  • 利用船舶倾倒废弃物的,由驶港的港务监督核实。
    Wastes to be dumped by means of vessels shall be supervised and verified by the harbour superintendency administration at the port of departure.
  • ,转储转内存数据的例子或结果
    An instance or the result of dumping stored data.
  • 除非没有其他在环境上可行的处置方法,而把废物倾入海中又无不良影响,否则环保署并不容许把多余的挖物料及其他建筑废料倾倒入海。
    Marine dumping of surplus excavated material and other construction wastes is not permitted unless there is no other environmentally feasible disposal option and the marine dumping of the waste has no undue adverse impact.
  • 倾倒废弃物的船舶须向驶港的港务监督作书面报告。
    Vessels that have finished the said dumping must present a written report to the harbour superintendency administration at the port of departure.
  • 需要倾倒废弃物的单位,必须向国家海洋管理部门提申请,经国家海洋管理部门审批,发给许可证后,方可倾倒。
    Units that need to dump wastes must file an application with the state administrative department of marine affairs and the dumping may be carried out only after a permit has been granted by the department.
  • 那四架飞机昨天各动两次.
    The four planes each made two sorties yesterday.
  • 在那之后,研究工作取得了飞速进展。美国官员认为,如果用无人驾驶飞机承载一枚微波炸弹,只需动一个架次就可以产生1000次高能量脉冲,从而击中100个目标。
    Since then, research has advanced so rapidly that US officials believe a single microwave device carried by an unmanned aircraft could hit 100 targets with 1,000 pulses of high-intensity energy on a single sortie.
  • 第一幕启幕时,舞台上现了地主家里的一个地牢。
    In the first act the curtain goes up on a dungeon in a landlord's house.
  • 地下土牢顶部有一供入的活板门的土牢
    A dungeon with a trap door in the ceiling as its only means of entrance or exit.
  • 只有在牢顶有口的地下牢房。
    a dungeon with a trap door in the ceiling that is tis only means of entry or exit.
  • 哈里顿就像个羽毛还没长好的篱雀似的给扔去了!
    And Hareton has been cast out like an unfledged dunnock!
  • 其中有几部,如《匈牙利嬉游曲》、《幻想曲》和《大二重奏》是他的最杰的作品的一部分。
    some of them like the Hungarian Divertimento, the Fantasy, and the Grand, Duo, arc among his most splendid pieces.
  • 把果肉挖来和糖一起食用.
    Scoop out the pulp and serve it with sugar.
  • 她从口袋里舀面粉。
    She scooped flour out of the bag.
  • 而且还指那家公司财产状况的各项报告、函件,使我得到一个极大的收获。
    He loaded me down with facts, figures, reports and correspondence. In the parlance of newspaper reporters,I had a scoop.
  • 折断并打开一片尖尖的叶子,把它那粘稠无色的凝胶挖来就可以直接敷在皮肤上,用于治疗烧伤、湿疹、割伤、溃疡、牛皮癣、伤疤和太阳灼晒。
    Break off the spiky leaf and open it up, scoop out the sticky colourless gel to put directly on to the skin to heal burns, eczema, cuts, ulcers, psoriasis, scars and sunburn.
  • 而我呢,虽然玛格丽特任何一件用品上都没有我姓名的开头字母,可是我刚才承认过的那种于本能的宽容和那种天生的怜悯,使我对她的死久久不能忘怀,虽说她也许并不值得我如此想念。
    For my own part, though my monogram figured on none of Marguerite's dressing-cases, the instinctive forbearance and natural pity to which I have just admitted led me to dwell on her death for much longer than it perhaps warranted.
  • 继续密切注视什么了差错
    Kept dwelling on what went wrong.
  • 没于大西洋海岸的海底小鲨鱼。
    small bottom-dwelling shark found along both Atlantic coasts.
  • 开除或强迫从以前的位置退
    remove or force from a position of dwelling previously occupied.
  • 地主拥有或租土地、建筑物或居住单元的人
    A person who owns and rents land, buildings, or dwelling units.
  • 女地主拥有供租的土地或居住单元的女性
    A woman who owns and rents land, buildings, or dwelling units.
  • 1952年,文森豪威尔转而从政,并证明他在政治舞台上同样是一名色的领袖。
    Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969) Turning to politics in 1952, Eisenhower proved to be a successful commander in that field also.
  • 从这些植物中提炼来的染料
    The dye from any of these plants.
  • 茜素从该植物根中提的一种红色染料
    A red dye obtained from the roots of this plant.
  • 根据市场需求和纺织行业自身的技术状况,重点围绕服装面料顶替进口和扩大口,对与此有关的染整、织造、纺织、纤维及设计开发领域进行技术改造,突提高企业的技术创新能力。
    The industry will adjust itself according to the demand on market and its own technical conditions. Stress will be put on developing import-substitute clothing fabrics and enlarging exports. To reach the goal, the textile industry will carry out technical reform on related textile production links including dyeing & finishing, weaving, fiber processing and garment design, so as to make textile enterprises more efficient and innovative.
  • 从熄灭的火堆上飘的烟
    Smoke trailing from a dying fire.
  • 他们看得,他已危在旦夕。
    They could see he was dying.
  • 然后,此服务器从目录中挑选政策信息,按照规定的政策动态配置网络。
    The server then culls policy information from the directory and dynamically configures the network based on the defined policies.
  • 根据科技进步和奥运建设发展的需求,突奥运科技工作的开放性和动态性,积极采取招投标方式,整体规划,分批、分期滚动实施。
    According to the requirement for S&T progress and the development of the Olympics construction, we should highlight the opening up and dynamics of the Olympics S&T work and actively adopt the mode of bidding and inviting tenders and completely Plan this work and implement it by batches, by stages and in succession.
  • 中国参与了全球性海洋科研活动,包括全球海洋污染研究与监测、热带海洋与全球大气研究(toga)、世界大洋环流试验(woce)、全球联合海洋通量研究(jgofs)、海岸带陆海相互作用研究(loice)、全球海洋生态系统动力学(globec)等,为推动全球海洋科技合作作了积极努力。
    China has also taken part in global oceanographic activities, including the GSMMP (global studies and monitoring of marine pollution), the TOGA (tropical ocean and global atmospheric project), the WOCE (world ocean circulation experiment), the JGOFS (joint global ocean flux study), the LOICE (land-ocean interaction in the coastal zone), and the GLOBEC (global ocean ecosystem dynamics), making positive efforts to promote worldwide oceanographic cooperation.
  • 我相信,只要香港同胞发扬长期以来艰苦创业、勇于拼搏的优良传统,香港经济就一定能够不断焕发新的生机和活力,就始终有着光明的发展前景。
    I am confident that as longas our Hong Kong compatriots carry forward their fine traditions of courage, industry and enterprise, Hong Kong's economy will retain its famed dynamism and be always blessed with a bright future.