| - 哈佛公共健康学院的报告指出,与每天运动半小时的男性相比,锻炼不积极的男性遇到勃起障碍的可能性要高40%。
The Harvard School of Public Health reports that men who were physically inactive were 40 percent more likely to experience erectile dysfunction than men who exercised a half hour a day. - 1976年,他再度出山,在“肌肉营养失调”的长期连续电视节目中,与他以前的搭档迪安-马丁联袂出击。这成为娱乐史上的一段佳话。但刘易斯说他为药所困,经常神志不清,以至他根本不记得那一次复出,并且不得不通过看录像来回忆当时情景。
His surprise reunion with former partner Dean Martin on the 1976 Muscular Dystrophy telethon made entertainment history, but Lewis said he was in such a drug fog, he didn't remember it and had to watch it on videotape. - 我要人把它打出来。
I'd like it typed. - 他渴望出人头地, 在某方面与众不同.
He was eager to get out of the (common) ruck and distinguish himself in some way. - 热切的想要学习;渴望出国旅行;渴望成功;热心的帮助者;热切的眼光。
eager to learn; eager to travel abroad; eager for success; eager helpers; an eager look. - 他盼她出国。
He is eager that she go abroad. - 但是当他们看到人们都迫切地伸出手去摸它,就让小鹿留下了。
But when they saw how eagerly one resident after another reached out to touch him, they let him stay. - 爱丽丝随时都乐意谈论她心爱的小宝贝,所以她热心地回答:“黛娜是我的猫,她抓老鼠可是好样的,简直想象不出来。
Alice replied eagerly, for she was always ready to talk about her pet: `Dinah's our cat. And she's such a capital one for catching mice you can't think! - 具有或者表现出极大的热心或者狂热。
having or showing great eagerness or enthusiasm. - 他的耐心倾听,让她毫不保留地掏出心里话。
he tried to get her ear. - 在同一篇文章的前面出现。
appearing earlier in the same text. - 我比平时早出门。
I left home earlier than usual. - 最早的在时间和次序上首次出现的;最早的
Occurring first in time or sequence; earliest. - 问:局势出现问题的最初征兆有哪些?
the earliest signs of things being wrong? - 要说出谁将赢为时太早。
It is still too early to tell who will win. - 此外,中国政府还将出资两百万美元在上海设立"亚太经合组织金融与发展项目",旨在着重加强亚太经合组织在金融领域内的人才培养,提高各成员实现经济持续增长的能力。
In addition, the Chinese Government will earmark US$2 million for the launch of the "APEC Finance and Development Project" in Shanghai, a project designed to train more financial professionals and enhance APEC members' capacity for a sustainable economic growth. - 为了赚钱,她什么都干得出来。
She stopped at nothing to earn money. - 我们出口越多,赚得就越多。
The more we export, the more we earn. - 他的谋生手段是向旅客出售明信片。
He earn his living from selling postcard to tourist. - 你别以为因为我是个文人就未尝为谋得老老实实的生活而作出努力。
You must not suppose, because I am a man of letter, that I never tried to earn to earn an honest living. - 生出、产生或挣得(利润,收入)
To produce, yield, or earn(profits or income). - 我方郑重指出,成品的质量是否合格,必须以来料质量是否合格为前提。
We wish to point out earnestly that the quality of the finished products depends of the quality of your materials. - (丙)中国共产党以满腔的热忱向中国国民党、全国人民、全国各党各派各界各军提出彻底战胜日寇的十大救国纲领。
C. In all earnestness the Chinese Communist Party proposes to the Kuomintang, to the people of the whole country, to all political parties and groups, to people in all walks of life and to all the armed forces a Ten-Point National Salvation Programme for the purpose of completely defeating the Japanese aggressors. - 纺织品服装出口占全国商品出口的23.3%,净创汇占全国净创汇的70.6%。
the textile and garment exports covered 23.3% of the country's total commodity exports and 70.6% of China's net foreign currency earning. - 他们在世界各地巡回演出近4年之久,名利双收,及至史密斯小姐决定应适可而止,方才罢休。
For nearly four years they barn-stormed the world, earning both cash and credit, until Miss Smith decided enough was enough. - 要严格控制开支,否则,一个人很快就会感到他家中入不敷出。
Unless a tight hold is kept on the purse-strings, a man can soon find that his family is spending more than he is earning. - 我入不敷出。
My earnings and spending were out of whack. - 英国无形的输出收入大半来自这一部分。
The bulk of britain's invisible export earnings come from this sector. - 英国无形的输出收入大半来自这一部分
The bulk of Britain 's invisible export earnings come from this sector - 占星术,占星学研究天体位置及外观的学术,并相信它们会影响地球上出现的自然现象及人类事务的发展进程
The study of the positions and aspects of celestial bodies in the belief that they have an influence on the course of natural earthly occurrences and human affairs. - 地震后,居民被撤出。
AFter the earthquake, residents were evacuated. - 母鸡扒出了一条蚯蚓。
The hen raked up an earthworm.