowest region of the ionosphere (35 to 50 miles up) that reflects low-frequency radio waves.
  • 通过电离层或通信卫星反射回地球的无线电波;通过这种方式能够传输过地球表面的弯曲部
    a radio wave that is reflected back to earth by the ionosphere or a communications satellite; permits transmission around the curve of the earth's surface.
  • 艾奥瓦人美洲土著居民的一支,过去居住在艾奥瓦州的部地区和明尼苏达州的西南,其后裔今天居住在内布拉斯加州,康萨斯州,和俄克拉荷马州
    A Native American people formerly inhabiting parts of Iowa and southwest Minnesota, with present-day descendants in Nebraska, Kansas, and Oklahoma.
  • 印欧语系包括欧洲的大部语言和伊朗、印度次大陆及亚洲其它一些地区使用的语言在内的一个语系
    A family of languages consisting of most of the languages of Europe as well as those of Iran, the Indian subcontinent, and other parts of Asia.
  • 布于伊朗的现代波斯语。
    the modern Persian language spoken in Iran.
  • 布在土耳其、伊朗、黎巴嫩、叙利亚和俄罗斯的一种伊朗语。
    an Iranian language spoken in Turkey and Iran and Iraq and Syria and Russia.
  • 被广泛栽培的通常长有紫色花冠的蜡菊属植物;布在欧洲南部到伊朗一带;别地也有种植。
    mostly widely cultivated species of everlasting flowers having usually purple flowers; southern Europe to Iran; naturalized elsewhere.
  • 他的亲戚大部仍住在爱尔兰.
    Most of his kindred still live in Ireland.
  • 布于爱尔兰的凯尔特语。
    the Celtic language of Ireland.
  • 不存在任何难以突破的关键技术,更谈不上利用发射铱星来提高中国多弹头的配器技术。
    There is no key technology hard to master, let alone any need to make use of iridium satellite launches for improving China's MIRV technique.
  • 虹膜切除术手术切除部虹膜
    Surgical removal of part of the iris of the eye.
  • 瓣裂的由荚开的,例如百合花或蝴蝶花的荚膜
    Opening by valves, as the capsule of a lily or iris.
  • 夜已很深了而艾丽丝还没有回家,因此怀特太太十焦急。
    Mrs white was having kittens because it was very late and Iris wasn't home yet.
  • 1905年爱尔兰共和国的一场政治运动,为了促进从英国的独立和爱尔兰的统一;成为爱尔兰共和军的政治支。
    an Irish republican political movement founded in 1905 to promote independence from England and unification of Ireland; became the political branch of the Irish Republican Army.
  • 极端子一个成立于1970年的爱尔兰共和军的极端团体的成员
    A member of the extremist faction of the Irish Republican Army established in1970.
  • 奇怪的是,将古代世界成亚洲与欧洲的法很可能是希腊人从腓尼基人也就是今天黎巴嫩人的祖先那里借用过来的。
    Ironically, the division of the ancient worldsintosAsia and Europe was probably borrowed by the Greeks from the Phoenicians, the ancestors of today's Lebanese;
  • 具有讽刺意味的是,被许多析家指责为导致裂的移民增多和文化多元趋势的主要因素实际上促成了种族和民族的融合。
    Ironically, the rise in immigration and the trend toward multiculturalism that so many analysts view as major factors leading to divisiveness actually contribute to this blending of races and ethnic groups.
  • 结果非党干部称党为“最高当局”(这是最严酷的讽刺,不幸竟有人闻之沾沾自喜!),有的消极不敢讲话,有的脱离我们以至反对我们,进步子则反为我忧虑。
    As a result, non-Party cadres regard the Party as "the supreme authority". (This is indeed a bitter irony. Yet, unfortunately, some of our Party members pride themselves on it.) Some of them have become passive and dare not speak out and others are breaking away from us and even rising in opposition to us, while the progressives are deeply worried about us.
  • 高分子辐照交联
    crosslinking of polymers by irradiation