  • 利用多次垂直扫描来重显一幅完整图象的扫描技术。电视中使用2:1的交错率,即每帧两场,垂直扫描两次,一场扫描奇数行,另一场扫描偶数行。
    In scanning, the technique of using more than one vertical scan to reproduce a complete image. In television, 2:1 interlace is used, giving two vertical scans(fields) per frame; one field scans odd lines, and one field scans the even lines of the frame.
  • 网状物交织在一起的部的结合体;网状物
    A combination of interlaced parts; a network.
  • 任何象海星的动物,其纤细且复杂支交错的臂从圆盘中部伸出。
    any starfish-like animal of the genera Euryale or Astrophyton or Gorgonocephalus having slender complexly branched interlacing arms radiating from a central disc.
  • 现在有15钟的中间休息.
    There will now be a 15-minute interlude.
  • 发挥行业协会和中介机构的作用,改革和完善其自律机制,重视广大群众和新闻媒体的监督作用。
    We need to give full play to the role of industrial associations and intermediary organizations, change and improve their mechanisms of self-discipline and attach importance to supervision by the general public and news media.
  • 中介成分体系
    system of intermediate constituents
  • 一个东西的中间部
    an intermediate part or section.
  • 许多外国人到中国访问,只看到上海、北京、深圳等发达城市,较少到中国中西部比较贫困和落后的地区,他们很难想象中国还有5000万人尚未摆脱贫困,我们国家制定了三步走的发展战略,计划到下个世纪中叶达到中等发达国家的水平。
    During their visits to China, most foreigners only toured developed cities such as Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen, but not poverty-stricken and backward central and west regions. So they cannot imagine that there are still 50 million Chinese living in poverty. We have made a three-step strategy for development, the target for the mid-21st century is to reach the level of intermediately developed nations.
  • 子扩散运动两种或更多种物质的子由于随机的热运动自发混合在一起
    The spontaneous intermingling of the particles of two or more substances as a result of random thermal motion.
  • 今天大部时间天气晴朗,有间断阵雨。
    Today will be mostly fine and sunny, with intermittent shower.
  • 今天大部时间天气晴朗,有间断阵雨。
    Today will is mostly fine and sunny, with intermittent shower.
  • 子作用力在液体表面引起的一种现象。
    a phenomenon at the surface of a liquid caused by intermolecular forces.
  • 生物电子学生理过程中子间电子转移作用的研究
    The study of the role of intermolecular electron transfer in physiological processes.
  • 子的凝聚力使物体各部聚合在一起的子间相互的吸引力
    The intermolecular attraction by which the elements of a body are held together.
  • 使子聚集在一个固体或液体内的子间的力。
    the intermolecular force that holds together the molecules in a solid or liquid.
  • 内部里面的部或地区
    The internal portion or area.
  • 花篮螺丝,松螺旋扣一种金属的连接环呈椭圆形,两端有内旋螺纹,用来拧紧带螺纹的拉杆的两个部从而调整拉杆的张力
    A metal coupling device consisting of an oblong piece internally threaded at both ends into which the two sections of a threaded rod are screwed in order to adjust the tension of the rod.
  • 把国际主义的内容和民族形式离起来,是一点也不懂国际主义的人们的做法,我们则要把二者紧密地结合起来。
    To separate internationalist content from national form is the practice of those who do not understand the first thing about internationalism. We, on the contrary, must link the two closely.
  • 另外,与此同时,一种新型的进行基础研究的革命方法已经扎根在古老的欧洲大陆。这种方法在经历了战争创伤之后倔强地形成了新的特色:强有力的科学合作国际化运动——这一观念在当今十流行,而在当时却根本无人知晓。
    At the same time, yet a new revolutionary way of carrying out fundamental research had found its roots in the Old Continent, then struggling to emerge after the disasters of war to new prosperity, namely, a strong movement of internationalism in scientific cooperation at a time in which such a concept -- so popular today -- was essentially unknown.
  • 虽然这一点十明显,但这并非是以国际合作为基础的研究工作取得杰出成就的惟一原因。
    Although most apparent, this is not the only reason for the remarkable success of internationally based research.
  • 因特网把信息成包。
    The Internet breaks information pieces into packets.
  • 国际互联网流量上升了百之三十万。
    Web traffic over the Internet increased by 300,000%.
  • 这些会话可能包括因特网多媒体会议、远程学习、因特网电话通话和多媒体配等。
    These sessions may include Internet Multimedia conferences, distance learning, Internet telephone calls and multimedia distribution.
  • 大部学生相信业余工作会使他们有更多机会发展人际交往能力,而这对他们未来找工作是非常有好处的。
    The majority of students believe that part-time job will provide them with more opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills, which may put them in a favorable position in the future job markets.
  • 政权交接后,国际刑警组以中国国际刑警科的一个支在国际刑警组织(通称国际刑警)中代表香港警队。
    Since the transfer of sovereignty, the Interpol Division represents the Force as a sub-bureau of the China National Central Bureau, in the International Criminal Police Organisation (ICPO), better known as Interpol.
  • 该科的联络组负责与内地警方接触,并与北京的国际刑警组织中国国家中心局、广东联络处、广东省深圳及珠海联络处和其他执法机关保持紧密的联系,而中国国家中心局有两名联络人员派驻本港。
    The bureau's Liaison Division maintains contacts with the Mainland police authorities. Close liaison has been kept with Interpol China National Central Bureau in Beijing, the Guangdong Liaison Office, Shenzhen and Zhuhai Liaison Sub-Offices in Guangdong Province and other Mainland law enforcement organisations. Two liaison officers from the China National Central Bureau are attached to Hong Kong.
  • 在dec操作系统vax/vms中,将一个命令串成有关的几部来解释它。
    In VAX/VMS, breaking a command string into its elements to interpret it.
  • 纽形动物扁形动物门的一个纲,具有柔软身体、常常是鲜艳颜色的蠕虫,无体腔、不节、可收缩,生活在海中或潮湿地带的泥中
    Any of several velvety, usually brightly colored worms of the phylum Nemertina(or Nemertea) that have a flat, unsegmented body with an extensible proboscis and live in the sea or in the mud of the intertidal zone.
  • 在一出剧的两部中间,常有幕间休息。
    In between parts of a play, there is often a interval.
  • 三音三之一的间隔时间
    An interval of a third.
  • 政府干涉配商品和资源起重要作用的非市场经济。
    a non-market economy in which government intervention is important in allocating goods and resources and determining prices.
  • 带有枝的树桩相互交织形成的篱笆。
    stakes interwoven with branches to form a fence.