  • 财产合并把财产集中起来,以便平均配全部财产,如对无遗嘱被继承人的遗产的处理
    The gathering together of properties to ensure an equal division of the total for distribution, as among the heirs of an intestate parent.
  • 泄殖腔各种无脊椎动物内肠道的后部
    The posterior part of the intestinal tract in various invertebrates.
  • 肠肽酶肠内泌物和胰液中的一种酶合成物,在将多肽裂成氨基酸的过程中起作用
    An enzyme complex found in intestinal and pancreatic juices that functions in the breakdown of polypeptides into amino acids.
  • 铁蛋白一种主要存在于脾、肝和肠泌的粘液中的含铁的蛋白复合物,它是身体内储存铁的主要形式
    An iron-containing protein complex, found principally in the intestinal mucosa, spleen, and liver, that functions as the primary form of iron storage in the body.
  • 十二指肠小肠的开始部,开始于胃的底部,伸入空肠
    The beginning portion of the small intestine, starting at the lower end of the stomach and extending to the jejunum.
  • 最后,对他十了解的兄弟莫迪亚,建议用《悲怆》这个名字。
    And then his brother Modia, who knew him so intimately, suggested the word Pathetique.
  • 当革命初期,中间阶级表面上投降贫农阶级,实际则利用他们从前的社会地位及家族主义,恐吓贫农,延宕田的时间。
    In the early days of the revolution the intermediate class ostensibly capitulated to the poor peasant class, but in reality they exploited their traditional social position and clan authority to intimidate the poor peasants for the purpose of delaying the distribution of land.
  • 通常体内产生多余水是由于对食物产生排斥——即人体感知到某一食物的副作用。
    One of the commonest reasons for excess water is food intolerance where your body finds a food slightly toxic.
  • 浆血液、淋巴液或肌肉内液中的透明的淡黄色液体部,细胞悬浮在其中
    The clear, yellowish fluid portion of blood, lymph, or intramuscular fluid in which cells are suspended.
  • 当然我们会督促孩子在校取得优异的成绩,但这不表明强迫三岁的孩子们去上提琴补习课,学微积,掌握纷繁芜杂的日本茶道.。
    Sure, we would nudge the kids to excel at school. But that didn't mean we had to force them to take cello lessons, calculus for tots, and master the intricacies of the Japanese tea ceremony by age three.
  • 虽然这些技术引起了大家的兴趣,但布系统不能一夜之间把internet改造成一台巨大无比的计算机。
    Although intriguing technologies, distributed systems aren't going to transform the Internet into one vast computer overnight.
  • 前言部说明各章的编排情况。
    The introduction explains how the chapters are organized.
  • 序幕先于较重要部的介绍性表演,事件或行动;开端或序
    An introductory performance, event, or action preceding a more important one; a preliminary or preface.
  • 一个故事的介绍部
    the introductory section of a story.
  • 开场白介绍性部,如演讲
    An introductory section, as of a speech.
  • 导语新闻报道中的引言部
    The introductory portion of a news story.
  • 序言尤指论文或演说的开始或导言部
    A beginning or introductory part, especially of a speech or treatise.
  • 序诗如一首诗的介绍中性的片断或部;序言
    An introductory section or part, as of a poem; a prelude.
  • 引言部诉讼中的介绍背景的部,以说明指控的主要内容
    An introductory or background statement explaining the main allegations in a proceeding.
  • 在十月十日之前,贵公司将可得到百之十的特别折扣。
    You will receive a special introductory discount of10% which we can maintain before October10.
  • 前言,序言尤指非作者所写的书的序言或介绍性部
    A preface or an introductory note, as for a book, especially by a person other than the author.
  • 她对付那些闯入的歹徒表现得十勇敢。
    She show a lot of pluck in dealing with the intruder.
  • 在陆地生态系统中,当传人者带来十不同于那些当地物种特性的物种时,会发生最大的变化。
    In terrestnal ecosystems, the largest changes occur when the intruder brings quite different traits from those of native species.
  • 入侵型病毒侵入已有的程序,实际上是把病毒程序的一部插入到主程序中。入侵型病毒难以编写,在去除它们时常常会破坏主文件。
    Intrusive viruses Invade an existing program and actually insert a portion of themselves into the host program. Intrusive viruses are hard to write and very difficult to remove without damaging the host file.
  • 入侵型病毒侵入已有的程序,实际上是把病毒程序的一部插入到主程序中。
    Intrusive viruses invade an existing program and actually insert a portion of themselves into the host program.
  • 它永远在流淌,但不恣行无忌或泛滥成灾,它为相爱双方提供了一方基地,他们可以由此出发去追寻各自在这个世界中的目标与理想,也可以返回基地去享彼此的经历。
    Ever-present but not intrusive or overwhelming, it provides a base from which both partners can pursue their down goals in the world, and to which they can return to share their experiences.
  • 寄生虫剥夺别人利益或过依赖他人生活的人;寄生虫
    A person who is intrusively or overly dependent upon another; a parasite.
  • 她有那么几观察的天赋和女性特有的直觉。
    She had some slight gift of observation and that sense, so rich in every woman--intuition.
  • 这我就不清楚了,但在你第一个四之一场长距离跳投得时,凭直觉我知道我们能赢了。
    I don't know. But after you hit that long jump-shot in the first quarter, I knew we were going to win by intuition.
  • 凭直觉我们认为,随着压力的增加,工作质量会下降,但这只说对了一部,如图所示,当工作负荷从较低逐步上升到适中水平时,工作质量将达到一个最佳状态。
    Based on intuition, we might assume that performance suffers as workload increases. This is only partially correct. As indicated in Figure 1, as workload increases from low to moderate, performance improves to an optimal level.
  • 癌细胞可能侵袭身体的其他部
    The cancer cell may invade other parts of the body.
  • 这是入侵文化和接受文化两种成的融合
    This is a blend of element of the invade and recipient culture