  • 箱数不太一定,因为受限于贵司信用状的关系。
    The number of cases varies. We're restricted by your letter of credit.
  • 当鸟食司要在我们当地电影院演杂技的消息传出时,我们都赶紧跑去观看。
    When the news of a free variety show at our local cinema got round, we all rushed to see it.
  • 这些东西的重量从5斤到10斤不等。
    They vary in weight from 5kg to 10kg.
  • 威尔格英格兰早期对不同价值的土地面积的丈量法,常相当于30亩(12倾)
    An early English measure of land area of varying value, often equal to about30 acres(12 hectares).
  • 裁定该司犯有逃避增值税规定管辖的罪行。
    The company is guilty of evade the vat regulations.
  • 财务主任说总经理已拒绝支持他与增值税办室的辩论。
    The finance director say the managing director have refuse to back him up in his argument with the vat office.
  • 日本侵占中国东北后,罗马教廷率先开承认日本扶植的伪“满洲国”,派驻“宗座代表”,采取实际上支持日本侵略中国的立常
    After Japan invaded Northeast China the Vatican took a stand which was, in fact, supporting the Japanese aggression. It took the lead in recognizing the puppet Manchukuo regime set up by the Japanese and sent a representative there.
  • 一旦发现,就会快速采取措施在不破坏环境的情况下控制带菌媒介的繁殖,建议众加强自我保护,为有危险的人群提供疫苗(有可能的话)以及及时的医治。
    Discovery could quickly trigger measures to control vector proliferation without harming the environment , to advise the public about self-protection , to provide vaccines ( when available) for at-risk populations and to deliver prompt treatments.
  • 那辆汽车突然驶离了路路面.
    The car suddenly veered off the road.
  • 戴尔司只有在它从最单纯的直接销售模式进行改动时才有点动摇。
    Dell, the company, has faltered only when it has veered from the purest form of its direct model.
  • 那里的妇女过去在共场合通常戴面纱。
    The women there used to veil their faces in public.
  • 对你这回行为失检,我们可以不予开,但我先把话说明白,要是你下次重犯的话,你是要受处分的。
    We shall draw a veil over your recent bad behaviour, but I must warn you that if this happens again you will be punished.
  • 共项目的一些领导人倒是乐意承认温特博士的贡献。
    Some leaders of the public project are happy to acknowledge Dr Venter's contribution.
  • 我的办室通风良好。
    My office is well ventilated.
  • 这事不该掩盖起来,而应开自由讨论。
    The matter should not be hushed up, but freely ventilated.
  • 学生们开表示了他们的愤怒
    The students ventilated their grievances.
  • 新政策在报纸上开讨论。
    The new policy was freely ventilated in the press.
  • 工人们应被允许开讨论他们所有的困难
    Workers shall be allowed full ventilation of all their difficulties
  • 工人们应被允许开讨论他们所有的困难。
    Worker shall is allow full ventilation of all their difficulty.
  • 除甄选适宜投资的科技开发项目外,创业资金司也为获得投资的司提供管理和建立网络方面的意见。
    Besides selecting technological ventures for investment, the venture capital firms provide management and networking advice to the investee companies.
  • 允许外资参与金融资产管理司的资产重组和处置,可以通过跨国并购、产业投资基金、风险投资、股份合作、特许经营等多种方式参与国有企业改组改造。
    Foreign investment is allowed to participate in assets reorganization and disposal of financial assets management companies and to participate in the reorganization and transformation of SOEs by means of cross-border mergers and acquisitions, industrial investment funds, venture capital, equity joint ventures, franchised operation and so on.
  • 布预算、判决、裁定
    Hand down a budget, legal decision, verdict
  • 再过几天,这家司就将濒临破产的边缘。
    A few more days, and the company will be on the verge of bankruptcy.
  • 1952年,他根据招聘广告来宝洁司应聘,从此就在宝洁司供职。
    He answered a P & G ad in 1952 and has worked for P&G ever since.
  • 太妙了,苏和我大约5点钟到你的办室碰头,怎么样?
    Great! Su and I will pick you up at your office about 00, OK?
  • verity司也计划到九月底让微软司的backoffice套装软件中的几个部件,如sqlserver和windowsnt成为能够搜索的。
    Verity also plans to search-enable several of the components of Microsoft's BackOffice suite by the end of September, such as SQL Server and Windows NT.
  • 在整个申办阶段,申办城市不能访问国际奥委会委员或接受国际奥委会委员的来访,也不能接受或馈赠礼物,不能借助第三方搞关活动等。
    nor send or accept gifts related with the bid. Visits by bid cities to the IOC members and the vice versa are strictly prohibited.
  • 施乐司和其他一些有远见的商家正在加快步伐开发一种和一般的纸张一样柔韧又和电脑屏幕一样多功能的材料。
    Xerox and other visionaries are racing to produce a material that's as flexible as regular paper and as versatile as a computer screen.
  • 要知道,中国地大物博,万象包罗,历史悠久,文化灿烂,我想我简短的观光访问是很难正地评价她的,还有许多地方我想去走一走,还有许多东西我想去看一看。
    You know, China is such a big and versatile country with such a long history and such a rich culture that I think my brief visit can hardly do her justice. There are still so many places I would like to visit and so many things I'd like to see.
  • 然而,如果使用uddi,司就需要以某种方式组织那些用于设计他们所提供的服务的软件接口规范及相应版本信息,并将其发布。
    However, within a UDDI registry, businesses need a way to publish information about the specifications and versions of specifications that were used to design their advertised services.
  • 为收入而投资,但只接受中低风险者,很多都转向司债券,以替代股票和政府债券。
    Investors looking for a medium-to low-risk route to income in-vesting are increasingly turning to the corporate bond market as an alternative to equities and government bonds.
  • 那么这个关联关系将无法通过查询api查询到,也就是说对众是不可见的。
    No relationship will be exposed via the Inquiry API in this case.